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Call of Duty Black Ops, Halo Reach, or Battlefield 3?

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Mrbubbles1951 said:
juggernaut wasnt really overpowered and neither was stopping power, they balanced each other out exactly, martydom i will give you that, and how can most weapons be overpowered? surely its a case of some weapons being underpowered.
It was impossible to use perks such as uav jammer against people with stopping power or juggernaut


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Out of the three given, Battlefield 3 is the best in my humble opinion. Though, it will never be as popular as CoD or Halo because those two games are so similiar in play style, and there community must be twice as big as Battlefield. My all time favorite game in history, so far is Arma 2. Simply because the idea of a realistic army game that doesn't involve me getting shot at is lovely.

French Roast

Lord of Altera
halo Reach is a specific game whereas cod and battlefield are game series. Halo is still talked about as much as both cod and battlefield. IMO Halo and Cod and the frontrunners of the fps genre. Battlefield is like the Lib Dems, the distinctive, always 3rd group that doesnt generally contend with the frontrunners nor does it fall behind other big name brands.
I did specify CoD Black Ops and Battlefield 3, though...


The Arbiter of the Gods
None of them to be honest. They're all a bunch of fast paced, brainless pieces of scrap that I could not call anything but an arcade game. I like thinking games, even TF2 has more thinking involved. As far as FPS games are concerned, my closest, true love is ValvE and what they make, because there's always some sort of puzzle involved.
But out of these 3, I think Battlefield 3 would be the best, though I don't like EA for their "let's scam the hell outta 'em and lol while we release a broken game with bad ending" That game is decent and fairly realistic which lack is what causes my twitches in CoD


Halo Reach, mainly because I never play match making and only use Forge to mess around with pals.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
In all games, tactical thinking improves your gameply. For example in CoD, though this situation could happen in any game...

Not thinking: Ooh, there a door there lets see if anyones on the other side! Sort_of_Smart *Picture of a Famas* Not_Smart

Smart thinking: Hey a door! There could be somone behind it, lets use this convenient window to shoot the person. Smart_Player *Picture of a Famas* Random_Victim


King ForumStalker
I said TF2 requires more thinking. Didn't say it requires any though.
You just contradicted yourself, the lowest amount of thinking possible is none, aka 0. For TF2 to require more thinking, it needs a value higher than 0 aka having some thought put into it. Even if the value is 0.00001 you are still thinking about it. If you went with no thought, like your quote up there, it would require the same thinking, aka 0.

Now that i've murdered your post with math and logic, anyone for a spot of tea?


The Arbiter of the Gods
I know what I said, and I meant it.
0 thinking is involved in TF2 that's right, but in CoD or Halo there is even less then that, so you start to devolve at one point, making weird noises and not caring about anything else but the next installment of this badly milked franchise. At one point you actually believe that halo is the real future and CoD is more realistic then real life.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I have to admit I liked the first 2 CoDs. Same as with Battlefields, 1942 and 2 were awesome. But now...


The Arbiter of the Gods
And according to Mathematics you can think of less then nothing. There are the negative numbers, you can't say they're more then nothing


King ForumStalker
So tell me then, what state of mind are you in when you think less than nothing? It's not possible. Just because the number exists doesnt mean you can use it in every principality. Its like saying a glass can have -100ml of water in it. No it cant, because there is no true reverse to water apart from air, which is nothing.


The Arbiter of the Gods
There is a certain phrase known as "figure of speech"
Ok fine, let me rephrase what I said, let's say that TF2 requires a little thinking (where to build your sentry, how to get past the enemy team as a spy).
Now let's take a look at Call of Duty. You spawn, you get a gun and you shoot. That's as far as thinking is concerned. It requires hand eye coordination but nothing except that. Thinking in that game goes down to wasd for walk, e for use, r for reload, v to knife, space to jump and mouse to fire. This is it. Or is there something more? Some creativity? A workshop in which people can create their own custom content? Is there?


If you are a GOOD call of duty player you think a lot more, where to aim in relation to where the enemy is running. Which enemy to kill first. Where to place a claymore. When to reload. Where to stand to get the best vantage point. There are loads of different things you have to think about.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Mr Polo, if that is how you play CoD then how are you not a raging wreck? To be good enough at CoD to not break your controller, you have to think: Do I run through that door, or do I take cover behind the window? Theres about three of them behind that corner on the radar, do I throw a grenade and try my luck or run around and flank? Theres a sniper in that window, do I rush down this long allyway or ignore him and find easier targets?

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Now that i've murdered your post with math and logic, anyone for a spot of tea?
I like tea. I'm American, but I still like tea. :D

Okay, that was random, but it just occured to me that I didn't say which I like best. Halo Reach in my opinion. Then again that might just be because I like futuristic more than modern warfare.


godfather1 said:
I like tea. I'm American, but I still like tea. :D

Okay, that was random, but it just occured to me that I didn't say which I like best. Halo Reach in my opinion. Then again that might just be because I like futuristic more than modern warfare.
So if you like futuristic you should play battlefield 3, because in the future you can take 2 sniper bullets to the chest and walk away smiling ^-^
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