Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Hollows Explorer
If you are Approved would you be willing to be a guard and miner? we can always use miners to provide raw materials.


Legend of Altera
The Ridgewood View Fountain is finally complete! If you have any questions/ comments about it, please notify me.
I think we should expand our local library. Like ask for copies of books from the university, or ask people to write books. Just saying XD


Hollows Explorer
i think that is a great idea if any one wants to write a book i will gladly give them one to write on...Keep it clean though people.


Lord of Altera
Hello! I am new to Hollowworld, and I was hoping to join your town!
My in game name is jm0190a and my role playing name is James McCloud.
I would like to be either a farmer or a baker, however, if possible, I would be more than happy to create a legal practice in my spare time when I am not working for the town.
I am pretty easy going and I would be more than happy to do anything that the town needs.
Thanks for reading my application!


Lord of Altera
Matter about the books in the library. Currently NO ONE except for the Councils have the right to place books in the library. The existing books will be removed. And for now we will NOT ask anyone to write any books because some of you might already have seen it that there is a book with very very inappropriate title and immature content and we are NOT happy with it. I'm not saying that everyone will behave like that. It's just that there is a potential that this could get out of our hands.
And once the University library fills up, we'll get the copies and place them in our shelves asap (we will have to ask for permission I think).

+I do support the idea of people writing freely and given a chance to display it to the public so what you guys can do is please write the APPROPRIATE book of any gengre (appropriate means: mature, PG-13 (since this server has lot of underage players, far from plagerism, and other common sense) and once this temporary restriction lifts off, we can "buy" the books from the writers for the display :) But this matter has to be thoroughly discussed with councils more so I'll let you guys know for more info.


In-Game Name: Rage334
RP Name: Walter Borin
Roll you wish to fill and why: Farming/mining I am good at both or any other job is fine:) .
A couple sentences about yourself: I am great at hard working and creative in building houses .I have many hobbies as golf,tennis and gaming.I love my pets,I have 1 cat and 3 dog's.
How do you feel you can add to this community:I am great at mining,gathering raw materials as needed and farming,searching for animals and growing plants and will help with any new projects.


In-Game Name: SpudinskiD96
RP Name: Alterius Of Nori 'La
Roll you wish to fill and why: Miner (because i enjoy mining and going into the underground shafts and i feel it would benefit the town greatly) & Guardian of Timbervale (i hope this post could be fulfilled at night as during the day i would like to mine) i would like to be a guardian because of the elite status and the protection of the town is somewhat focused upon myself and it will give me a chance to prove myself worthy.
A couple sentences about yourself: im a hard worker. i play minecraft a lot and i enjoy it. i wouldnt mind also building things if possible, ive got a creative mind and would very much like to join this town.
How do you feel you can add to this community: i believe i could add to the community of Timbervale because im dedicated to things i join/start and so you can expect utmost focus and content on getting whatever job it is i have, done.


Hollows Explorer
Rage and Spudinski, I would like to be the first to welcome you to Timbervale! you haver both been accepted! when you get a chance to get on please find a council member to set you up in a house and get you started. Spud find me, MaxDemone or Coolkid to test yourself to join the Guardians.

That being said, Remember it is against city policy to add or remove blocks outside of your home. doing so will be seen as griefing and you may be banned from the server.

Basements will be no deeper than 10 blocks and will stay within the floor plan of your home.

Animals and crops are city property and killing or harvesting without permission will also be seen as griefing, the exception is if you are a farmer., in which it is your job.

Thankyou both for applying and I look forward to meeting both of you in game!


Hollows Explorer
JamesMcloud please add some more info about yourself. its ok to keep it general as to not give out personal information. we just need to get to know our applicants a little before we decide.


Hollows Explorer
To all residents please remove any of your posts on this thread. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of new applicants,and new information. Thanks everyone.


Legend of Altera
In-Game Name: GratifiedGorilla
RP Name: Gratifi Illa
Roll you wish to fill and why: Miner/Blacksmith. I want to be a blacksmith so i can provide armor to those who shall protect the town, such as me if i were to be accepted. I would also like to be a miner so i could make friends with the people who would be supplying me materials for tools, so they wouldn't just be miners to me, they would be teammates, working with me to support the town.
A couple sentences about yourself: I am good at working with others to complete a bigger task. i like to work in a system in which everyone does something that affects the whole as much as someone else, and in an environment where everyone is a friend to another.
How do you feel you can add to this community: I would fill out orders as efficiently as possible and provide extra services to the people if they need something that may or may not require my services.


Hollows Explorer
@rage the later you get on the better chance you have of meeting one of us. Unfortunately we are all us EST or CST ill try to be on at 5 pm my time today which is the earliest I can unfortunately that means about 1 am for you? If you are lucky you'll meet up with one of the others who are on a swing shift. If we miss you today let me know and il set you up tonight and tell you where everything is


In-Game Name: SupersonicFreak

RP Name: Robert Arik III

Roll you wish to fill and why: I would like to be a butcher and/or miner. As explained in the jobs section, the miner can be anyone who wants to fill a spot and can help them learn about the town. The butcher job is just open and I think I could do a good job filling it.

A couple sentences about yourself: My name is Jeremy Gibson, I'm 14 and I like Minecraft, Xbox LIVE, and am signed up at the Spring Valley YMCA in Pennsylvania. I go there almost every day and will usually be online around the times of 9-11 am (EST) and 7 pm-3 am at the latest (or earliest depending on how you look at it). In Minecraft, I can add unique and personal touches to any building I make. I am great at roleplay and am talented at mob hunting, survival tactics, and being a leader.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I could add some nice shops/buildings and be a social and helpful person throughout the city. I am talented at finding ores and fighting mobs and really know my way around mines. For the record, none of this includes the use of Black Magic.


Legend of Altera
Hey guys, I'm not going to be on for a little while, but I will be stalking the forums! If you need anything just message me. :)


In-Game Name: imody
RP Name: David Imody
Roll you wish to fill and why:Any sort of role really,i like to defend.Be thrown around for cash (mercenary work).But i only want to be a citizen of Timbervale, i applied before but deleted my post because i changed my mind.
A couple of sentences about yourself: If you need anything filled thats me, im the jack of all trades master of none.I love playing games.I love anime and manga.I am happy with 90% of everything i get
How do you feel you can add to this community:I can do what you need.If you want i could even go punch a tree with my hands or something like that.
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