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Inactive Iseabail O'Brolchain


Legend of Altera
Theme 1: Invitation to the voyage
Theme 2:
Isabelle's theme ¦ Lucids
Theme 3: Rises the moon | Liana flores




Full Name: Iseabail O'Brolchain

Nickname: Blinky, Carrot, Isacat, Ginger, Fox, Tangerine, Red (rot), Marigold, Fireskull

Birthdate: Has forgotten it from never celebrating it.





She looks to be in her early 20's (23)
Won't be physically aging for a year
(Spell : GLIMPSE OF IMMORTALITY | Caster: Branko | Date: 29.10.2022 to 29.10.2023)



Ginger, they're long and wavy, often kept loose / unkept.

Her left eye is a glass one, although she keeps her eyelid closed because it costs a lot to make one and doesn't wanna lose this one.
The right one is a reddish shade of brown.

5'3ft or 1m61

Body build:
Slim with the build of a person that travels a lot in the wilderness

Monotonous with a clear Irish or Scotish sounding accent. The monotone goes away when she feels a strong emotion of any kind.

  • A long uneven scar runs from the top of her head to the side of her face and towards her lips clipping the top one, as if her skin burst through a heavy blow.
  • Another one from her left bicep to her shoulder in an upward motion, from the defense of a creature clearly.
  • On both her thumbs, two faint and perfectly even straight scaring. Running perpendicular to the thumbs.
  • On her right knurl, a jagged line as if she'd stepped on a bear trap or something the like.





Isea is the kind of person that will clearly tell you how she feels or think about you.

If she's got an idea in her head, it will be a feat to make her change her mind. That counts for many things, from how she should live to how she views other people around her.

Isea is fairly gullible, takes jokes at heart if she doesn't notice it is a joke, which often happens with less obvious ones, and has a hard time with sarcasm, irony and implied meanings. She also often doesn't pick up on a person emotional state if she hasn't lived it herself.

She can be very blunt, loves trying to joke around as she has learnt it is a good way to break the ice. She feels uncormfortable with people getting too much in her personnal space when she's not the one instigating it. Especially physically.
Particuarly loves messing with people when she consider their questions to be too vague, but most of ther time she doesn't beat around the bush, doesn't embelishes nor even lie, she just tells the facts as what they are, facts.

When it comes to moral, she's neither good or bad, unless it comes in the ways of her objectives. In which case she'll do anything to remove the obstacle presented. Even using violence if it comes down to it. Although she doesn't know how to fight. Yet.

Phobias: Iseabail is extremely scared of being in water, it is bearable for her in the rain as she knows she won't drown. But the simple thought of water being able to submerge her causes her extreme bouts of stress, up to a point of becoming tetanised. She's worked through this fear to be able to at least clean herself, but it is a tedious process and she never dips in water that's more than ankle high without getting coaxed into it.

Passions: She is enamored with potion making and the use of plants. While she doesn't know enough in the technical sense to really explain it, she could go on and on about why she likes it. She also has an excessive amout of curiosity about the inner workings of most living things against viruses, poisons and other things of the kind, as well as how habituation can lessen the effects of certain cures.


  • Crowds of any sort, unless she is with someone that puts her at ease
  • Getting overly touched (some can get a pass if she feels comfortable with them, but only for a certain amount of time)
  • Strong smells
  • High pitched or loud sounds (what is considered high or loud can be felt as normal for some
  • Rough textures of any kind
  • Purple rain
  • Tea thanks to Tae
  • Spicy foods (looks tomato red when she eats it tho)
  • Traveling
  • Learning
  • Joking around with her friends
  • Silence
Fun trivia:
  • Can't hold her liqor at all
  • Has a snorting type of laugh




Drives and motivations: Knowledge is a big drive, as she is curious to understand. But not all knowledge.

♥ - Complete
♣ - In progress
♠ - Dropped
♦ - Failed

Long-term goals:
{♣}Learn to read and write
{♣}Learn to wield a weapon
{♣}Learn Alchemy

Short-term goals:
{♣}Get her own place




Hometown: Lived in a Daoine settlement nearby Queensport until age 16
Type of childhood: One of many child, often lacked food
First memory: Hunger and cold
Most important childhood memory: Loss of her eye
Why?: Caused her phobia of water
Childhood hero: -
Dream Job: Alchemist
Education: Scavenging and foraging, learned from one of her bigger sibblings, didn't learn much more
Religious inclination: Theodra
Finances: Fluctuating




Current location: Landing Or frostlight
Living with: -
Animals: none
Religious inclination: Theodra from afar, she doesn't really think about religion that much, and if she does it's more about how she doesn't feel inclined to worshiping anything nor anyone
Finances: Fluctuating
Occupation: Sells the plants she doesn't intend to use, nothin' else.




Not an Illness as it cannot really be healed or reduced, but Iseabail is on the spectrum (Due to the player itself being on the spectrum)
it mostly impacts her social batteries and abilities. While not necessarily being that remarkable, her high dislike of certain textures, sounds and crowds comes from it.

Memory: Bad with time perception. No problems otherwise
Alergies: None that she knows of




NameSpokenWritten / Read
Rede (Dialect: Focail)yesno
Commonyes (somewhat broken)partial

Crafting branches:


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Legend of Altera




AddaAtta boiListen, I enjoy your company, but your tea...never again. I'll be bringing my own and make it in your house for that matter. Yes, it does mean we'll be meeting again, no I don't feel any shame at that.
AndrewDaredevilLoved listening to your aspirations, hope you got here in the time I was away, if not, you still got my support lad.
You are one of the nicest, most cozy person I know, and I know it's because I have been nice to you since we met. I enjoy spending time with you, it's really free of worries. The fact you wear a mask does make it easier since I have less signals to overload me.

For the love of the gods please stop startling me

You remind me of a cat...Try meowing ?

Will never tell you enough just how happy you make me. Although again...don't....startle me..I'll absolutely bite you and not the playfull kinda bite mphf.

Artesia-I'll take you up on that offer about learning how to read, same for Lysander
AseroCrow / BearI'll stick to my thought that you look more like a prim and proper bear than a Crow. But I'll call you Crow nevertheless. You seem flirty, if that's how it's called, but I don't mind it.

Got my confirmation, you're flirty. Still don't mind it since that's not what sways me towards people. But for the sake of a certain kitty cat I'll try to be mindfull about it and ask you to tone it down. Though it's kind of fun.

Will take you up on that offer to teach me the basics, a sword feels more adapted to me than a hammer (sorry Vow)
BorMountainUh...I...have an extra hard time reading you....... You stare a lot. And seems pretty religious too ?...good for you I guess...
Branko (music)Old manThere are similarities, but also huge differences between us, killing being one of them. One thing for sure I'd do anything to make sure I don't die, even if it means entertaining you for a lil while in exchange for my survival.
CharlesGrumpyNever want to have you as my enemy. Definitly don't dislike you, will keep doing buisness if you're up for it.
Eibisch-Just met you, you somewhat worry me.

I've noticed you seem to have trouble with your sight, and your attention span is...impressively ?....short. That and the fact you look like you haven't had a proper sleep in years.

Well, since you're Bellwether's brother, I'll look out for you. I only see it fitting.
FjordLoverboyYou better take good care of my Teacher. I swear if you break her heart....You won't easily get out of it
ForteLil LassLil girl has grown fast.
Frost-We work together yez
IsabelleBellwetherYou're funny. I like your character. And the fact we both dislike gatherings helps. Let's be friend. (Hey there lass)

It seems not many have made their standings clear towards you, I'll try to be as clear as I can I promise.
Lana-The books you've given me, I've yet to fully go through them since I am still learning how to read. But I've kept them very safe. Thanks for this precious gift.
LeonhartLionSpeaking openly about my homeland with you was a relief. Thanks again for introducing me to Teach. Wouldn't have gone that far hadn't it been for your incentive.
Lysander-I'll take you up on that offer about learning how to read, same for Artesia
MattMr.Funny BonesSorry not sorry for invading your house that one time with Lion. Sorry not sorry for taking you on a gathering trip with me.
Love your funny side, but don't push my buttons, I'll end up bitting you.
Quinn [Astrid]-Had a great moment talking with you. Felt even better to be able to speak Rede so comfortably with someone again. I agree, common can sometime be hard. Let's meet again.
RaenyrRaeYou've pushed me to think of words to put on my emotions. It is still hard, but that push has gotten me to try to think about it more. Thank you
Reinhard von Strussen BludTchatterbox / Canary / NightingaleI remember you saying that you found me nice a long while ago. Despite that I wonder what it is that you trully thought as I have a hard time believing that statement.
And I wonder what I had answered back then.
He says we're friends, and I think I agree with that.
SydriFae of the swampI was looking for Faeblessing, instead I found a Fae in the swamp.
Saved me from dying due to dehydration and got me on the right way

I wonder if I didn't hallucinate you cause I'd been left with one hell of a fever when I got home, but at the same time I never owned a waterskin like that before so....
SuhkoizaSoup / Pumpkin PieFirst time someone told me my scar looks nice. I am unsure how to feel about it.

Also you right, it's easier to say Soup...But I'm pretty sure you're not food
ValtaeTeachI am eternaly grateful for your teachings, they've brought me closer to my goals. You can ask me for anything and I would do it.
VeronaSweet PeaA fellow from similar roots. And you're really pretty too.

If you need help I'm sure I'll manage to find a way to do so. Just ask me.
Vowrawn-You and I both know that sometimes some things are necessary to do for ones survival.

I appreciate your offer for teaching me how to fight, but the hammer doesn't feel like the right weapon for me. Let's spare when I get better.


Species opinion


EarthspawnFor the first time in her life she feels a strong, positive, opinion towards a general species.

After what amounts to maybe three meetings, she's found that in some aspects, they make her feel at ease. They are direct, and much like her before she learned by actively observing, they hardly understand double meanings. Even if those meanings are positive.

She will gladly spend time with an Earthspawn any time.
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Legend of Altera




Walking stick made by Aramis (drawing is mine):

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Legend of Altera

Character Art

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Legend of Altera
Relations updated, feel free to boop me on here or on discord if I forgot you ! (there's been a lot of people to add and a lot of thougts to figure out so I wouldn't be surprised to have forgotten someone xD)