Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Fundraiser] New Map! 1570/1100



In just over 7 hours, you guys raised $1100, not including the $272 contribution from the server reserves. It completely wiped out our reliance on server reserve funds. Everything from this point on will be used to pay for server rent. There might also be opportunities to add extra features to our new map, such as underground caves, sea arches, et cetera. Keep up the excellent work; you guys have almost met all our global rewards, which will force us to do more!

The staff team is extremely humbled by all of this support. It's truly stunning, and it shows how healthy we are. Let's see if we can get to $1500!


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
It fantastic to see that in the course of less than a single day, we as a server, can raise over a thousand dollars. I can't say how surprising it was to see the goal surpassed so quickly. Absolutely exciting!1416997973.gif


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Well if we hit around the 2000 mark we have the server paid for basically a year if we actually hit the "We paid for the server for a year" in this fundraiser there should be a crazy reward to fit the crazy amount of fundraising.


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
This map looks freaking dope, really excited to see it in-game


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Most likely May/June. Could see something in July or August, too. So... sometime in the next 4 months. ;)
I can already imagine it being during the summer holiday... while on vacation with no internet... gosh that'd be a shame...


Lord of House Hawklight
I think if we move regions over, we ensure that there are large areas untouched by these regions. Areas where we can role play landing in these unknown shores, mapping the land, gathering resources, building first tents than stockades, than towns that expand organically. Settlement/exploration rp dear Lord.

Also bring back the mobs in some areas, would be cool to have to fight to control this land.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
All those with OCD over the '72'. Consider that a $28 donation to fix it. :p


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
I speak this personally, not from the staff's mouth. I'm the pizza... not the staff.

I also think settlement/exploration RP would be fun and exciting, but my first concerns would be that it wouldn't last. Not the excitement of the RP, but that RP in general... namely settlement. I believe folks will run off to settle areas as quickly as possible. Exploration I believe can happen with or without region additions. I drool when I see dem rocks. I wanna walk everywhere. This can likely be implemented into RP among everyone...

Secondly, about moving regions and making them blend with the new map. I hate speaking well of myself (such a bad quality in a marketing student) because it feels arrogant. I dislike that. Nevertheless, here it goes. I love building according to the land, not that I always do so, but when I can I do, and I like to think I'm good at it. And when I don't build according to the land, I tweak it so that it looks like I did. When it comes to region transfers, I believe I'll be able to help with this greatly. Will it be easy? Hell no, and it'll take time. Also, from what we've seen, this map creator's talent is superb. Would I be able to do that? No... but I'm a replicator. If I see something, I can often mimic the form. Normally I try to add my own twist because copying is lame, but with this I have hopes to be able to do so at a passable level. Won't know until I try, but ya.

As for removing regions... I don't think I could suggest doing that to myself... so I wouldn't expect it from others. The funding gone into Grafjell is extraordinary...but its radiant value to me is irrelevant in comparison to what I and several others have created there. I'm tempted to branch out and try a build somewhere else, but the Grey Isle has been my core on this server. 3 years? I still haven't eradicated all the dirt.