Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Stormhold

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
In game name: mariomluigifish RP: Kyron Raorensen
Link to server application: Not accessible/deleted due to the nature of the application process during August 2011
Link to roleplay profile or a quick character background:
Kyron Raorensen is in his mid 20s and works at the Merry Mead in Port Silver. He is not afraid to speak out his opinions, and he is quite 'hot-headed'. His father was brutally murdered by the late Basil Brush, and he trained to defeat the Pyromancer, but he died anyway. He has green eyes and brown hair and he used the be the foreman of Caldwell, and he had his own cattle ranch, and his champion racing pig, Marmite, which got him 2nd place in the first pig races of Altera (I think... it was either 2nd or third.. )
Erm.. not too much else to say, really, since I have been in-active for a long time, so I was kicked out of House Hawklight and Wintermourne, but now I am active again, so I need a new home :p


In game name: Username: Glutzz Character: Alexander "Alex" Johnson
Link to server application:
Link to roleplay profile or a quick character background: Alex just left his home of 18 years to go off and find a better meaning in life. Such as pride, love and other such things. His father died in battle when he was 12 years old and ever since then he has sought hard to hopefully impress him whereever he is looking down upon him. Alex is 18 years old with black hair and silver armor. As he has just arrived at Port Silver he has no job and wishes to settle in Stormhold.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Nice app, my friend! :)

We will be happy to accept you into Stormhold. Contact dracoboy2, Tomahawk777, or myself, cherrysparx777 in game to get added to House Lonmar and the Stormhold region so you can get started.