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Game Of Crowns

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Maybe the implemented rules will not include the allowance of god armour.
Would be interesting if no enchantments were allowed and everyone had a certain amount of arrows, a bow, and iron armor... but at the same time a lot of players are going to be mad they don't get their armor they slaved over to get XP


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Basic, unenchanted armour, yes, splash potions ignore it completely.
And I can't speak for Projectile and Fire protection enchants as I do not use them much.

But I know that the Protection Enchant, when at Level 4 and if applied to a full set of Diamond Armour, negates most if not all forms of damage to a point where no damage taken is visible. ( I read somewhere on a MC Forum that it reduces 98% of all damage ) This not only effects Swords and Bows but also Splash potions too, it reduces the damage of Harming, Poison, etc.

I know that I was once poisoned wearing my set and I received no (visible) damage to my health at all during the time I was poisoned. Harming 2 Potions also cause very little damage when using that enchant. Slowness however works as normal and can't be stopped.


Lord of House Hawklight
Protection 4 armour was nerfed in 1.4.6 anyway, if I set you on fire, you're going to take damage now since you don't have fire protection, same with shooting you with a bow, and using explosives I believe.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Protection 4 armour was nerfed in 1.4.6 anyway, if I set you on fire, you're going to take damage now since you don't have fire protection, same with shooting you with a bow, and using explosives I believe.
Eh, I didn't know that. *Shrugs* What about for normal damage then, such as Swords. Has that been nerfed too?

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Think it would be best if we where supplied with like non-enchanted iron but brought our own weapons. Fixes both arguments fairly!
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