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Call of Duty Black Ops, Halo Reach, or Battlefield 3?

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Itzzaboy said:
exactly, it was pretty much a Halo expansion disc that could run on its own.
Well..i guess but it had the game with it so more of a game of the year edition type thing. Like fable II game of the year edition.


I play Battlefield 3 all the time on my PC (Ultra Settings, Completely Maxed Out) and never have had an issue. It completely blows the console version out of the water. I play CoD and BF3 and I choose to play BF3 alot more than MW3. Not only the graphics are amazing, but it actually takes some sort of skill to play. Recoil, sway, and bullet drop to name a few. I went back to play MW3 on my 360 and it was sooooo easy compared to BF3. I could shoot at someone across the map and not have to compensate for anything. There is recoil but nothing that realistic at all.

So please can someone explain how BF3 is slow? Sorry its not everyone running around gunning each other. Players in BF3 actually PTFO unlike MW3. Plus with the new DLC coming out for BF3 there won't be a need to play MW3. Fact. End of story.

On a side note, Halo is still my favorite out of all of them. I don't have a Master Chief tattoo for nothing. :D


The Arbiter of the Gods
I guess the worst issue with BF3 on PC is its very, very bad port. The graphics it has are amazing, but if it was ported any better you wouldn't need an overpowered PC to play it. CoD is also badly ported, but because it has bad graphics to start with even a bad port wouldn't affect the system requirements much. Also, BF3 has now became, along with Mass Effect 3, the quintessence of EA's scamming and making poor games. It is pretty glitchy for half of year old game if you ask me. EA is not what it used to be, they now care only about money and not about their customers. In a nutshell:


I play nearly everyday and have never run into a bug... The only recent issue that occured was if anyone used the FAMAS it wouldn't register any stats for that match.... But that was for only a couple days. And what do you mean the PC version is a bad port? You do realize all video games are made on PCs then ported to consoles right? If it was a bad port it wouldn't have the graphics it has? You confused me. Plus the Battlefield series was originally a PC game.

And to sum up your issue with EA, which company doesn't do this? Every company does DLC. Do I think its right? No. But it is what it is and I'll keep buying it because I have the money and I really want those new maps and perks.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I never said releasing DLCs is bad, but releasing a fix to a game (Mass Effect 3 is an instance) or a very, very important character to the story as DLC doesn't really work out. Also, I know that games are made on PCs, but have you ever wondered why Saints Row the third, GTA 4 etc. have such bad performance for quality? That is because they are made on computers specifically for consoles. Big gaming companies don't see that PC is far more important, and easier to use than consoles. Bugs occur from time to time, and that is understandable. However, the amount of times bugs come up in Battlefield and other EA titles is just astonishing. It's as if they want to fix bugs all their lives.
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