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The Dark Mage [Character Dead]


The Anime loving Brony
EDIT [19/07/2013] Profile is extremely out of date.
Short list of changes, will make a new thread eventually:
He is not dead.
His appearance has changed
He's less powerful
Less crazy, although not by much.
That's all I can really think of at the moment. And even so, that's not really right.....
Just assume that it's different.

The child looked around the cave, no more than 16 years old, and searched for the mysterious Voice..
He saw wonderous treasures, Heaps of Gold coins, Statues of Rich Metals worth more than 10 kingdoms, and saw nothing but the armor.It was on a plain wooden stand.
It was made of some strange metal, stronger than Iron and yet, he could plainly see a fabric that resembled Black silk connecting the Pieces of metal.The chestguard was engraved with a strange symbol in the area of the bearers heart and was Icy to the touch.The shoulder-guards were Identical in every way, right down to the symbols on it.The vambraces and spiked Gauntlets were also of this strange metal. The whole thing emanated power.
The lower half of it looked like the Dress type garb favoured by the Assassins,Made of the same black silk, with a silver trim of the Metal around the edges.The shin-guards were etched with Runes and made of the same, unknown Metal
There was the voice again, calling to him, urging him to try on the Armor. It was so entrancing.. He reached out, his Mothers words of warning”Leave Magic well enough alone!” unheeded, and indeed, This was magic. He pulled on the body and Leg armor, and felt power rush through his Veins. He felt Invincible!
On the table beside the stand, was a scabbard. It contained within a sword of such magnifigance, a king would be proud to bear it. It had a handle made of the deepest Ebony, such Dark Black that he got lost in it.The Crossguard had upon it a decoration in the shape of a Daemons Skull. The Blade was made of the same metal of the Armor and emanated a malevolent aura so strong that it seemed to dim the lights around him.
It seemed right to strap it on his side, the Voice approved. He pulled up the hood and he knew instinctively that his face was in deepest shadow. Suddenly, a rush of images played themselves out in his mind. The scene that he had just went through, replayed a thousand times, in different places, with different species finding the armor, all with the same ending.
He grew fearful and heard the Voice laughing.There was a flash of black Light, and the Boy was no more.....


The Anime loving Brony
Name: Shadowsmalls

Nickname/Alias: Shadow , “The Chaos bringer” (a title found through lot's of research and trickery)
As the Mage seem's to have the ability to re-incarnate himself by binding parts of his soul in objects, it is impossible to determine his true age. It is not inconceivable to assume that his age might be around the same as the King's, if slightly less.
Gender: male
Height: 6 ft. 3 inches.
We have no actual weight for this mysterious figure, but it look's to be somewhere between 10 and 12 stone, although he does not look overweight, he seems rather ethereal when looked at out of the corner of your eye.
Only one intensive study of this figure has been conducted, by N'garzel Dr'agma, a Dwarven Lore-Keeper in the great Library of Mar'glesh, the ruined city. In it, he makes reference to a single time he removed his hood, and banished the Helm of shadows that protected his face. He described his hair as black so dark, you could easily lose your soul to it's ever shifting pattern's of power.
As with his Hair and skin, his face is, without exception, covered by a mask of shadows. However, in the study mentioned above, the one time he did remove his covering of Shadow's, his eye's where blood red.
His skin is completely covered by his strange armor, yet investigations as to his origin's give fragmented report's of his skin being pale, pale white.
Identifying Marks:
None to speak of, yet is never without his strange robes, that, although look like silk and other such materials, has the strength to block a blade of the purest diamond, suggesting magical materials, or one of the Ancient Robes that we have heard about from traveler's in the Cataclysm.
He is eternally cloaked in an aura of darkness, and is never seen out of his Armor. It is made of a strange metal, and has an under-fabric that appears to have been woven out of pure Darkness. At his side is his Sword. No-one has ever been able to give a clear description of what the sword looks like as it gives off a feeling of unease and nausea.
During the day, his Armor loses its integrity and becomes weaker then leather Armor. His powers are hidered in direct sunlight, and leaves him only with the power of flight. Direct sunlight hinder's his power's, and decreases his attacking swiftness and accuracy with his sword. But it seems that the longer he is on a planet, the more he seems to be able to adapt, with his powers growing stronger with each passing moon.....
Not much is known about Shadow's original form. What has been gathered of his life has painted a bloody path through the Greatest Cities of their Times, all of which fell into ruin shortly after his arrival, earning him the title “Chaos Bringer”.
When the original was just entering Manhood, he stumbled across a strange creature, alone and weakened in the forest. He looked at it for a long while.
You should be Terrified”, the Beast said.
I should be, but I am not.”, replied the Boy, “Who, or what, are You?”
He told the boy his name, one that bears significance still to those who live now.
I have caused the deaths of A thousand Empires, I can dethrone Kings with a single word”, said the creature,” My name is Urlast, Drago and many others.... and I am in need of your Aid”.
The boy was fascinated, unlike many of his kind, he never felt fear, or loss, or Love. Only anger and a strange, cold detachment. He looked at the creature and said;
I will help.”
He pledged his eternal Allegiance to the Beast and said;
Tell me, what Manner of Being are you?”
I am a Being of great power.”, replied the Creature,” And you are my General upon this World”.
Yes, I am, and you are not injured.”, replied the boy,” I am not some ignorant Mundane, or a foolish Humani, I am a Mage and I could see your strands of power coiling around you, and giving the appearance of injury.”
The Creature was intrigued, This was a Man of great power, he mused to himself, Yet he , unlike many others, does not deny it, he knows the full limits of his power, and seeks out means to have more.
Tell me this”, He said,” If I was to give you power beyond your wildest dreams, what would you do?”
Anything,”the Boy replied.
The Beast smiled, and gave him tenfold his current power, still not even half of the Being's own, yet he himself was surprised by the results. The power's combined Violently and a massive shockwave flattened many of the tree's in a Mile radius around them in the Forest.
Even in the Bright sunlight, An aura of darkness surrounded the Boy, Powerful enough to be seen by even the most magikless Dwarf, and the child relished it. The Creature created Armor to fit the Boy, and gave him his own blade, all of which were forged by pure Power.
To fully show that you will do my Bidding, there is one thing you must do for me”, said the God.
Destroy your Village.”

Seven hours later
The boy stared at the smoldering remains of the Village he grew up in, and loved it. He had always hated the thing, it's Confining Borders, useless rules, and eternal Good cheer. He had slaughtered everyone he knew and He didn't care. None had escaped, not the Young or the Old, the Women or the Children. All had perished at his blade.
A Concussion struck the Air around him, and a Black Portal opened up beside him, and out stepped his Master, in the Guise of a young man in Black Robes.
You have done well”, He said.
Come, it is time for you to learn how to fully use your Magik, and Preform Spells that will Never have been seen by any upon this planet, but the Gods and the Beings that Rule.”
Yes Drago, My Master, my Teacher, My Lord.”
And side-by-side, they stepped into the Portal.


The Anime loving Brony
The birth of Azrael (Part one)
The lone figure stared out across the city from the rooftops. The great Astral City, in all it's glory. It was pathetic how the small, fragile people in their homes thought that stone walls would prevent disaster. Still, it had managed to elude destruction for over 100 years, which was admittadly impressive. The Councilman was walking the street's below him, on the way to the meeting.
As Shadow stared out across the sea of humanity, he thought over what his Master had told him to come here for.
Shadow” The voice had called, across the world's, reaching him almost instantly, “Come to me Shadow”.
And he did. It was a simple matter now to open a rift to his Master. He walked out onto a lush, green plain. His master standing less than five feet from the opening. He looked at him.
You are getting better”,Said the Master,”now, I have a job for you”
What is it Master?”
This is the World of Maelentar, and on the other side of those hills”, he said, pointing to a large mountain range to the east,”Is the great town of Astral, Capital of the world, and home to the Great Council.”
And what is it you need me to do?”,asked Shadow emotionlessly
One of the Leading Senator's of the Council, in less than a month's time, will try and pass a bill, allowing him to preform a ritual to summon an ancient beast that will ravage the World, and the universes closest to this one”
Why should this concern me?” asked Shadow,”This is just a lump of rock with some life-forms on it, the same as countless others in the Galaxy.”
I'll tell you why you are here”, Said Drago impatientlly,”Because there is a certain, Item, which I seek here, A pendant, said to contain extraordinary power, and is one of the only ways in which to harness the full power of your soul.”
Harness the full power of your soul? What does that mean?”
In your soul, is the very fabric of your being, the fraction of yourself that you draw your Magic from. No-one can tap into their full potential, no-one, not even I can, without some kind of divine interferance or something of that ilk.”
“Why not?”
Because, if you were to Control that power, you would be unstoppable. Yet, it would show you yourself, and bring out all the parts of you that you do not wish to come out, and it will tear you asunder with your own realisation of who you are!”
But Drago, surely for someone of your, ahem, standard's would be dreadfully effective in destroying you utterly”
Indeed. But! With the help of certain artifacts you have aquired on some of your mission's, I beilieve that I can Shield myself from it's influences.”
Okay, so what has this Pendant got to do with the Councillor and his Demon?”
The Pendant is kept in the Vaults of the Citadel, which is protected by the magic of Beings as old as I am, yet they where not able to survive the ravages of Time.I am provented from teleporting in and retrieving it myself. Therefore, you are being sent in to gather information on it's exact whereabouts, Stop the Councilor from summoning the Beast, for you will not survive the Encounter, and retrieve the Pendant”
That sounds.... Difficult”, said Shadow
Are you not up for the Task?”
No, I shall do it”
Excellent, You know how to contact me when it is done.”, said Drago,”However, there is a slight issue with which you shall have to deal with. You are too inhuman, you must let the Human aspect of your current host come into the foreground, and be able to mix with the Humans.”
Why must I do this?”, asked Shadow disgustedly
Because, though you are unique, the Builder's of the City were powerful, and will be able to sense your Power and Chaotic nature from the moment you enter the City walls, if you become human, you will be able to get through undetected. You will need a place to stay for the month, and will need a good alibi to be visiting during this time of Great war for the Maelentian's”
It shall be done Master”
Good! See that it is.”
With a quick nod toward's Shadow, he createed his own rift and left. Shadow turned toward's the Mountains.It was growing dark and cold, he could see a Storm approaching, and set off towards his latest objective, without a backwards glance.


The Anime loving Brony
Part 2
The Mountainous journey took most of the remaining daylight, and he reached the City Gate's just minute's before they where due to close. He moved out of sight of the Guard's and Hid behind some bushes. The took out a Piece of Cloth, and turned it into a drawstring Pouch. He then grabbed a handful of rocks, and Turned them into precious Metals and Stone's. Then, he prepared himself for what would surely be quite an ordeal. He chanted the words to turn him Human, and everything went black.
Agony,a feeling of pain so intense, that if his body hadn't been closed to him, he would have been screaming. His Master had left out a key point when he gave him the spell, he could feel himself losing his Magic, and the Majority of his memories. His armor turned to smoke, and was blown off of him by the wind. It writhed and Congealed into an arm brace, resembling a gauntlet. As he felt himself Dying, a new conciousness became evident in his mind, that of a Human. Such a small trivial thing, so easily distracted and snuffed out. His aura changed the appearance of his form into that of a Human.
He lay on the ground, in unbearable pain, unable even to shout out. One of the Guard's must have seen his naked Body, and ran over to help. The last thing he saw, was a woman's face, half concealed by a helm, staring at him with concern. He blacked out. He awoke early the next morning to see the Woman who had found him sitting beside his bedside. He was in a small stone room, Quite bare, except for a few small items. She was staring at him cautiously.
Who are you?” asked Shadow
My name is Olivia”,replied the Woman,”I'm captain of the City guard. I was making my nightly rounds when I spotted your body. Are you okay?”
I assume so, except for the great pain in my chest”,said Shadow, rubbing his chest.
What's your name?”,asked Olivia?
I-I can't remember”, said Shadow, a trace of fear entering his voice,”What happened to me?!”
The healer's were not able to find out. They said that you were in perfect condition, not a single scratch, not a single bruise. You where perfect, except for an unusually high heart beat”
So why can't I remember my own name?”, said Shadow bitterly
I am not sure, I'll tell one of the Healers, get them to check your brain activity, re-cast the spell to make sure you really are okay.”
She got up to leave, “Wait!, where are you going?”,asked Shadow
I do have a job to do”, she laughed,”Don't worry, I'll be back later to see how you are.”
sigh, okay. But hang on, where are my thing's?”
Oh! I almost forgot, ha, I'm sorry, they are in the wardrobe there, all of it. I grabbed everything you had beside you and brought it here.”
Thank you” said Shadow smiling tenatively
No problem. Hmm what to call you? How about Ryan?”
I like it”
Ryan it is then, see you later.”
But Olivia was lying, she hadn't brought everything in with her. She had kept the Bracelet, it's shimmering metal, which seemed to draw light in so, had fascinated her too much to let it go. If it turned out to be important, she would give it back. Yet, no hurry, he couldnt possibly need it yet.
One of the Healer's came in a few minute's after Olivia had left. He walked over to Ryan and said smiling,
So how is our patient today?”
I'm fine”,said Ryan,”Except for the pain in my chest. It feels like someone is stabbing me with a red-hot poker.”
The healer frowned, “Raise your shirt there lad” he said.
Ryan did as he asked, and the Healer gasped. He looked at the Boy, his straight black hair hung around his neck and forehead, the thick muscular shoulders holding up the Hospital gown, and on his chest, where his heart was, the skin was bubbling and flaking, small streams of blood where pouring from the wound, which seemed to be turning into the shape of a Rune. The strips of skun turned black, and the Rune was engraved into his skin, slowly stopping the Shifting.
Ryan smiled,”Thank you Healer, the pain has gone now.Can I lower the Shirt?”
Mutely the healer nodded.”Right, well..” He shook his head,”Do you have any clothes?”
I don't think so”, said Ryan with a worried frown,”Will I need to pay for this, by the way?”
No!, No. All our healing is free. Just stay here untill the Captain come's back for you.”
“Okay”, said Ryan, lying back on his pillow. There was something nagging him, something just out of reach. It had something to do with the City, An important goal, that he must not forget.He shook his head, Probably nothing he thought to himself as he closed his eyes.


The Anime loving Brony
*forgot about this*
Hmm, I suppose I had better start writing more for this, shouldn't I? :confused:
Just to be warned, this will be updated randomly and sparsely ;)


Roleplay keeper
hehehe dont worry you dont have to wait long >:3
*reminds shadowsmalls*
*reminds shadowsmalls*
there you got two for a start. mine will just be *cought*


Roleplay keeper
Shadowsmalls!!! write more or ima go all the way to bane get you out and tickle you.. MOOOAAARR!!!!
and im not begging im commanding you! >:3 in the name of the Unknown! please?


The original mute
Don't worry, I'm only joking. All I'd really do was sit at home and cry to myself everyday until one of the good rp profiles gets a new part.