Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Lord of Altera
In my opinion, I think it would be awesome if we had a giant statue of something related to the city, such as a guardian orrrrr anything really. (Perhaps even a statue of yours truly :D)
Timbervale's symbol is a pine tree. If you can come up with a statue or any other (it doesn't have to be a pine tree) statue designs, make it in sp and send us the screen shot! we'll consider it! :)


Legend of Altera
I was actually thinking hard on some ideas for this. A few things I think could help add to the city would be: a plaza(sort of like the shopping square but bigger & with small stalls that you could maybe rent out), a town great hall which could be used for mass rp events, a cathedral?, a community grove( rules about replanting and floaters must be put in place), and a community storehouse where members could rent out chest space to store goods they can't fit in their houses/shops.
Hope you like the ideas.


Legend of Altera
I'd like to take a moment to thank the members and council members for helping Timbervale become such an active and friendly community. I know I'm new to the city, but I feel as though you guys deserve a thanks. Glad to be a part of this great city.

Fatherton J. Paste


Hollows Explorer
I'm thinking of adding more stalls to the new area . Two new shops are built now one is a stall that will be rented possibly for the butchers or farmers the other is a little shop I'm possibly thinking of giving to someone willing to be a cobbler(shoe maker). This way we have a more authentic medieval town structure. This new area is meant to be cramped so placing more stalls around the statue is a possibility but I would like everyone's opinion before we decide anything. I you haven't check it out yet head over to it. Go to the merchant gate make a right still inside town and the opening is on your left. It should be up and running by this weekend.


Legend of Altera
I'm thinking of adding more stalls to the new area . Two new shops are built now one is a stall that will be rented possibly for the butchers or farmers the other is a little shop I'm possibly thinking of giving to someone willing to be a cobbler(shoe maker). This way we have a more authentic medieval town structure. This new area is meant to be cramped so placing more stalls around the statue is a possibility but I would like everyone's opinion before we decide anything. I you haven't check it out yet head over to it. Go to the merchant gate make a right still inside town and the opening is on your left. It should be up and running by this weekend.
I'll be on later tonight, I have som Ideas


Hollows Explorer
also i accidently killed a light on the library and couldnt fix as i was in a rush at work ... snuck in a lil browser play. shhhh


Legend of Altera
Is it bad that I have the forum open f or 100% of the time I'm awake, never closing it even to sleep, and check it every few minutes?


Legend of Altera
Attention Timbervale members! I would like to make an effort to meet each and every one of you. If you would kindly pm me what time you are usually on, I'd like to put a person to a character. I won't be on today though.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ok so how does this sound for shops? I do plan on making an area with small shop stalls and maybe some more shops of both big and small. This was an idea from Hawtyoungstud which I liked quite well mostly since it got the city the most money.

500 for a small shop, 1000 for the two story building shop. Or, you could have a rent option, like 100 a week for a small one, 200 a week for a big one. or else, we're evicted after 3 days of no payment, unless someone goes out of town or something like that. Stalls could be like 50 a week, or 250 for a stall.

This part was me adding things in.
Now on this note when buying the shops or stall outright it doesn't mean you can just sell it with out anyone knowing. I'm also thinking on this that if you do sell it for what ever price maybe have a fee of 5 to 10% of what you sell it for. Let me know what you guys think on this.


I think I might like it here
In-Game Name: Skeledude12
RP Name: Johnathan Bryce
Character Profile:
Roll you wish to fill and why: Farmer, Rancher, and/or Brew Master. I've always been into farming in Minecraft and I love to take care of Minecraft animals, I even can stand all the noise. However, I know you have a lot farmers and I happened to see that you were planning to build a brewery so if you need someone to A) Build it B) Run it, then I'm you're guy.
A couple sentences about yourself: Well I'm an easy going guy and I like having fun. I'm a huge anime nerd, so much so that I'm actually an anime reviewer, but nevermind that. I'm Canadian living in Toronto, which is EST so if I'm poking around in the wrong time period let me know. I'm an simple RPer with several years of experience so hopefully I can help make some interesting stories.
How do you feel you can add to this community: Well I'm going to be blunt, I'm a builder. I'm not really into gathering and I will do it if requested, but my skill and passion is in the building. I specialize in two in half block lower level houses and furniture. If I was allowed to be a farmer I'd be hoping to build my own house and farm with silo and barn, of course I'd build with the town's style but I think it'd be fun to build my own. Mostly I'm here to build what's needed and help plan new buildings. I hope you'll let me ^^


Loyal Servant of Altera
In-Game Name: Skeledude12
RP Name: Johnathan Bryce
Character Profile:
Roll you wish to fill and why: Farmer, Rancher, and/or Brew Master. I've always been into farming in Minecraft and I love to take care of Minecraft animals, I even can stand all the noise. However, I know you have a lot farmers and I happened to see that you were planning to build a brewery so if you need someone to A) Build it B) Run it, then I'm you're guy.
A couple sentences about yourself: Well I'm an easy going guy and I like having fun. I'm a huge anime nerd, so much so that I'm actually an anime reviewer, but nevermind that. I'm Canadian living in Toronto, which is EST so if I'm poking around in the wrong time period let me know. I'm an simple RPer with several years of experience so hopefully I can help make some interesting stories.
How do you feel you can add to this community: Well I'm going to be blunt, I'm a builder. I'm not really into gathering and I will do it if requested, but my skill and passion is in the building. I specialize in two in half block lower level houses and furniture. If I was allowed to be a farmer I'd be hoping to build my own house and farm with silo and barn, of course I'd build with the town's style but I think it'd be fun to build my own. Mostly I'm here to build what's needed and help plan new buildings. I hope you'll let me ^^

I'm approving this application based on 2 things: first ANIME! second a well writen application.

I believe the brewery has been built already though if not I'm sure we could work something out. The farm already has some houses and a windmill, even a barn. We could probably work something out there as well though I would need to see what the rest of the council says.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Umm... just a quick question, the tavern... why is the back corner near the castle wall so ugly/unfinished? Was someone just lazy or did they forget?

Also, mav, the currents by the spawn are messed up again and when you filled the bay back up, you forgot underneath the ships...
The tavern is being worked on and I guess that means the brewery hasn't been built yet, so Skeledude you could do that though I know we already have someone running the tavern. You could be the operater for the brewery though.

Paste mave is away for the week now I'll get on and fix the water near the spawn... again.....


Edit: nevermind the brewery is built
In-Game Name:

RP Name:
Marcus Goat Anvilmare

Roll you wish to fill and why:
Even though "anvil" is in my RP character's name, I would like to fill in the role of a store manager as well. To sell miscellaneous items (such as slimes, glowstone, apothecary items, lapis, redstone, and other exotic items) that may be pricey at the Auction House, and to make it more convenient to acquire such items.
If this is not possible, I would like to fill in the role of a miner. Because I have a healthy supply stock of resources stored in the Southern Wilds already, as well as a good mining system. And I do not fear the dangers of the Wilds. I want to supply the town with one of its basic needs (and maybe not so basic).
If neither of these are possible, I would like to assume the role of a guard, due to the apparent lack of personnel in that position.
Any other role I can fill if given a request.

A couple sentences about yourself:
I've been playing Minecraft for about two years. I'm a builder, and I like to apply original concepts to my buildings to make them unique. I'm also knowledgeable with Redstone, which I know isn't much of a hit with the city, but is one of my main strengths. I also know almost every recipe for Alchemy. Also, I am an experienced fighter.
As a person, I'm a suggestive person. I listen to what people say, and offer positive feedback if I feel it is necessary. Also, I try to do everything in my power to help a community. And I can be on for a wide range of hours in the day.

How do you feel you can add to this community:
As I stated above, rare items can sometimes be pricey at the Auction House. One of my goals is to make it cheaper and more convenient for people to obtain these items, but at the same time not filling in the roles of other people around town. Or in any other way, I can dedicate my playing time to furthering the agendas of Timbervale with efficiency.


I think I might like it here
I'm approving this application based on 2 things: first ANIME! second a well writen application.

I believe the brewery has been built already though if not I'm sure we could work something out. The farm already has some houses and a windmill, even a barn. We could probably work something out there as well though I would need to see what the rest of the council says.
WOO Anime! XD

And ok, I must have missed it on the walk through but heck, I'd be willing to help build anything! :p Let me know what the council says, and I'll be ready to serve!
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