Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alaila who? Nible, my lord, Alailanible


Sparkly purple member of the team
I can make a mean gravel stew, dusted with some redstone dust for that extra spiciness.
For dessert: mud pudding with sand frosting.
Sounds good?


Sparkly purple member of the team
In the new dinning hall, of course.

*Eyes shine as she imagines how fun it will be to cook a huge feast*


Sparkly purple member of the team
I swear it was not because of the hot baths!

*Alaila looks around, in Kai and Willie's quarters hearing the soft whispers of voices in the corridor as people went about their business in Uthrandir. She smiles at the comforting sensation that gave her. She looks at the blank page before her and starts to write.*

Much has changed in this last couple of days. I have met many good people and made precious friends.
I must admit that I'm not a brave person. I'm not... sometimes I'm ashamed of what a mousy frightful girl I can be, but you have to understand that before arriving to this land my days were spent in peace with my family and the most extraordinary thing that happened in our life was a specially plentiful harvest or Darla, my older sister, having a baby girl that made us all uhhh and ahhh.
I had no contact with battles or magic or politics.
I threw stones at zombies when I got caught by nighttime and run from creepers. That's it.
So yes, after the attack on Heaven's reach and after knowing sir Darthcorey's plans to bring Chaos into every city I was distraught.
And by distraught I mean I had to have 10 torches around me at night and slept inside a chest just to make sure nothing scary went down while my eyes were closed.
I might have tried to bribe a cow to come home with me so I would not be alone. And a pig when the cow went on her merry way.
And I got extremely friendly with Bill in the Sorrowlands and happily heard him talk about wood and stone bricks for 7 straight hours just because it was night time and I didn't want to make my way to the boat in the dark.
See... insane, right?
Sir Kai would come to see me whenever he could but he had classes to teach and I felt bad for being the reason he was away from home so much... so I found myself traveling to Uthrandir every chance I got.
I met sir Auxilium, sir Willie, sir Dew and professor Drizzle and became quite fond of all of them.
I'm not going to lie... knowing that sir Bellon was close by made me feel a lot safer. The wise man acts in a humble way but he cannot hide the aura of power that surrounds him. Even a simple girl like me can feel it.
It took me a couple of days to summon up the courage to go talk to him and ask if he would give me shelter behind his walls.
He gave me a warm smile and told me Uthrandir would always keep safe those who asked for protection. When I stood there looking at him, trying to figure out if that was an yes or a no he dropped the formal tone and added " well, move along, go get your things lass!"
I was so relieved. I had to stop myself from hugging the old man. I'm sure it would be frowned upon... the new girl just jumping on the most respected member of the community. I can imagine the shock on the other wizards' face as I squeezed their leader saying " oh thank you, thank you, thank you!".
I ran to tell Kai the good news.
Ahhh, Kai... he not only makes me feel safe but at peace. There is something about the way he looks at me that makes me believe every word he says when he tells me I will not be in harm's way while he is around.
Oh look at me! Silly Alaila! Soon I'll be dotting my "i"s with hearts and writting sappy poems about sunsets.
I should snap out of it! I must not forget that when I look into his eyes what I see there isn't meant only for me but for a memory as well.
He told me in a rather straightforward away that he does not think of me as a replacement for Amber. Actually he told me a couple of other things in a *very* straightforward way that rendered me quite speechless.
By the raining pinecones.... he wrote me a love story! A book. A whole book! Before the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me was make a heart out of sheep's... hum... poop. Hey.. no mocking... We were 7 and the kid had nothing else to work with at that moment. I thought it was sweet... so I pushed him and ran away giggling because that is the appropriate response when you're 7.
I got sidetracked.. where was I?
Ahh yes, he told me all of those things but I see the way his eyes cloud over when the memories flash through his mind. Something like that you don't just put away in a neat little chest on the back of your head and move on with your life.
I better not over think it or I might go insane.
So... yeah... I said goodbye to Heaven's reach, thanked sir Aug88 for opening his town to me as a safe harbor when I lost my way, promised to visit often to see the new constructions he had planned and moved to Uthrandir.
Now, I know what you are thinking because the first time I visited the school I could not stop talking about it and no, it was not because of the hot baths, I swear!


The original mute
well, I'm interseted to know, what other characters have you met (appart from xen of course), perhaps make a post with a list of characters you have rped with.)


The original mute
EVERYTHING, not all of xen is a secret, plus i will right up his secrets in his character bio anywya, i don't mind them being here, as long as people don't read it and act like they know all his secrets (he's phsycic and his mental shields surrounding his secrets are impentitrable to all but the most talented and brave, and even then they go insane when htey see them). :)


The original mute
also, when i say secret in rp chat i mean secret as in rp not ral life, nehter i'll be tellling the whole server soon enough.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Bassa (The RP dwarf) is very quick to anger, a little racist towards humans, atheist, and hates elves. I'd advise not insulting him, then he'll get out the TNT and flail and open up a can of whuppin on you.


The original mute
I envy you, you can actually describe things in your writing, I can't. Its not fair, whied i have to suffer from aspurges. :(


Sparkly purple member of the team
You did not eat enough brocolli when you were growing up? It's all in the broccoli, you know?


Sparkly purple member of the team
I have a question: is it better to keep writing through out the thread or should I compile everything on the first post?


Sparkly purple member of the team
I tried to copy the whole story so far to the first post but I got a error message saying: " you write too damn much, woman, don't you have a life or something?".
Okay... not really, but it did say that I could not post more than 30000 characters in a single post.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Better writing through the thread. Just mark it with big font or something to let people know that it's part of the story :)


You could start a new thread and reserve the first couple of replies by replying to it yourself. That should give you a lot of space to work with, it's done all the time on forums where a certain topic is updated a lot.

Scrolling through all the pages might become a bit tedious, and make it hard to find stuff :p


King ForumStalker
Once you have finished your story, you can copy and paste it onto a seperate thread, and move to the post after if you exceed the 30000 character limit on the first post. This will allow for far easier reading.


The original mute
You did not eat enough brocolli when you were growing up? It's all in the broccoli, you know?
well first off i used to eat a lot of broccoli, i'm also 17, and its a flippin mental condition, its hard to detect though as i may have a host of other conditions, including minor dyslexia.