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Minecraft 1.3


Lord of Altera
The main reason is the Singleplayer server. There's so much more work into crating the LAN server as a SP world than creating an SP world today.


Yeah and the reason for the SP/lan thing overhaul is becouse then you
1: Mojang doesnt have to fix bugs for both SP, and MP.
2: Mods have to only be made for one version of the game, making you to not program double the amount.

And what the API should do, (I think)
When you join a server, you automatically download all recourses required for seeing every single thing on that server, for example if a server runs Mo' Creatures, you would automatically download the files. This is interesting since this also allowes for RP or MMO servers to have area specific music, or something like the for example.
EDIT: and with that I mean custom music or other non-vanilla music for the link to the post on the MC forums.


The Arbiter of the Gods
That IS the idea behind API. I know that some of you may start sending me hate threat messages after I said this but I used to play Blockland quite a bit, and it had an API that is near enough perfect. It downloads on demand, but the things you download don't affect the mods you already have because they are like ghost images. There is apparently an option that lets you download them in full but I never knew how to do this etc. :3. Anyway, the download on demand system in Blockland was very effective. It downloaded pretty fast and you could see how many files you had to download, the mods didn't even take much space at all too!
I think that if Minecraft is to have an API, they'll have to make it at least as good or I will start stalking Jeb for answers >:3


Yeah having the API finished would really make minecraft like a whole new thing, similar to ARMA2, you could basically have whole diffrent and custom servers and even other games. Even more so then you can have now!

We should probably start thinking about custom mobs for the server!:p
And, instead of having all your mcmmo and iconomy stats in chat, you would have interfaces for them!


The Arbiter of the Gods
The things is that we need to try and not go over the top. The more mods we would have, the more confusing and mod dependent the server would be. Plugins are usually pretty easy to update, but whenever a new release of MC comes out the addon and mod creators go mental. Also, they will create more and more pressure on the server. It's not all as easy as it seems.


Lord of Altera
I'm curious as to the transition from 1.2.5 to 1.3 on the server. Any admins or mods know whats going to happen with the transition?


Loyal Servant of Altera
The mod API would allow the player to simply download and place mods into a new folder in the minecraft folder titles mods that would make it so that the player doesn't have to scramble their bin folder or open their minecraft.jar folder. And it is listed as a planned feature for minecraft 1.4 :). Mojang: Always working ahead of themselves


The Arbiter of the Gods
Not really..... As a matter of fact they are very slow on implementing new ideas. As in, very, very slow... But they get there eventually. I mean, adventure mode was planned for Adventure update along with proper dragons... We're still not sure weather Adventure Update ended! :O