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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


The blacksmiths really need to get working on making tools. I put 25 ingots of iron in the Lords storehouse and it's all gone... and no new tools. Someones being greedy.


Lord of Altera
Our blacksmith has gone inactive... again. I don't know what happened your iron, which chest did you leave it in, and was it proper ingots? I may have used them for Iron bars if you left them in the "Iron" chest rather than the "minerals" chest. I don't think anyone has ever stolen anything in Darkwood, so it would surprise me if that were the case.


Our blacksmith has gone inactive... again. I don't know what happened your iron, which chest did you leave it in, and was it proper ingots? I may have used them for Iron bars if you left them in the "Iron" chest rather than the "minerals" chest. I don't think anyone has ever stolen anything in Darkwood, so it would surprise me if that were the case.
I did haha don't worry then.

I also put a sign on the notice board that miners can be blacksmiths? Otherwise we have to wait an age for them to do anything.


Lord of Altera
I think it is probably the only viable option now, as Blacksmiths are awfully unreliable. I'll sort it out later, for now I have restocked the spades and picks with whatever little blacksmithing skills I have in my repertoire.


Lord of Altera
Darkwood Newsletter

This is the first in what may become a long series of reports upon the goings on of Darkwood Town to keep people up to date with a brief account of what is going on.

- Probably the most evidently noticeable change to town is the new Darkwood Full Moon Inn, which is prominently located on the corners of Port Street and Long Street. This fine establishment is set to be managed by Ploot_teh_Medic in terms of food supply. A dedicated Innkeeper has yet to be sourced and applications for the role are welcome.


There are many comfortable rooms to be found inside and they were kindly furnished by the resourceful Master_Phoenix who made sure there were no lumpy mattresses and all wooden surfaces were carefully sanded smooth to avoid risky splinter encounters.

- As many residents may have noticed, the docks to town are rather small and poorly hemmed in by a large hill on one side. This hill is set to be removed, and all miners are implored to contact VanGarrett for further details of the project. The docks will then be open to extension down the river, and opening up the ability to easily access the countryside from this area, rather than clambering over ice, snow and dirt, or having to walk all the way through town.


The boat will most likely be moved down the river a bit to make way for a bridge across the water to the river island which I am slowly, but surely claiming with towny plots.

- Another recent addition to the town is the addition of new Market stalls to be found on Port Street. Unlike the Shops across the road, these stalls are to be player run and can be claimed if you own a permanent house in town. If you live in Industry accommodation you cannot claim a stall yet. Ownership of a market stall is exclusive to Darkwood residents, outsiders may only buy here.


The stalls are very spacious and provide room enough within for 4 double chests, which means a possible 8 chest shops. This should provide enough of an opportunity for the more entrepreneurial of you to earn some money from your exploits and attract trade to Darkwood.

- As mentioned earlier, plots are being claimed so as to annex the River Island to the East of Town. This may provide a viable location for further farming, housing, and other such industrial practices. As can be seen from the dynamic map there is still some way to go, but progress is going well and it shouldn't take too long to claim all of it.


The Island itself is rather large, it will vastly increase the land area covered by Darkwood and enable much more opportunities than the current town can supply. Foresters are encouraged to use this area for efficient logging activities, such as setting up a tree farm.

- The final topic of notice in recent times, is the expansion of the Farms, which have greatly increased in their capacity to produce wheat with three new fields, as well as a brand new animal grazing pasture. The Darkwood farmers are proving their worth, with a profusion of fresh goods which are constantly available to feed the town.


Special thanks goes to LiamPie, abbeyvie, Yazo332, Deconhawk and Canoli for all their hard work!

That brings to a close all the major updates to Darkwood life. As ever I am asked when the walls are expected to be completed, given threats from bandits, armies of Naught and suchlike. The best answer to this is possibly sometime in the next two months. I find myself incredibly busy outside of minecraft and this has slowed me down in the process, as well as the usual computer issues, which should soon be resolved.

I hope all you lovely people keep up the good work, and I shall see you in game at some point!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Sorry to nitpick, but have the chefs gone inactive aswell? It just I nearly starved cause the food chest was empty. I've refilled with 20 or so mushroom soups.


I think I might like it here
I did haha don't worry then.

I also put a sign on the notice board that miners can be blacksmiths? Otherwise we have to wait an age for them to do anything.
Wait, you left 25 iron in a chest correct? I think I found them in a chest a few days ago. But I think it was put to good use as I can't find it now.

@VanGarret Amazing Newsletter. Nice and sweet. Hope you do more of those to keep everyone up to date.


I think I might like it here
*Attention to Farmers*
Farmers! When you are butchering animals in the pasture, please breed them before butchering. Then butcher the adult animals and let the babies grow for the next butcher. Also, the chickens are ONLY for eggs as stated at the chicken house.

Unfortunately, the server is being buggy. All the wolves and animals have disappeared. When I found a few cows outside the city walls, they also disappeared when they entered the City Boundary. Ex. Darkwood (City) No PvP
I don't know if it's because of the boundary or the bug. Just wanted to let you all know...


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lord VanGarrett, just so you know I'm leaveing Darkwood to help build GrayStone, this may only be temporary, but it is posible it may become my permanent home. Goodbye for now.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm back!
Something weird's going on in GreyStone/Campus Domini and so once thats sorted out I'll be back in Darkwood as a completely new RP character. So do I need to post an application?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name (RP): Thalion Daugion

Race: Elven

Link to RP Profile: None yet sorry.

Profession: Archer

I want to join darkwood since I travelled from Bree to find a town that was nice and lovely, I found Darkwood. A wonderful mermaid called Bluebird helped me and showed me around the town.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name (RP): Callus dyere

Race: Dwelf

Link to RP Profile: (theres not much there yet but O well)

Profession: forester/ Paladin (if needed as guard)

Reason for joining: I used to live in Darkwood, but went to help build GreyStone (which has now collapsed) and have travelled around Altera searching for a new home, but I've decided that I like Darkwood the most and would love to be let back in. (please note that this would be as an entierly new character i.e a new commer with no knowing of anyone in Darkwood)


Loyal Servant of Altera
*edit* app withdrawn, but the ghost of my old character still parkcores his way across the roof tops...


I think I might like it here
That would be interesting, or weird... Did he die in the town? Usually ghost appear in the location they die