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Deceased Rose Ruby Cleary


Lord of Altera
Rose was missing for a period of 9 months, 5 of those months she locked herself somewhere, and for the 3 other months she was kidnapped by a /certain somebody/, where she was taken to an un-disclosed location. She escaped, finding herself back at her hiding hole, where the Chaos God was summonded and that /certain person/ kidnapped her again, this time taking her to another, un-disclosed location for 1 month. Rose escaped again, and now is living low-life, trying not to get too much attention brought to her.


Lord of Altera
Rose willingly gave her sou-I mean...allegiance to Asgar, the God of the Skies, Clouds, and Flying Beasts. She was invited to join House Silverian, and then also got her own house in Silverwatch. Her home in Al'Bathor will not be sold, but she more use it as a storage rather than a place to live. I repeat, SHE IS NOT MOVING FROM AL'BATHOR. She only has a second house in Silverwatch. :3

She had to sadly sell The Fat Rob's Bakery, due to limited time and limited costumers. It's now full of free things such as wheat, sugar, sugar canes....etc. Feel free to stop by and take whatever.

Edit: You will not know that Rose worships Asgar unless she tells you RP.
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Lord of Altera
Rose Ruby Cleary was last seen in Aellyr, she's been missing for 4 weeks. But some say they saw her in Al'Bathor, and Silverwatch. Nobody is really sure. She was last seen talking to somebody outside The Senatoor's Manor, in Aellyr. She was also seen on the roof of Cadwall, (Cadwell?) talking to a blue shirted man. (Investigation recommended)

@Bob_the_BuilderPet @GrimReaper @ACU20 @Jaypate


Lord of Altera
Rose has been found in her basement. Nothing appears to be wrong, other than she said something about her "Mentor" convincing her to stay there. It seems she was looking for answers by praying to her main God, Asgar.

Her home in Al'Bathor will remain boarded up for the time being.


Lord of Altera
Rose has confessed to "Mentor" that she likes him....a lot. He has accepted, now the only trouble Rose has is telling certain somebody. @Jaypate