Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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When a Silent's bored..


Some Silent after her new injuries sketches.
(I've decreased the picture size by 20% these things are too damn big- but you might notice a quality drop-)
Maybe they wouldn't be so big if you didn't waste so much paper space between pictures


A character design while considering a slave character.
Based off a design of a character I had ideas for years ago- xD
Mmmm folded paper
30% decrease in size is too much isn't it? >.>
I also realize that past me is a jerk, the date on that paper is 20/6/13, I drew this on 20/8/13... Past me = troll... or idiot that can't tell time..?


Me and Deester were talking about this one time when Silent and Abel fought..
I then thought about the ol' days.. dayum Silent has changed, this is her before all this riddleport stuff, and perhaps before the insanity.. and everything else. xD
She lacks a hand because I really didn't feel like trying to draw another one... >_<
I was iffy bout uploading this one-