Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Lord of Altera
I'm applying as a Timbervale resident:

In-Game Name: 2buggs

RP Name: Tooe Buggs (but you can call me buggs)

Roll you wish to fill and why: I'm happy to fill any role you give me but I think I'll do best at the blacksmith job.

A couple sentences about yourself: I'm a foreigner from the islands of Whiir and I'm really just looking for a good place to settle down. I'd say I'd be a good community member as I like to take part in community affairs and I am good at socializing. :)

How do you feel you can add to this community: This community looks to me like a group of wonderful people getting together for the good of one another. I like that.
Hello and thanky you for applying for Timbervale! I'm sorry to inform you that we currently have about 2 blacksmiths so we are not hiring anyone, but here's what you can do. You can apply as a guard and as a secondary job, you can work on you blacksmithing skill (repair) and help other blacksmiths! I'm sorry that we didn't state this above and I'll make sure to do so as soon as possible!


Hollows Explorer
To all farmers, miners and who ever else has a job that provides supplies to our city. Please, do your job! The city can't function without you. We understand you need to make a living so here is what we require of you:

Farmers: the city farm is the cities, so when harvesting we require 1/2 of what you collect. You are free to do what you want with the other half

Miners: since we know it is more difficult I mine since you have to travel to the EF or SW we ask that you give 1/3 of what you mine. This includes All minerals except diamond.

The town is still getting organized and once we get set up we will purchase these items from you.


In-Game Name: brendan95
RP Name: Brendan
Roll you wish to fill and why: I would like to fill the role of Butcher! I feel this would be a good role for me since i'm not to keen on the fighting aspects of the game and it would allow me to take a backseat role in the town. Also, I'm not a vegetarian! xD I don't mind going out to the East and mining myself some coal either to get the job done!
A couple sentences about yourself: My name is Katie! I think I have a great sense of humor and am very charismatic which makes it easy for me to get along with a wide variety of people. I absolutely hate spiders, they are the creepiest things on the planet. I read a lot of fantasy books, which gives me inspiration and encouragement to forward my own RP adventures. I'll admit I've come out of a bad situation, and I really just want somewhere where the people are friendly and I can distract myself from the human world. As for minecraft, I like to think of myself as a fairly good builder, yet having a sneak peek around Timbervale just makes me shy away in awe of the beautiful designs. I recognize the designer of the blacksmiths and such from MrArcherMC.
How do you feel you can add to this community: I have a great deal of spare time in which i can contribute to the server regularly by filling in my role, but also helping others if they need it, being a friendly face that people can ask if they want to know who's been through and such, and i also can bring my cute charm and humor into bad situations.

Thank you for your consideration! x


Hollows Explorer
Welcome aboard Katiezpm! When we see you in game we will whitelist you and find you a home! Also we will figure out where you can set up shop. We ask that since you can use the farm in timber ale you give half of meat to the town you can sell the other half. Please remember that the animals need to be bred so don't go killing the lot of em lol... Pretty lenient for a vegetarian right? Lol


Lord of Altera
I'm applying as a Timbervale resident:

In-Game Name: 2buggs

RP Name: Tooe Buggs (but you can call me buggs)

Roll you wish to fill and why: I'm happy to fill any role you give me but I think I'll do best at the blacksmith job.

A couple sentences about yourself: I'm a foreigner from the islands of Whiir and I'm really just looking for a good place to settle down. I'd say I'd be a good community member as I like to take part in community affairs and I am good at socializing. :)

How do you feel you can add to this community: This community looks to me like a group of wonderful people getting together for the good of one another. I like that.
you are accepted as a guard so please speak to SevenSeasbee about joining the Guard.


Hollows Explorer
Great! what time zone are you in? Maverichero and Angella have been tied up as of late so it's best to get on at 830 or 9 ish EST us to meet up with gamer or myself


We are English, so we are on GMT. Katt has an exam tomorrow at that time, but sometime, we'll be on xD I know that's not VERY useful...but hey, Differing timezones make things hard.


Hollows Explorer
Ok no problem we will figure something out if all else fails I'll whitelist you both tonight and than leave you detailed instructions on how to get to your respective houses and farm/butcher shop!


In-Game Name: iDazaa

RP Name: Lord Daz

Roll you wish to fill and why: Blacksmith and if possible Miner, if not both just Miner

A couple sentences about yourself: My names Sam, I'm from England, 14 nearly 15 (July 1st) I enjoy mining in Minecraft because I think it requires some skill! I.e branch mining/strip mining. I also love to build, especially medieval things.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I think I could bring a lot of help to this community as I'm active and a great laugh!


Loyal Servant of Altera
We do already have a couple of Blacksmiths as of now. We are always in need of miners of course. Have you already looked around the city yet?


In-Game Name: Sukkarakan

RP Name: Shayna Seivren

Role you wish to fill and why: Miner, possibly farmer as well. I enjoy both of these largely, and am known on other servers to accumulate mass amounts of crops. For the mining part– one of my friends calls me a dwarf, just because I carve out huge rooms and structure from the stone underground.

A couple sentences about yourself: I attend college, but I have probably way too much spare time. I have been playing Minecraft since a few months before beds were released. I don't know what my schedule will be like come next semester, but I will only be taking two accelerated courses, so my times are varied (expect me to be on during midnights). I am friendly and find most birds cute.

How do you feel you can add to this community: On my main server, I am the server's architect. I get paid in diamonds (or other goods that I needed for my own devices) for building structures / wiring redstone mechanisms / both. I can give to this community a wide array of building styles, redstone mechanisms, and just my good ol' company. That, and probably some fun RP since I'm an active writer. Happy faces~!


Lord of Westray
In-Game Name:

RP Name:

Roll you wish to fill and why:
*sings* "I'm a lumberjack and I'm Ok, I sleep all night and I work all da-", "Wait, stop that singing!"
Now... if only I could think of a suitable role... Ahh yes, I am quite good with an axe, pick, sword and banjo but banjo's aren't in Minecraft yet so I will stick with the first three.
First and foremost, since I cannot see a town woodsman within your ranks then I volunteer for that role so that I can gather any wood supplies that the town may need, either for new buildings or for trade to increase the city's wealth. I am now wanting to find a welcoming home in a less solitary environment and am more than happy to put my sword and pickaxe to work when needed. I can also keep an eye on stock levels for wheat and meat and if I see those running low will happily spend my time restocking.

A couple sentences about yourself:
Hi, I'm Paul and I am addicted to Minecraft. (well that's what I put on my whitelist application and it may possibly be true!)
Most people, when they meet me in real life, comment on how timid I am. I much prefer the company of a close-knit group of friends that I trust and can confide in which is why I feel the Timbervale community hopefully let me join.
I've put a little more about myself in my Whitelist application so feel free to peruse that as well.

How do you feel you can add to this community:
From what I have seen and heard Timbervale seems like an ideal place to call home. I love the style of the city and have got my eye on a very well built wooden house out near the walls on the Northern edge of town.
To end, you may wonder why a Woodsman would be called Boulder... well that's a story for another day ;)


Legend of Altera
In-Game Name: aman7742
RP Name: Bellon
Roll you wish to fill and why: I would like to be your farmer/gatherer. I could also be a landscaper. I've made many good things on minecraft and I enjoy those job's.
A couple sentences about yourself: Well I was raised in a small town, and resonantly moved to a bigger city. My favorite sport is Football, and I like many others. I enjoy being around people and talking. I am easy to get along with (my brother says otherwise) and I make many friends. My favorite games are MW3, Minecraft, and Halo Reach. I work for many different people, and I enjoy working. If I get into this town I hope to at least meat most of you.
How do you feel you can add to this community: Well I can help with anything. If I'm on all you have to do is shout and I'll be there as soon as possible. I have good spatialawareness so if there's any problem building I can help there to.


Hollows Explorer
Boulderpaul, welcome to Timbervale! Get with a council member to be whitelisted. and find a home. also you say you are willing to defend the city would you like to join the Guardians? If so let me know so we can get you set up for that as well! Congratulations!


Hollows Explorer
iDazaa, due to not replying to Gamers question and a lack of information, I am declining your application. I hope you find a home and get to really enjoy what this server has to offer,though. Thank you for your interest in Timbervale.
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