Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Timbervale

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Hollows Explorer
Sukkakaran, we will be going over your application next. Thank you for your patiance we should have an answer for you later today.


Lord of Westray
Boulderpaul, welcome to Timbervale! Get with a council member to be whitelisted. and find a home. also you say you are willing to defend the city would you like to join the Guardians? If so let me know so we can get you set up for that as well! Congratulations!
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for accepting me into your wonderful group. I shall collar a council member when I see one in-game to sort out a home and get to know the ropes. As I mentioned before, I am willing to swing my sword about a bit and hopefully ward off anything that threatens the safety of the city so will gladly accept the honour of becoming a Guardian.

- Boulder


Legend of Altera
In-Game Name:
RP Name:
Fatherton J. Paste
Roll you wish to fill and why:
I would like to have a blacksmith/ carpenter supply shop to help with any builds plus create a sort of general store for buying carpentry gear right in the town! This allows players to not have to venture out into the wilderness for supplies and keeps them buying within the city (increased city profit!)
A couple sentences about yourself:
I love architectual design and enjoy the RP aspect of this city. I have already taken a tour by myself around the city and I think it's beautiful. I can fill a leadership role when needed , but am willing to take orders aswell. I have just recently joined the server, and am looking for a place to call home.
How do you feel you can add to this community?
I believe I can help bring a new venue to the city, while encouraging members to buy within the city (increasing city wealth) and will help make life easier for people in the minecraft world. I hope to help in future builds and would enjoy bringing a new style to Timbervale. I can also help with any future projects this great city has to offer if needed and would be delighted to contribute to the cities great system.

As an added note I would like it to be known that the blacksmith part would mostly be to produce carpentry tools.


Loyal Servant of Altera
So is my application better now?
I don't think there was anything wrong with it, we just having a hard time talking to each other about applications as we're all on at different times on here.

And Mr_Paste we're disscussing your application as well. It just takes a little time.


Hollows Explorer
ok mr.paste, aman, and sukkakaran... welcome to Timbervale! get with a council member in game to get you placed in a house also. if you chose as well to be a guard i will get you your gear and a bed at the fort once i see you have a home.


Hollows Explorer
The more the better if I get a chance I will whitelist you all tonight, that is of course if someone else doesn't beat me to it!


Lord of Casterly Rock
In-Game Name: Hawtyoungstud
RP Name: Tywin Lancaster
Roll you wish to fill and why: Merchant/Miner, Well, I'm not going to lie, I like to make money and distribute wears to whoever is in need of them. As a miner, I mine 90% of the time I'm on, and I feel like mining for a community, for the common good, for a common purpose, would fill the void that I seem to be struggling with. As a miner, I agree and understand I have responsibilities to fill the cities coffers with materials, and I would love to take the idea of community first, personal aspirations second, as my motto. I also would love to set up a shop.
A couple sentences about yourself: Hmm, my name is Josh, I'm 22, and a medical student. Umm, I'm a nice guy, I am infatuated with A Game of Thrones, I like helping people, I'm peaceful and hate drama :p
How do you feel you can add to this community: Well, outside of RP, I'm a jack of all trades and I understand the game and server pretty well, and I will help with any projects, or if anyone needs help, I'd never deny a member of the community.. Basically, I'm a helper, I want to make sure all of the city's coffers are full and that the city thrives more so, than if I hadn't joined.


In-Game Name: Sasuke776
RP Name: Nicholas Stormblade
Roll you wish to fill and why: I would like to become a Lumber Jack or Knight because i gre up as a part time Lumber Jack and i love collecting wood also becuase i want to protect the people who live in Timberville and prtoect those who need it and keep them safe and out of harms way.
A couple sentences about yourself: Me not much to tell I grew up in a subirben area always tried to help others when i could. I am a kind hearted person who like to build and create things with my imagination. I love being creative because i want to be a author when i grow up.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I can add nice structures and creations to the community and be a friend to everyone. I can also help out if there is anything thats needed to be done.



Loyal Servant of Altera
In-Game Name: Sasuke776
RP Name: Nicholas Stormblade
Roll you wish to fill and why: I would like to become a Lumber Jack or Knight because i gre up as a part time Lumber Jack and i love collecting wood also becuase i want to protect the people who live in Timberville and prtoect those who need it and keep them safe and out of harms way.
A couple sentences about yourself: Me not much to tell I grew up in a subirben area always tried to help others when i could. I am a kind hearted person who like to build and create things with my imagination. I love being creative because i want to be a author when i grow up.

How do you feel you can add to this community: I can add nice structures and creations to the community and be a friend to everyone. I can also help out if there is anything thats needed to be done.



Loyal Servant of Altera
Attention all shop owners in Timbervale!!

Starting at the end of this week there will be a requirment of having a licence for your shop. The fee is 100 rads and will grant you the ablity to have a shop in timbervale. I'll be using the bookworm plugin for this. From you I will need: Your name, Shop name, and 100 rads. This info (minus the money) will go in the book as well as some other info maybe. I'll be working this out this friday.


Legend of Altera
Attention all shop owners in Timbervale!!

Starting at the end of this week there will be a requirment of having a licence for your shop. The fee is 100 rads and will grant you the ablity to have a shop in timbervale. I'll be using the bookworm plugin for this. From you I will need: Your name, Shop name, and 100 rads. This info (minus the money) will go in the book as well as some other info maybe. I'll be working this out this friday.
Okay, I'll have the money ready. I think this is a great way to generate city income!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Alright here's what's going on with shops. First if you already have a shop please send me a pm on the forums with:

Shop Name:
Your ingame Name:
Rp charater name:

I am going to be using the bookworm plugin to act as the licence. You will be given a copy of the book and the orginal will be kept probably in my house on the bookshelves. The licence will cost 100 rads which you can either pay me or the other council members. Let them know of course it is for the licence. I would prefer it if you would wait to pay until you get the licence as that will make things less complicated. If you loose your licence there will be a 10 rad fee for replacing it. On this note I would advise you to keep it safe somewhere and not carry it into the wilds.


Lord of Timbervale
So I want to take a moment and thank every citizen of Timbervale for being awesome so far. Things have been going extremely well in town and the council and I are striving to expand and improve on everything. I will be updating the OP with an updated list of members and the repositions followed by positions we are looking to fill so keep a look out for that.

So with our population growing (and quickly!) I want to ask you guys what you would like to see in the city. Is there a type of public building you’d like to see put up? What kind of RP events do you want us to host? Any comments or questions please feel free to post them here or let one of us, the council, know.

I want to update you guys on what we have done and what we plan on doing. As many know or have seen the first expansion of the city has been completed. This section has 8 high end upper class houses up for sale first come first serve. Prices are listed at the doors and all rules for houses still apply to them. See a council member to move in today! We have started working on the next expansion with more free to member units to help house our growing population. We will also begin working on a small cloister for magic users.

So let’s hear from you guys now!
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