Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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When a Silent's bored..


I managed to scan a pic thanks to me realising that google is a good friend when it comes to scanner drivers *Facepalm* (Lappy dun have a disk drive-)
Don't mind the lack of hands :S I really reaaally did not feel like trying to draw them-
But this is a design for another character that magically looks like all my other characters- *Cough*
But anyway, chainmail shirt and a blade, fighter char I might play if Silent dies.
(I can't make it smaller in file size this time- sorry)


Silent's babbies were discussed on TS..
Then I confronted Silent about it..
Didn't go so well.
*Warning, Sketches were done quite lazily, image size reduced, quality may be lacking Anditmayalsobehalfimpossibletoread*
This scribble started with a mere "Hey, what do you think IC Silent would think about this conversation?" and then there were scribbles with a swear, which were scrapped then this happened, enjoy.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Things were discussed on TS..
Then I confronted Silent about it..
Didn't go so well.
*Warning, Sketches were done quite lazily, image size reduced, quality may be lacking Anditmayalsobehalfimpossibletoread*
View attachment 35414
View attachment 35415
This scribble started with a mere "Hey, what do you think IC Silent would think about this conversation?" and then there were scribbles with a swear, which were scrapped then this happened, enjoy.
The best defence method I've ever seen :heart: