Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artwork of a Ghost


Lord of Altera
*cuteness overload* ( Anything adorable I will now not see ever again... )

Hey Bette, where's your profile picture?

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
(^ That was just a sketch by the way)
Finally settled on a name; for my character to be a statue, he had to be a statue in the first place..


The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well (I can't believe I am teaching Gibbles :eek:) Arma is nice to draw as because of her colour her features all blend into one silhouette of a shape, but sometimes (like in my avatar) extra detail is needed to define the features, like the wings, or beak. The body of a bird is always curved, like a penguins if you will, and the wings will always have almost the same surface area as the body, so that they can put them to their sides, and the beak is very prominent for most birds, but there are exceptions when it comes to chubby birds

And here's a picture of Arma on Nova's shoulder just for the heck of it



Lord of Altera
Well (I can't believe I am teaching Gibbles :eek:) Arma is nice to draw as because of her colour her features all blend into one silhouette of a shape, but sometimes (like in my avatar) extra detail is needed to define the features, like the wings, or beak. The body of a bird is always curved, like a penguins if you will, and the wings will always have almost the same surface area as the body, so that they can put them to their sides, and the beak is very prominent for most birds, but there are exceptions when it comes to chubby birds

And here's a picture of Arma on Nova's shoulder just for the heck of it

I thought you were awesome, but you just take shortcuts. :p

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
For future reference I will not be posting pictures that I draw for bette's thread on this thread, because every picture I draw has a purpose, and that is not to be posted as many times as possible ;)