Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artwork of a Ghost

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Little bit of an update to what's going on with my drawings right noooow, I have realised to myself that the software I have been using wasn't well known for a reason.. because it's terrible.... so I'm planning to do something about that instead of putting up with it
This will be a painful process!

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Update number 2, the graphics software I was going to try out didn't work and was.. in spanish, but I'm not going to give up on finding one that I like!

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Final mini update number three, thanks to my amazing and lazy friend he has given me his access to Photoshop cs3! I'm going to stop looking around for graphics software now and start doing what I should have been; drawing, so expect artwork to be..
Coming soon..

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Bumps along the road will surely happen as I attempt to use this new, foreign-to-me piece of software, but I gave it a go on Nova and here's how it turned out, so I'd love some feedback


The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Not likes, feedback! And also I am slowly understanding that time = results, and I don't put enough time into my drawings for them to look as 'breathtaking' as I want them too


Lord of Altera
I guess the main reason I think your pictures are so good is cause they're (much) better than anything I could do, so as long as you don't try cheerleading or attracting boys you can take my breath away easily.

But honestly, anyone who's a truly great artist is never happy, that's why they get better and better all the time. The fact you aren't happy is what makes your art so good, so don't be sad; just make another even better one.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I guess the main reason I think your pictures are so good is cause they're (much) better than anything I could do, so as long as you don't try cheerleading or attracting boys you can take my breath away easily.

But honestly, anyone who's a truly great artist is never happy, that's why they get better and better all the time. The fact you aren't happy is what makes your art so good, so don't be sad; just make another even better one.
If I could like that comment more than once I would; the reason I love my avatar so much is because deep down the original base was someone else's design, and I would like to get to a point with my art that I can myself look back and smile and not always think that I could do better.
I want to live the dream!

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I have aquired a lot of time, and even though I am using it to rp somewhat because I really need to get back on the server (seriously, people are starting to forget me :confused:) I will be using most of the time drawing, which is where you, the person reading this, comes in. I want ideas for something to draw, it could be a very simple idea, it could be an idea from some inspiration from a poster, whatever, I just need an idea that's awesome! My time only lasts for tonight, so if you have an idea don't be afraid to post it as soon as possible :)

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I like this thread of mine, it's a nice place where I can put my thoughts as well, and they may be off topic but who cares, it's my thread. For example, how because I have been ill for 2 weeks come tomorrow and I go to the forums to find that people have liked my posts has really put me in a better mood, makes you feel good to be in this kind of a community.

I have feelings, sue me :p


Lord of Altera
I like this thread of mine, it's a nice place where I can put my thoughts as well, and they may be off topic but who cares, it's my thread. For example, how because I have been ill for 2 weeks come tomorrow and I go to the forums to find that people have liked my posts has really put me in a better mood, makes you feel good to be in this kind of a community.

I have feelings, sue me :p
Will do... *runs of to get a lawyer*