Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Hollows Explorer
I built a brewery under the tavern. However there is some free space to add youur personal touch. btw, skeledude welcome to timbervale you should get to know nokirar and 2 bugs as they are the tavern and pub owners respectively


Legend of Altera
Dear Council,
I am wishing to create a "mail chest" for myself right outside my home door locked to myself, Mav, and Sevenseasbee so that I can give them important things for scribe/inspection work without having them ingame. I wanted to get this approved first.


Hollows Explorer
Gunslinging goat. Before we accept you I just want to make clear you will get a home free however to open a shop it will be 500 to 1000 rads depending on the size you want. If you are ok with this let me know. Thanks and if you could sell all nether materials that sounds like a good deal.


Hollows Explorer
I'm ok with it and since Mac is gone as long as you only use one block to build it. Or two high if you wanna put it on a post


The Lioness of Davia
In-Game Name: DavyITA

RP Name: Davy Hissy

Roll you wish to fill and why: I would like to fill any role is missing to help this town to grow as much as possible! I would love to be a Guard and a Miner though if possible OR alchemy ingredients gatherer!

A couple sentences about yourself: I'm new in this world and i've been looking for a town since yesterday so i could settle and gather some more resources, as well as joining a good community.About my "real self", i live in Italy and i'm 21 years old, i love swimming and playing the ukulele. If you want to know more about me, feel free to ask anything :)..

How do you feel you can add to this community: As i said i am new to this server, so i am still trying to fit better into the community, and to do so i have to find a place where to live! I like helping out people so if you need a friendly helping hand, i'm here!


Lord of Altera
In-Game Name:

RP Name:
Marcus Goat Anvilmare

Roll you wish to fill and why:
Even though "anvil" is in my RP character's name, I would like to fill in the role of a store manager as well. To sell miscellaneous items (such as slimes, glowstone, apothecary items, lapis, redstone, and other exotic items) that may be pricey at the Auction House, and to make it more convenient to acquire such items.
If this is not possible, I would like to fill in the role of a miner. Because I have a healthy supply stock of resources stored in the Southern Wilds already, as well as a good mining system. And I do not fear the dangers of the Wilds. I want to supply the town with one of its basic needs (and maybe not so basic).
If neither of these are possible, I would like to assume the role of a guard, due to the apparent lack of personnel in that position.
Any other role I can fill if given a request.

A couple sentences about yourself:
I've been playing Minecraft for about two years. I'm a builder, and I like to apply original concepts to my buildings to make them unique. I'm also knowledgeable with Redstone, which I know isn't much of a hit with the city, but is one of my main strengths. I also know almost every recipe for Alchemy. Also, I am an experienced fighter.
As a person, I'm a suggestive person. I listen to what people say, and offer positive feedback if I feel it is necessary. Also, I try to do everything in my power to help a community. And I can be on for a wide range of hours in the day.

How do you feel you can add to this community:
As I stated above, rare items can sometimes be pricey at the Auction House. One of my goals is to make it cheaper and more convenient for people to obtain these items, but at the same time not filling in the roles of other people around town. Or in any other way, I can dedicate my playing time to furthering the agendas of Timbervale with efficiency.
Welcome to Timbervale GunslingingGoat! I'm glad that I can finally get some exotic goods from a player not from the Auction House which is over priced! Just a reminder, please see Gamer2255 for store license and ready your rads for the one time payment! And as for the house, please come talk to one of us in game and we'll let you get settled!! If you have any other questions, please let us know!

*please don't place blocks outside your house/store,
*if you need water, get it from the wells not from the bay
*lastly I hope you enjoy your time in Timbervale! :)


Legend of Altera
In one hour, I'm going to vote for Hollow World... Thusly, I will have 5k. I would very much like to spend this 5k.
Is there possible something in the city I can buy for exactly 5k?


Settling in Altera
There are houses that are selling for 5k in the district that was just built before the one that is being worked on now


Legend of Altera
Mojang, I banish you to the pits of the nether. You hath restricted me from HollowWorld yet again!


Legend of Altera
yeah, alot of people are having the same issue... It should be good now... It was Mojang btw... Not Hollow World


In-Game Name: ZAFT_hero
RP Name: John anderson
Roll you wish to fill and why: anyroles, i can fill, i seek no certain role only to be a timbervale citizen
A couple sentences about yourself: i am a cadet captain in J.R.O.T.C. and pride myself on integrity, respect, and self sacrafice. i will and can do anything you throw at me.
How do you feel you can add to this community: if you need it done, im the guy for you, you want me to cross into the end and defeat the ender dragon with my bare fist, ill do it , may take a while, but ill do it :)
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