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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


Loyal Servant of Altera
Perhaps hidden traps would work, but I suppose the essence of minecraft could cause problems, but pistons could be used.


Lord of Altera
It is the wrong time zone Greed, if you are only getting on at that time then we are never going to see each other as I am UK time.


Magus of Nothing
Same with me Greed. All of the Seneschals are UK time (i think) and therefore we cant accept you unless we stay up late. The fact that we are all UK time helps though: it bonds us as a town.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well Jak you did want an aprentice who lived in a differn't time zone so they could work while you sleep


Magus of Nothing
Well yes, but if I cannot accept them then how will they ever get into the town? And anyway I now have an apprentice :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh, and congratulations to you on being head of the naturalist institution.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lord VanGarrett, I've just had an idea, perhaps to help speed up production you could implement something similar to one of stalins 5 day schemes.


Lord of Altera
Do you mean that goals be set that industries must reach? Perhaps elaborate your idea a bit more... it seems quite interesting.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well basically 5 day schemes where one of the few sucsessful parts of stalins rule used to get russia back on its feet after several revilutions. At a Darkwood level, lets say the wood-cutters would have to gather a certian amount of logs in a set period of time, say one week


Lord of Altera
Ok, well maybe the heads of industries would be better to set goals themselves as they know what is within their capabilities, and it is mainly their concerns. Perhaps Jak and Magia could help co-ordinate, being the heads of the institutions.

On another note however, say Hello to DRS Pickle! Our brand new river galley which can now transport willing travellers to and from Port Silver and Darkwood!

DRS Pickle.jpg


Lord of Altera
I have made up a map of Darkwood and the surrounding domain over which it has control.

Darkwood Domain Map.jpg

1. The Southern Plains. Expansive and empty, ideal for hunting.
2. The Dry Wood. The land here is oddly drained, and only tall redwood's grow on the landscape...
3. The Castle Isle. Where the Keep of Darkwood will eventually be constructed.
4.The Eastern Swamps. Careful here, many an unwitting traveller has met a gruesome end...
5. The Western Swamps. Swamps are smelly noxious places, don't linger here for long.
6. The North Wood. Thick and dense, it is easy to get lost in this forest...


That's a large area, I can't garauntee noone else will settle there. Unless you claim all the land ofcourse :p


Magus of Nothing
Well basically 5 day schemes where one of the few sucsessful parts of stalins rule used to get russia back on its feet after several revilutions. At a Darkwood level, lets say the wood-cutters would have to gather a certian amount of logs in a set period of time, say one week
Otherwise we stick them in the Dungeon!!! Muhahaha!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well, it would be every one involved who got punished including the Institional heads (VanGarrett would be the one. giveing out the punishment.)