Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artwork of a Ghost


Lord of Altera
Bu bu bu but that was a sketch?! What if the finished thing is worse?!?!? :eek:
It won't be worse, and to prove that I will show you a sketch and a finished piece of art...

Now tell me, which is better?

2013-01-21-204032.jpg EPIC KORRA PIC.jpg

Sorry for taking the spotlight away from you but I had a point to prove, the finished picture is allways better than the partly done sketch. :)

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
It won't be worse, and to proove that I will show you a sketch and a finished piece of art...

Now tell me, which is better?

View attachment 18699 View attachment 18700

Sorry for taking the spotlight away from you but I had a point to prove, the finished picture is allways better than the partly done sketch. :)
Aaaah, ooooh, hmmmm...... I see your point, but I reject it immediately :p Let me be just a little self-judging, just this once?


Lord of Altera
( Sorry, I misread your 'Let me be self-judging for once' as: Can I judge that picture cause it's like ****? )

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
9817502142.. 50 % done..91825016250

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
100 % done (no numbers this time :p)

newavataar copy.jpg

Okay, had a good look? Alright, talking time. The drawing above is the representation of how un-motivated I was to draw, not because of the quality of the final result, which I'm quite happy about, but the time between me saying I was going to draw Epsilon and Nova together, again. What will happen now is that I will practice drawing anime again (remember way back in this thread when I did that?) yet anime is almost completely different to my drawing style right now, so I was wondering..

Should I post my anime drawings on this thread, or create a new one, giving myself a 'fresh start'? Also, this 'fresh start' will mean I will post less here, but because I have kept this thread going for so long, I can't just say goodbye to it..

Replies that answer soon are appreciated, replies that answer sooner will constructive thoughts are much more appreciated!


Lord of Altera
I think you should keep them all in this thread, as if you don't you'll be neglecting this thread for preference of the other one. Also when you say Anime do you mean actual still pictures or moving ones?

(And now to wait an hour or two and then post something constructive.)

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I think you should keep them all in this thread, as if you don't you'll be neglecting this thread for preference of the other one. Also when you say Anime do you mean actual still pictures or moving ones?

(And now to wait an hour or two and then post something constructive.)
Only drawings, no moving pictures, too advanced :D And alright, that's one viewpoint that is looking very favourable right now!

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well, I have chosen to keep all of my drawings here, I just love this thread too darn much :3
As well as deciding to draw anime, I have to learn how to as well, meaning that you, the reader/viewer/whoever you are can witness me progress from simple to, hopefully, complex!

And I have to start simple..

eye sketch copy.jpg


Lord of Altera
Ok I'm gonna take a leap here and say... I love her quirky smile.

Just one small point though... I can only see part of her left eye.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Ok I'm gonna take a leap here and say... I love her quirky smile.

Just one small point though... I can only see part of her left eye.
Oh yeah, don't worry, I know :p What I have found interesting so far is that thin eyebrow = female, larger eyebrow = male
It helps to know what people perceive as female and male, so thanks :)


Lord of Altera
Yeah that was my leap, I was hoping it was meant to be a girl. ;)

It's great though, and I'm sure you'll build it up to a whole face, a whole head, and so on till you have a great picture.


Lord of Altera
A slight tip, girls don't do bald very well. When I'm drawing I tend to do hair before anything else, it's a good tip.