Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


Loyal Servant of Altera
Kyro ain't you only a normal paladin of the white cross? (still backing you with the slaying thing though.)


I think I might like it here
I will kill you if you are Demon. I am a High Paladin of the White Angel. And can slay you.
I hope you read all the way. I think I didn't specify that much or I was hoping for you to think. He half and half but show more of a human like side when he's born. More like he hates that he's a demon.

EDIT: You know it would be a good RP if you found out I was. It would be interesting ^^


Hollows Explorer
1 . I started my own order, ( 100 % paladin Authentic ) And I will recruit Soon. ( cfgj )

2. I can't be bothered to read stuff fully XD And you'll love Ploot. ( Deconhawk )


I think I might like it here
1 . I started my own order, ( 100 % paladin Authentic ) And I will recruit Soon. ( cfgj )

2. I can't be bothered to read stuff fully XD And you'll love Ploot. ( Deconhawk )
lol Thanks.

darkend does have that "I am the PALADIN" so It's enough proof for me xD


Loyal Servant of Altera
What about the paladins of the White Cross? or where'nt you happy with having to learn to wait?


Loyal Servant of Altera
*Re-Rails thread* Lord VanGarrett, should foresters collect flowers, seeds, lilys, ectra?