Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

[Lore] Pioneer Project

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S P R I N G ~ S U M M E R

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The thrums of hammers upon anvils ring. Various metals molting fizzle. Textures form from threads sewn together. The pioneers within the crafts of Altera pursue to create the best of the best, the most unique of their discoveries. Some use it to hoard within their Kingdoms. A few share among their companions. Others use it to enlighten the public.

Altera enters an era for Pioneers

Crafters can use their Masterwork to submit a new lore proposal for a craft within their skill sets. The craft must follow the researcher’s method and the rules below. It’s recommended that players balance their own craft with crafts already known and made to ease the process through tickets. Players can work together on their discoveries, but must rely on one lead researcher as the speaker of the...

March Newsletter 2024

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Second Week of Springrise
Season of Birth -

Hello friends! We apologise for the long delay in newsletters and general updates, its something we're aware of and working on and hope that this newsletter can provide a bit of insight into whats currently going on and planned for the future here on Hollowworld. As this Newsletter will be focused on an update to the community, there will be no IC news or Challenge sections this month. Keep an eye out for those in future editions, though!

Welcome to the March 2024 edition of the Hollowworld Newsletter!....



Player World Edit

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Player World Edit Access
Abilities Include:
+ Purchase worldedit for a limited time. Select from different cooldowns at /warp shophub:
  • 1d: 1k
  • 3d: 3k
  • 7d: 7k
+ Use worldedit inside your region (//wand). Allow worldediting or deny it on your region using the command: /region flag REGION worldedit ALLOW
(Default set to deny to prevent griefing).

+ Copy/Paste builds into creative world to build on and paste back onto your region on your own. Remember, it only effects plots that are owned.

+ Copy/Paste trees or other builds from different parts of the world onto your region to make forests, ships or move caravans onto regions that allow it (always ask for permission from the owners)

+ Set your own biomes with: //setbiome _

+ Use brushes, cylinders, spheres to easily create roads or caverns inside your regions. {...

Renting Property in Storm's Landing

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Copy of Copy of ICEANDFIRE (10).png
The Project Manager of Spawn is IceandFire

Renting Property has now become an automatic system, reliant on player's actively monitoring their own regions.
[Base Player Commands]

/arm help - Plugin help lists all commands.
/arm addmember region newMember - Add a member to your region plot
/arm buy region - Buy the nearest rent plot
/arm extend - Extend the rent of your plot
/arm info region - Read info about a plot
/arm limit - See the limits of your plot purchases
/arm listregions - List your regions
/arm regionfinder - Prompt a GUI that will show you available plots and teleport you to them
/arm restore - Reset your region. Warning- all materials will be taken by the...

A Beginners Guide to our Stat System

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Welcome! You may have just started out on Hollowworld, or you are a returning player.

You may have noticed in the first few days in Altera a system that we use to help elevate Roleplay, enhance character development, and have a useful effect for events.

What is it? It is our stats system!

It is a method to help represent a character’s developed skills over the course of their life.
It is not a perfect representation but it is a step to providing an accurate estimation of a character’s strengths and weaknesses.​
So, where do we begin?

The Hollow Crafting Guide

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HollowCrafting is a plugin designed by Lannis from the ground up that vastly improves the way people play characters with skills and professions that pertain to crafting. HollowCrafting introduces new materials, flora, and fauna into the setting for people to discover and interact with throughout their time on Hollowworld.

Crafting and IC resources will be represented by lored items that can be gathered from the world and crafted and refined into products. Crafting categories now have a tangible skill...

The Token Exchange

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Hello Everyone!
As you all know, voting is a crucial part of promotion for any server, so the PR team has come up with a new system to further encourage voting and to reward those players for their continued support of the server. As such, from this day forward, players will receive a 'Voting Reward Token' for every 25 votes alongside their usual rewards, which can be exchanged for a variety of items at the new token exchange vendors. These vendors are located in a new settlement called 'The Crossroads', with a small tavern and various places to purchase items (which can be expanded on in time).


The vendors can be found at /warp crossroads, but there are some rewards that must be handed to a member of staff to be given the reward. Below is a full list of what...​

Minecraft Server Status


Waterday, 17th of Sporebloom
- Season of Birth

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