Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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-=[ Rank Up Requests ]=-


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Mylohk - TagTeamChampion
He trains in his usual manner, and when he is done he may sit before a fire to eat. As he does, he hears around him the thrum of people chatting and mingling not unlike a tavern. As he looks about, however, he finds almost a mirage before him of many soldiers, warriors, fighters of all types sat with one another in a moment of respite. One glances to him, a helm still upon his head, and with a nod the mirage fades. Mylohk feels the aches of his training fade, but senses himself stronger in some manner. T2 Approved.

Byrne - Adam/Byrne

T3 Approved - Please make a ticket/contact Divine staff to sort an event/date for in game ranking.

Aelyth - Elz

T4 Approved, hello me, contact other divine staff for in game rank up.

Somnastra - Somnastra

T3 Approved - Contact a member of divine team not currently yourself to do an in game rank up.

Jacob - Sir Saltington

He finds himself drawn to the forests, and as he moves through he finds the gaze of an owl watching him pass by. Then a glimpse of a deer in the distance, the sound of the forests almost overwhelming in how lively they are. Finally, the brief appearance of white fur moving through the dense foliage, disrupted by a howl to the North that makes his hackles raise and adrenaline rush. He is now a blessed of Theodra - T1 Approved.

Aki - Fortune
As she trains one day, she finds the faint image of a spectral warrior before her, sparring with her. Flickers or lightning occasionally appear where their weapons collide, and ultimately she wins the duel and her opponent shimmers away leaving no trace. She does however feel a surge of energy, renewed, as she reaches the status of a blessed of Valiant. T1 Approved.

Aleksei - blargtheawesome
At this time your application is denied - An emote has been sent your way for the IC basis. Feel free to apply again in a week from now if you think you're ready then.


Apologies for the delay on these. I will try and hop on today (or someone will) to sort the in game rank ups via plugin even if you're pending the in game emotes - please kindly dont use T4 spells until then but this saves some time. :)
(Also, 80k character limit in quoting you all so it doesn't look as nice now but alas)


Lord of Altera
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread. [X]

The character must be at least two months old OOC. check

The character must be at least sixteen years of age. check

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others. He openly admitted to Aleksei Ivanov that he had done sins in the past, though perhaps not many, they weighed heavily on him.

He wished that Aleksei scar him in the same fashion that he scarred another, by branding through his newly formed Chapter of the Burning Order, as it was in similar way Saint Maceo the Burned was punished for slaying Rahas in combat, against Ignis' wishes. He wished this penance would cleanse him of his past sins, mark his loyalty to God and Lord, and serve a reminder to him of what he had done in the past is never forgotten, but forgiven. His shoulders bear now the scars of his own ceremonial blade, lifting the weight of sin off him.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above. :

Leonhardt taught Aki, Niko and Godmund about his views on the faith after re-kindling his aspiring role as Inquisitor. Ignis is Merciful like a mother, but will punish the flock when doing wrong. He in addition to teaching, has taken up training the recruits to the inquisition in ways of honorable combat, that being in formation and to fight to capture rather than kill. He also reprimanded his squire, Aki, for acting out of line in Storm's landing, telling her to seek refuge outside of the Landing until they can get her a retrial as her being there was against the law.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)

He offers a plate from nid arach, bearing symbols of Harateth at the shrine in the Lodestar. ((OOC location will be atop the castle I need to tear down because BLARG hs yet to give me build perms in the inn X:6494.536 Y:149.8750 Z:5341.775))
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Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
Reached Tier One on November 13th 2021

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
When invited to Drakenport, Briarwood attempts to sway Haefer against Jax and his claim of the ocean. Haefer basically tells her to get lost and insults both her religion and her person. She tells her that no matter what happens she'd rather be the one to defend Jax not the one that turned her back on him. This all uspets Briarwood enough to kick her out of Drakenport. As Haefer is usually quite easily swayed by money or shiny things, this show of loyalty was a big move for her and further solidified her faith.

+After killing Branko, he returned in his new body and she demanded her money. Not remembering that the 500 rads was to be paid for killing him, he assumed that he had used her for other services. Haefer takes advantage of his loss of memory to blackmail him, getting paid 1200 rads to keep quiet about an affair that never happened. She rides this deal out for a long time, using the lie to her advantage whenever needed while trying to earn his trust in hopes of climbing the ranks of society. Soon he chooses to pay for her living, and for a few months she gets paid to literally just exist by a man of great renown that she swindled. She also uses him for information about Briarwood when he is Aiden which she sends to Cymic.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
Since giving Jax one of her matching gold bracelets she has not taken it off. She touches it when she casts a prayer. It has become a symbol of her bond to him. She even had it cleaned and engraved with an anchor. She also sports gold accents in all her outfits, but at religious occasions wears a completely gold ensemble.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
Created a shrine overlooking the market in storms landing and offered it a gold coin, 60 rads (half her week's earnings), a draught of dreaming to show her improved alchemical skill (which is part of her merchant angle) and an archblossom fruit which she knows is an item of high value. (All items in the chest at that shrine)

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
In hopes of making some extra money and venture into exploring the merchant side of her god, Haefer opens a stall in the Blackmarket to sell poisons and poisonous plants as well as advertise her many other services.

+ Attended Eliss' event 'A response' in the landing, which discussed which god had more right to the seas. Haefer observed who seemed to lean which way in the crowd and spoke out against Briarwood when she tried to turn her against the other Jaxites.

+ Haefer strikes a deal and makes a promise in Jax's name to keep Branko's secret. Making 500 rads to kill him and tell no one his new identity. She actually does keep this oath, and does not reveal his true identity, despite Branko later not remembering it, but uses it to her advantage at every turn as mentioned above.

+ Offered a vial of bitterbile that she made for her shop, almost like collateral to show she is working on her skills to be a good merchant, at Eliss' divination event to ask about the oceans and discussed what was said by the messenger of Jax with the rest of the group, putting forward ideas for how they can get ahead of the visagites and making a promise to stand by them.

+ She defended her faith to Cymic when he attempted to publicly humiliate her and put her on the spot about it, taking into question her motives and ideals. She stood her ground and defended her right to worship Jax in the way she was even when it seemed like he wanted to push her away from it or change her.

+ Despite the disagreement, she did reconcile with the prophet in favour of being his ally in what she thought would end up being a war with visagites, and later stood by Cymic when he spoke out against Briarwood at a visage event announcing the 'depths'. She even offered Cymic's bodyguard poison for his blade when she thought a fight would break out, knowing she could not fight herself but offering what she could to assist.

+ Though the ceremony ended up being just her (no one showed for the event), she did go about breaking in her shrine and praying over it. She made a promise to Jax and herself that she wasn't going to rely on others to make her money anymore and that she was going all the way to the top and bringing him with her. This is personally significant to her as she is using her faith to find the courage to pursue new avenues to better her standing and her quality of life. She drank some rum and poured some into the water of the fountain to 'share' then smashed the bottle on it like one would do the hull of a new boat.

edit: I am fine with a forum emote.
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Loyal Servant of Altera
(I am perfectly content with a forum emote, given this is accepted.)​
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.[COMPLETE] Divine profile sheet created March 31st, 2022. [03/31/22]
The character must be at least two months old OOC.[COMPLETE] Character profile sheet created February 27th, 2022. [02/27/22]
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.[COMPLETE] Aleksandr is currently twenty-three years old.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.[COMPLETE] Stood alongside Cymic and a Moor elf serving as Jaxite proxy during the heretical sermon of a Visagite; fervently denying their claims of their God regarding Jax's very domain. [X]
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
  • Scammed his friends many times, finding ways to bend the verbal agreement to his will.
  • Began working on and inventing displays of sleight of hand, serving as ways of charming deceptiveness.
  • Began pursing any opportunity that he may achieve, whether that opportunity may be good, or bad..
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)[COMPLETE] Aleksandr offered a special coin that he received from a peddler that depicted an Emberlark on it when he was down on his luck in the Church of Halbed. (OOCly, deposited it into the hopper at Storm's Landing so that the physical item could be stored). [X]


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Following my last rankup request, I believe the major point of contention is that Aleksei was unwisely negotiating with Skraagites instead of actively opposing their influence on the world. Aleksei has considered the emote I was given from that request a vision from God, and has begin to militantly oppose them. As such, I have replaced all mention of Aleksei's positive interactions with Skraagites with references of his battles with them following that post instead.


Aleksei’s T3 Application

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Achieved T2 on [10/25/2021].

Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
  • He ambushed a number of conspirators during their attempt to summon Dranoden.
  • Aleksei published the Codex of Ash, the next installment in a long tradition of ignite codexes.
  • Aleksei integrated his inquisition into the government of Storm’s Landing, to finally put an end to the city’s perennial corruption and lawlessness.

The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
While his faith has wavered over the many decades of his life, he has come to terms with it and faced many of those figurative demons. He now fully believes in Ignis, more than before his faith was tested.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
  • Aleksei believes that order trumps law. He believes that if a law will cause disorder by following it, it is the duty of the clergy to evaluate the law and strike it out in favor of more pious law.
  • He believes faith is defined by virtues. He believes that absolute obedience is a virtue, and that an ideal ignite is one who is absolutely obedient to their master.
  • Aleksei believes that there is glory in politics. It is better to negotiate with an enemy to make them do what you want them to do, rather than force them to do so by a disorderly use of force.

Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine.
Aleksei’s Codex of Ash is full of scripture. As are his debates against heretics, frequent meetings where he explains the ideology of his faith, and all of his inquisitors are subject to his teachings.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
  • Aleksei convinced Leonhard to abandon his pursuit of magic, and rekindle his faith instead.
  • He declared personal jurisdiction over Storm’s Landing, and during that time no crime was committed for fear of his inquisition’s reprisal.
  • In an orderly fashion, he established a garrison in the ruins of the grand cathedral and then later disbanded it when it was no longer necessary.
  • He honorably attended a trial that he knew was unlawful, biased against him, and that he felt had no right to try him. In spite of it, he argued so persuasively against the kangaroo court that they “sentenced” him to continuing his work of pruning the city of its corrupt elements.
  • Aleksei has begun turning the mage Nikolche away from magic and toward faith. He instructed the man on the proper conduct of an Ignite and the flaws of his old ways, and as far as I know he has not violated any of Aleksei’s ordinances.

They must also pick one of the following paths:
[To Great Lengths]
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

Aleksei debated Milah Sicarus on the virtue of serving Magic, versus serving a deity.
It allowed Aleksei the chance to openly discuss the clear problems of practicing magic. How it damages the planes, and the virtue of allowing reasonable restrictions on oneself for the benefit of all.

Aleksei joined the Legio Divinatus.
A cornerstone of Aleksei’s faith is the open and honest cooperation of anyone who is willing to meet him in sincere negotiation - even if he does not like them or finds their practices disgusting. Becoming a member of this network of powerful blessed was a major coup for his strategy.

Aleksei uncovered evidence of a demonic plot.
Because of his openness to negotiate with anyone in spite of their differences, Aleksei knew of the demon Melarue’s home and that it housed her journal. In cooperation with the exalt of Theodra, he secretly read the contents of the journal which revealed a plot to summon Dranoden in the midst of a huge ball.

Aleksei interrupted a conspiracy, and engaged in a bloody melee with several of its members.
He interrupted the demonic plot to summon Dranoden alongside several members of the Legio Divinatus. For his part in the battle, he fought three worshippers of dark gods at once. A Vyre, a Visage blessed, and Branko Callas. He survived the melee long enough to have his allies come to his rescue, thus glorifying God through combat. While he believes in peaceful negotiation, he believes that readiness for battle is equally important, and this is important to him that he did not embarrass himself on the battlefield.

Aleksei exorcised Frost alongside other blessed.
Exorcising demons is obviously something that God favors, and Aleksei played a role in doing so.

Aleksei hunted down Melarue, although he failed to exorcise her.
Aleksei has always struggled with, shall we say, a gentleness toward women. He has always been reluctant to do them harm, and has at times been quite bigoted toward them as he has in the past been toward other races. While he successfully captured Melarue and brought her to his castle, he doubted that she had the strength or willfulness to escape and so allowed her free reign of the castle and visitors. On the eve of her exorcism, she was very easily rescued by her allies. This taught Aleksei that sometimes cruelty, such as imprisoning her in the dungeon would have been, is necessary.

Aleksei recruited Nikolche Variclav to the Inquisition.
Nikolche read of Aleksei’s teachings and his open defiance to the council’s authority. He wanted to rid the Landing of its corrupt elements too, and felt Aleksei possessed the strength and moral character to do so, and so he joined Aleksei. That he was a mage and now Aleksei could convince a mage to pursue a more moral path without coercion is something that Aleksei feels is a major coup.

Aleksei declared war on the Reaching Hand.
Such is the nature of Aleksei’s faith is that he tries to conceal as little as possible from anyone and everyone, including his prospective enemies. Instead of plan a quiet ambush or simply cut off all contact following his vision that he should purge the world of Skraagites, he arranged a meeting with Branko where he bluntly informed him that they were going to come into conflict.

Aleksei won the first major battle of the War of Ash and Lich.
Aleksei forced the Skraagites to grant him concessions following an intense and bloody melee between the Inquisition and the Reaching Hand. Aleksei both commanded his inquisitors, and engaged in combat such that he focused singularly on taking out Branko while several of Branko's men fought him at once. At one point in the battle, he wrestled Branko to the ground and began to beat him to death with his hands. At the end of the battle, the Inquisition had captured Branko and Aleksei negotiated his release in exchange for concessions from the Skraagites.

Aleksei published the Black Book, a handbook for inquisitors.
The Black Book is a document that ensures inquisitors shall not knowingly act in a disorderly manner. It outlines their responsibilities, when to respect jurisdiction of other powers, how to offer assistance in an orderly manner, when those laws may be ignored, what punishments are appropriate, and how to conduct oneself. If an inquisitor always keeps a copy hand (and they all are required to), and the always follow the Black Book in the absence of Aleksei or a Chapter Inquisitor (as they are required to) no inquisitor shall accidentally overstep their authority and embarrass Aleksei by sullying their order.

Aleksei has established Lichtfern, the site of the Inquisition’s Repository.
The Repository houses many evil or potentially artifacts, and it is important to Aleksei that these artifacts are kept contained. It may one day provide possible to bless then and turn them away from evil pursuits, or destroyed and their power used in a ritual for good. For now, he has more important matters to do and is content to keep them contained, away from where they can cause disorder in society.

Aleksei confiscated a demonic mirror.
He does not understand its significance, that it is the means by which demons may enter the world and their cultists may commune with them. He only knows that it is evil, and there is something of demonic corruption about it. It is in the Repository.

Aleksei established a second settlement south of the Landing, The Lodestar Inn.
With the intent of providing a space of relative order so near to the capital of disorder in the lands, Aleksei is establishing a small settlement. Violence and thievery shall be strictly forbidden within it, but all shall be welcome. Including criminals, and those of devious faiths. In this way, by providing a place where everyone is allowed, including those exiled from other lands, Aleksei can keep an eye on everyone.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread. [X]

The character must be at least two months old OOC. check

The character must be at least sixteen years of age. check

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others. He openly admitted to Aleksei Ivanov that he had done sins in the past, though perhaps not many, they weighed heavily on him.

He wished that Aleksei scar him in the same fashion that he scarred another, by branding through his newly formed Chapter of the Burning Order, as it was in similar way Saint Maceo the Burned was punished for slaying Rahas in combat, against Ignis' wishes. He wished this penance would cleanse him of his past sins, mark his loyalty to God and Lord, and serve a reminder to him of what he had done in the past is never forgotten, but forgiven. His shoulders bear now the scars of his own ceremonial blade, lifting the weight of sin off him.
Leonhardt finds that on a return to the Lodestar Inn, the sun shines brightly down upon him enough that it gives him pause. A warmth runs through him, and he finds himself invigorated as Ignis grants him her blessing. He is now T1.

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
Reached Tier One on November 13th 2021

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
When invited to Drakenport, Briarwood attempts to sway Haefer against Jax and his claim of the ocean. Haefer basically tells her to get lost and insults both her religion and her person. She tells her that no matter what happens she'd rather be the one to defend Jax not the one that turned her back on him. This all uspets Briarwood enough to kick her out of Drakenport. As Haefer is usually quite easily swayed by money or shiny things, this show of loyalty was a big move for her and further solidified her faith.

+After killing Branko, he returned in his new body and she demanded her money. Not remembering that the 500 rads was to be paid for killing him, he assumed that he had used her for other services. Haefer takes advantage of his loss of memory to blackmail him, getting paid 1200 rads to keep quiet about an affair that never happened. She rides this deal out for a long time, using the lie to her advantage whenever needed while trying to earn his trust in hopes of climbing the ranks of society. Soon he chooses to pay for her living, and for a few months she gets paid to literally just exist by a man of great renown that she swindled. She also uses him for information about Briarwood when he is Aiden which she sends to Cymic.

Haefer finds herself visiting the new shrine to Jax in the Landing, and upon her arrival she sees a man there already. As she walks closer, her flips a coin into the fountain and offers her a smirk over his shoulder as if he knew she was there before she ever announced herself. He then departs, wordlessly, but upon herself arriving at the fountain edge the coin appears in her own hand instead. A laughing face on one side, and a dice on the other. She is now T2 of Jax.

(I am perfectly content with a forum emote, given this is accepted.)​
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.[COMPLETE] Divine profile sheet created March 31st, 2022. [03/31/22]
The character must be at least two months old OOC.[COMPLETE] Character profile sheet created February 27th, 2022. [02/27/22]
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.[COMPLETE] Aleksandr is currently twenty-three years old.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.[COMPLETE] Stood alongside Cymic and a Moor elf serving as Jaxite proxy during the heretical sermon of a Visagite; fervently denying their claims of their God regarding Jax's very domain. [X]
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
  • Scammed his friends many times, finding ways to bend the verbal agreement to his will.
  • Began working on and inventing displays of sleight of hand, serving as ways of charming deceptiveness.
  • Began pursing any opportunity that he may achieve, whether that opportunity may be good, or bad..
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)[COMPLETE] Aleksandr offered a special coin that he received from a peddler that depicted an Emberlark on it when he was down on his luck in the Church of Halbed. (OOCly, deposited it into the hopper at Storm's Landing so that the physical item could be stored). [X]
Aleksandr finds himself drowning his sorrows in a tavern within the next few days. He hears a man speaking of Know, and that surely those who hold fondness for the 'heretical librarian' would not seek out blessings with the divine. Aleksandr may glimpse over a shoulder to see who speaks of such things, but upon doing so, no one is actually there and he seems to have misplaced his coinpurse. Despite this turn of bad luck, he does find himself with a newfound connection. Aleksandr is now T1 of Jax.

Following my last rankup request, I believe the major point of contention is that Aleksei was unwisely negotiating with Skraagites instead of actively opposing their influence on the world. Aleksei has considered the emote I was given from that request a vision from God, and has begin to militantly oppose them. As such, I have replaced all mention of Aleksei's positive interactions with Skraagites with references of his battles with them following that post instead.


Aleksei’s T3 Application

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Achieved T2 on [10/25/2021].

Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
  • He ambushed a number of conspirators during their attempt to summon Dranoden.
  • Aleksei published the Codex of Ash, the next installment in a long tradition of ignite codexes.
  • Aleksei integrated his inquisition into the government of Storm’s Landing, to finally put an end to the city’s perennial corruption and lawlessness.

The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
While his faith has wavered over the many decades of his life, he has come to terms with it and faced many of those figurative demons. He now fully believes in Ignis, more than before his faith was tested.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
  • Aleksei believes that order trumps law. He believes that if a law will cause disorder by following it, it is the duty of the clergy to evaluate the law and strike it out in favor of more pious law.
  • He believes faith is defined by virtues. He believes that absolute obedience is a virtue, and that an ideal ignite is one who is absolutely obedient to their master.
  • Aleksei believes that there is glory in politics. It is better to negotiate with an enemy to make them do what you want them to do, rather than force them to do so by a disorderly use of force.
Aleksei finds that one evening he sits before the same fireplace that gave him his prior vision and it once more seems to change before him. However this time, the flame grows into a comforting warmth with a golden hue, and the shapes in the flame show not scenes of the dead but glorious scenes of his own deeds in Her name. He finds himself empowered as his connection with Ignis strengthens, Aleksei is now T3.

Reminder to all the above approved (And you, Sir Saltington from before) - To post your passive requests in the 'Divine Convention' discord chat so we can apply them in game. Thanks!


Lord of Altera
Events Staff
Andrew D'Amryun - Valiant Tier 1
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.The character must be at least two months old OOC.The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Divine Profile was made on 3/9/2022. [x]His profile was made on 5/9/2020. [x]He recently hit 19 years of age.

☼·················═ ⌘ ═·················☼
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or a similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.

He with his fellow Realmsguard members rescued his kidnapped mother out of the bowels of Nid Arach. The perpetrators were getting cheap shots at them with crossbows until Andrew charged in and injured the leg of one, finally earning his mother’s support for having such perilous dreams for a Halfling like himself. [

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.

He joined the Realmsguard to protect the realm from danger and to find his future in Valiant. [x]

He joined the SL Guard to serve those who need help most desperately. [Defend those that cannot defend themselves.]

On a Realmsguard scouting mission in the nether, they had to retrieve a scroll chained above lava. Andrew deligated a plan and volunteered to be roped down and got it, but with the bubbling sea of lava directly below him. [

He and the Realmsguard battled Wither Skeletons twice his size and the Wither on a mission in the nether, but he had his ear cut off during combat. [

Whilst on duty as a Storm’s Landing guard, he and a group fought a giant creature out of stitched-together animal parts, and despite being thrown, leaving him with a concussion, he continued to fight and ended up cutting its arm off. [Tremble not upon the field of battle, but always remember the better part of valor.] [

He and his fellow guards confronted ten bandits in Storm’s Landing. While the bandits weren’t cooperative and fled, and some of his fellow guards had a rather brutal approach, he tried his best not to rob them of their lives as he brings them to justice. He has never and hopes to never kill someone, be it a friend or a foe. [Do not abandon diplomacy out of lust for war.] [

☼·················═ ⌘ ═·················☼
One offering of an item to their Divine at the SL Cathedral (Hopper)

A seax, which he retrieved on his first proper adventure when he was nine years old.
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Andrew D'Amryun - Valiant Tier 1
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.The character must be at least two months old OOC.The character must be at least sixteen years of age.Divine Profile was made on 3/9/2022. [x]His profile was made on 5/9/2020. [x]He recently hit 19 years of age.
☼·················═ ⌘ ═·················☼
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or a similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.

He with his fellow Realmsguard members rescued his kidnapped mother out of the bowels of Nid Arach. The perpetrators were getting cheap shots at them with crossbows until Andrew charged in and injured the leg of one, finally earning his mother’s support for having such perilous dreams for a Halfling like himself. [

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.

He joined the Realmsguard to protect the realm from danger and to find his future in Valiant. [x]

He joined the SL Guard to serve those who need help most desperately. [Defend those that cannot defend themselves.]

On a Realmsguard scouting mission in the nether, they had to retrieve a scroll chained above lava. Andrew deligated a plan and volunteered to be roped down and got it, but with the bubbling sea of lava directly below him. [

He and the Realmsguard battled Wither Skeletons twice his size and the Wither on a mission in the nether, but he had his ear cut off during combat. [

Whilst on duty as a Storm’s Landing guard, he and a group fought a giant creature out of stitched-together animal parts, and despite being thrown, leaving him with a concussion, he continued to fight and ended up cutting its arm off. [Tremble not upon the field of battle, but always remember the better part of valor.] [

He and his fellow guards confronted ten bandits in Storm’s Landing. While the bandits weren’t cooperative and fled, and some of his fellow guards had a rather brutal approach, he tried his best not to rob them of their lives as he brings them to justice. He has never and hopes to never kill someone, be it a friend or a foe. [Do not abandon diplomacy out of lust for war.] [

☼·················═ ⌘ ═·················☼
One offering of an item to their Divine at the SL Cathedral (Hopper)

A seax, which he retrieved on his first proper adventure when he was nine years old.

As Andrew sits, honing the edge on his sword, he notices a reflection of a soldier in his blade. A firm but reassuring grip would be felt on the halfling's shoulder for but a moment. Upon trying to catch a glimpse of the figure, Andrew would find nobody standing behind him. A lingering feeling of courage is felt as Valiant's blessing is bestowed upon him. T1 Approved.

A reminder to post in the plugin ranks and universal passive request channel in the divine convention discord so we can get you setup in the plugin.


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Ally Nevyle // Layla Evelyn - Jishrim Tier 1

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.

The character must be at least two months old OOC.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
38 Physically (78 for real)

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
Willingly sacrificed her body (Without issue, as she is a vyre) to be given to the Greyling Hole, to better her relations with the skraagites, aiming to have more support from them, and reduce possibilities of them trying to take Plagues.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
During an encounter with Sylvia, she put the thought into her mind that she should have her anger out in the world, she slowly manipulated her emotions, causing her to angrily tell Layla to leave, which she obliged.

Met with Kiniyago at the compendium, and helped him go back to his home. There, she ate Kinyago's Lignum Esuriit's fruit, her own tree is still growing.

Met the Exalt of Jishrim, and asked for his guidance with the path of The Spider, he told her to obtain hairs from members of Candlewood, and she did so. Obtaining hairs from Luna Crow, Reinhard, and Athryl, giving those to Bok'ra for spell usage.

Attacked and threatened Valtae (A blessed of Shalherana) as a way to cause an emotional outburst to feed from her emotions.

Fullfilled another of Bok'ra's tasks, speaking to the Exalt of Visage about cuttting ties with the Skraagites, as Bok'ra saw it as endangering the divine angel of plagues. Though the Exalt of Visage denied cuting ties with the skraagites, he seemed willing to accept working along with Bok'ra to help Jishrim

Attacked Guinevere at the compendium after having not eaten in weeks, entering a feral state. She was able to feed, in the process transforming Guinevere into a feral. Furthermore, she is borderline traumatized from the experience

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
Offered 2 pendants to Jishrim in Storm's Landing's great Cathedral, one resembling a Black Widow spider on a web, and another, a Brown Recluse spider on a web.

Last edited:


"Something need doing?"
Oleg - Tier 3
Rank up in-game please!

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.YAchieved 21st of February.
Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.Y[ Korog ] Discusses with the Circle of Metallurgy and outsides the potential for the use of a flesh bronze being generated akin to that of a sun-blessed. The circle also tries to identify a odd crystal. [ INFORMAL PROSTHESIS MEET II ] { Domain - Invention }

[ Korog ]
Removal of Infernal within him by Miya and Edger Kress, a fellow Blessed.

[ Korog ] Studies the precursor ax acquired from the river at [ AXEING QUESTIONS ]. He makes a number of theories surrounding it. They work out the ax comes from a Precursor carapace and is similar in strength to iron. The knowledge discovered at this event presented by Lana at [ THEORIZING PRECURSORS ]. {Domain of Craft/Minerals}
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.YCarries a smithing hammer everywhere, as well as a Holy Symbol of Korog.

He doesn't widely tell people of his faith, but he is quite proud of what he has managed to achieve with Korog as his patron.

He believes that Korog exists, and is powerful enough to give Oleg what he needs to achieve what Oleg believes is his ultimate destiny- to become the greatest artificer and inventor of all time.

However, Oleg believes quite strongly in quite a flexible arrangement with Korog- he will offer Korog prayers and deeds in exchange for power- but if Korog decides to act against Oleg's general self-interest, Oleg will choose to abandon Korog. This will occur if he comes to believe that Korog is incapable of providing him with the opportunities he needs in order to meet his perceived destiny or becomes corrupted.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.YOleg first and foremost is an inventor and believes in the greater good that inventions can provide to the common mortal. His deeds reflect his desire to learn and build things that have the capability to make the world a better place.

Oleg has a strong belief that his worship is akin to a transaction- and his lessons and conversations with others often reflect this. He believes that this sentiment can help stave others and himself away from the dangers of religious fervor, believing excessive belief in the gods to be a danger to mortals at large. (He has a significant distaste for religious persecution from certain factions upon others. This hails from Uriel and Podric's kidnapping and torture of Athryl Mithtanil from his own home.)
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)YLessons:
[ Korog ]
Runs a lesson for Iris Cartwright (shark_desu) and Kepesk (moofmoof8). He teaches them how to begin to smith, and they both successfully make their first weapons (A copper dagger with maple hilts) under his tutelage. Kepesk states that like Oleg, he wishes to become a master smith and serve Korog. They share a drink afterward of mead (although Kepesk drinks tea).
[ Korog ] Runs a lesson for Kepesk Arc, and teaches him how to work with iron ore to make a short blade. On completion of the blade, Oleg uses [ Imbue Gem ] to give his student's blade an extra flare and make him proud of his achievements.
[ Korog ]
Runs a lesson for Kepesk Arc, and teaches him how to utilize a grindstone.
[ Korog ]
Runs a lesson for Kepesk Arc, and teaches him some philosophy, and tries to teach him to avoid fanaticism. He gives Kepesk some homework to write a review of Divine Tools by Nywyn.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.YSee Below.
[To Great Lengths]
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
[ Korog ]
Becomes an apprentice-level carver. { Domain of Craft }
[ Korog ]
Begins to offer commissions ... for a price. Commissions completed: 8 [x]{ Domain of Craft } Sells commissions at [ IN HONOR OF CONCORD ] (for relatively high prices).
[ Korog ] Becomes apprentice in tailoring. { Domain of Crafting }
[ Korog ]
Becomes a journeyman in carving. {Domain of Crafting}

[ Korog ]
Experiments with the purple flames left by (presumably) Magic's fight with (presumably) Valiant. He tests whether the flames affect the material properties of fire iron, hypothesizing that the magical flames may alter the arcane structure of the base material. He completes other tests- like attempting to create visceral flames with Kethron's help, and determining the properties of the flame with other arcane spells with Athryl's help. They discover the flames are quite standard, only being different in color. Writes "Research Notes: Purple Lightning". { Domain of Invention }
[ Korog ]
On behalf of his close friend Athryl, he takes charge of the Circle of Metallurgy and Material Sciences, promoting experimentation against materials within Altera in an attempt to unlock their true potential. [x] He successfully convinces Cael, Storm, Miya, Athryl, and Rose to join his Circle in the pursuit of understanding around metallurgy and materials sciences. { Domain of Invention }
[ Korog ]
Discusses the merits of a metal prosthesis with the Circle of Metallurgy. Tries to provide opportunities for others to get involved in this project of invention. [ INFORMAL PROSTHESIS MEET I ] { Domain - Invention }
[ Korog ]
Oleg along with Freia make strides into studying Animechanics - the study of the soul. Using undead, they seek to create a machine that'd turn a rotor indefinitely, harnessing the hunger of the undead to create useful motion. It isn't the most pretty of work, but Oleg is pragmatic and believes undead are a relatively renewable resource. { Domain of Automation/Invention }
[ Korog ]
With Miya, begins researching bouyancy of earkstone mirrorwood and birdwood, hoping to create a vest that can aid sailors (and Oleg) in crossing oceans or large bodies of water. { Domain of Invention }
[ Korog ]
Experiments with fire iron and redstone, attempting to create a new kind of perpetual motion device. He makes 2 failed attempts and begins working on a 3rd iteration.

[ Korog ]
Witnesses the exaltation of Karn, blessed of Skraag. He offers his own congratulations at Karn's rise to exalthood on behalf of Korog. [ METAMORPHISIS ] { Domain - Neutrality }
[ Korog ]
Takes part in the Food and Clothing Drive in [FOOD AND CLOTHING DRIVE]. He gives away a bunch of clothing to the poor and the needy. When Bok'ra shows up, he shows restraint in attempting to harm the exalt, even though the exalt is a monster, seeking to hear him out first. { Domain of Neutrality }

[ Korog ]
Journeys to the Blightlands to discover a dig site for the Precursors. Aids in the recovery of interesting assets- using his knowledge of geology and rocks to aid in the endeavor. One notable example is where he identifies the type of rock where the topsoil fossils are found being calcite. [ PUT ME IN THE RIVER ]{ Domain - Minerals }
[ Korog ]
Journeys to Astrakhan to the site of another Precursor settlement, and finds a footprint fossil. He aids in the acquisition and storage of other historical artifacts in the [ WHEN WE WALKED FIELDS OF GOLD ] He tries his best to learn and study what he had found. { Domain of Minerals }

General Deeds
[ Korog ]
Aids in the exorcism of Malice from Raeynr. Identifies the threat, and then convinces Raeynr to come along. He sends word to the Theodrans to come to Candlewood for the exorcism (He himself was not powerful enough to remove it himself. { Not aligning to a domain, but aiding in the removal of an exterior threat.}
[ Korog ]
Aids in the investigations of thefts in the landing, leading to the arrest of two thieves. [ THROUGH THE STREETS ] { Aligns to Tenet: Be obedient to thine rightful liege. Oleg is doing his duty for the city of Storm's Landing }
[ Korog ]
Attempted arrest of Branko Callas as part of his sworn duties as guard. Oleg slays an undead wendigo and is beaten up and stuffed into said Wendigo. { Lawful Response, following duties. }
[ Korog ]
Faithful service to the guard and city of Storm's Landing, in ensuring the Landing is best serviced by the council. After the law codes were failed to be updated, and a kidnapper and torturer found themselves escaping justice after claiming new unreleased law codes stated that he was not breaking any laws, Oleg gathered the guard and lawfully began a strike, giving appropriate notice. [x] When the council reached out to him and agreed to meet the most important of the guard's demands at [ TO SETTLE DISPUTES], Oleg ended the strike in good faith. Oleg worked to ensure that due process was being followed - in the release of the unreleased law codes, for the overall good of the city.

Oleg realized that unreleased law codes were a danger to the law of the city itself. As if even the guard did not have access to these codes, but were expected to follow- great injustices and failure to follow due process were likely to be made. To this end, Oleg sought to ensure that there was clear understanding of what the law entails, for all within Storm's Landing. { Lawful Response, following duties. }
[ Korog ]
Aids in stopping a large fire in Storm's Landing as part of his lawful duties as a guard. He completes various investigations, finding that the flame was started by a firework. { Lawful Response, following duties. } Other moments where he served lawfully was guarding the populace at the opening of the new Learning centre in Candlewood [x].
[ Korog ] Defending of Storm's Landing against a contingent of bandits and protecting those under his charge. He used various spells to aid his endeavors. When Miya is slain- he attends her wake, refusing to leave her side. { Lawful Response, following duties. }
[ Korog ]
Attempted arrest of Aleksei Ivanov, after his attempted kidnapping/vigilantism against known criminal Melarue. Oleg requests Aleksei to help bring Melarue to justice, by taking her to the guard keep. Aleksei, not trusting Oleg, refuses, even though Oleg is garbed in the clothes of a guard. Oleg is almost killed upon the attempted arrest, and for sticking up for the law and due process. Oleg submits a report, and Aleksei is later charged accordingly. {Lawful Response, following duties}


Lord of Altera
Completely alright with a form emote.
Edger Tier 2 Rank Up Request

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.

- Around may 14th 2021 became tier 1.

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
- Held a lesson in Candlewood where he taught the students who attended the past experiments he's done.
- Partook in the exorcism of Oleg that was lead by Sallana blessed Miya.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
- Wears a ram amulet necklace around his neck.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.) - A small shrine outside his shop dedicated towards Korog. Refined Irzis-Fyr Hammer offered to the shrine. Located at x5306 y38 z-531

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
-Has completed 20 crafts.
-Jousted in the name of Korog and scored second place at
-Created 3 Masterworks
-Smithed an intricate golden rose that was essential in the exorcism of Oleg. It was the vessel used to trap the fiend that possessed Oleg.
-Created a suit of earkstone armour that provides good protection and can be used in the nether. (edited)

Earkstone Set.png


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Just a note that these are seen and being actively discussed - Shouldn't be too much longer. Apologies for the wait, folks


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Ally Nevyle // Layla Evelyn - Jishrim Tier 1

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.

The character must be at least two months old OOC.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
38 Physically (78 for real)

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
Willingly sacrificed her body (Without issue, as she is a vyre) to be given to the Greyling Hole, to better her relations with the skraagites, aiming to have more support from them, and reduce possibilities of them trying to take Plagues.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
During an encounter with Sylvia, she put the thought into her mind that she should have her anger out in the world, she slowly manipulated her emotions, causing her to angrily tell Layla to leave, which she obliged.

Met with Kiniyago at the compendium, and helped him go back to his home. There, she ate Kinyago's Lignum Esuriit's fruit, her own tree is still growing.

Met the Exalt of Jishrim, and asked for his guidance with the path of The Spider, he told her to obtain hairs from members of Candlewood, and she did so. Obtaining hairs from Luna Crow, Reinhard, and Athryl, giving those to Bok'ra for spell usage.

Attacked and threatened Valtae (A blessed of Shalherana) as a way to cause an emotional outburst to feed from her emotions.

Fullfilled another of Bok'ra's tasks, speaking to the Exalt of Visage about cuttting ties with the Skraagites, as Bok'ra saw it as endangering the divine angel of plagues. Though the Exalt of Visage denied cuting ties with the skraagites, he seemed willing to accept working along with Bok'ra to help Jishrim

Attacked Guinevere at the compendium after having not eaten in weeks, entering a feral state. She was able to feed, in the process transforming Guinevere into a feral. Furthermore, she is borderline traumatized from the experience

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
Offered 2 pendants to Jishrim in Storm's Landing's great Cathedral, one resembling a Black Widow spider on a web, and another, a Brown Recluse spider on a web.

Layla experiences a horrific nightmare than blends into her morning routine. Everything seems off, paintings and mirrors skewed, items moved slightly to the side, and a notable amount of cobwebs in the corners of her abode or room. She catches herself seeing a bunch of red glinting eyes in her peripheral, startling her so abruptly that she falls. Then they are gone, but as she stands, she feels a rush of energy. Layla is now blessed by Jishrim, T1.​

Oleg - Tier 3
Rank up in-game please!

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.YAchieved 21st of February.
Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.Y[ Korog ] Discusses with the Circle of Metallurgy and outsides the potential for the use of a flesh bronze being generated akin to that of a sun-blessed. The circle also tries to identify a odd crystal. [ INFORMAL PROSTHESIS MEET II ] { Domain - Invention }

[ Korog ]
Removal of Infernal within him by Miya and Edger Kress, a fellow Blessed.

[ Korog ] Studies the precursor ax acquired from the river at [ AXEING QUESTIONS ]. He makes a number of theories surrounding it. They work out the ax comes from a Precursor carapace and is similar in strength to iron. The knowledge discovered at this event presented by Lana at [ THEORIZING PRECURSORS ]. {Domain of Craft/Minerals}
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.YCarries a smithing hammer everywhere, as well as a Holy Symbol of Korog.

He doesn't widely tell people of his faith, but he is quite proud of what he has managed to achieve with Korog as his patron.

He believes that Korog exists, and is powerful enough to give Oleg what he needs to achieve what Oleg believes is his ultimate destiny- to become the greatest artificer and inventor of all time.

However, Oleg believes quite strongly in quite a flexible arrangement with Korog- he will offer Korog prayers and deeds in exchange for power- but if Korog decides to act against Oleg's general self-interest, Oleg will choose to abandon Korog. This will occur if he comes to believe that Korog is incapable of providing him with the opportunities he needs in order to meet his perceived destiny or becomes corrupted.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.YOleg first and foremost is an inventor and believes in the greater good that inventions can provide to the common mortal. His deeds reflect his desire to learn and build things that have the capability to make the world a better place.

Oleg has a strong belief that his worship is akin to a transaction- and his lessons and conversations with others often reflect this. He believes that this sentiment can help stave others and himself away from the dangers of religious fervor, believing excessive belief in the gods to be a danger to mortals at large. (He has a significant distaste for religious persecution from certain factions upon others. This hails from Uriel and Podric's kidnapping and torture of Athryl Mithtanil from his own home.)
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)YLessons:
[ Korog ]
Runs a lesson for Iris Cartwright (shark_desu) and Kepesk (moofmoof8). He teaches them how to begin to smith, and they both successfully make their first weapons (A copper dagger with maple hilts) under his tutelage. Kepesk states that like Oleg, he wishes to become a master smith and serve Korog. They share a drink afterward of mead (although Kepesk drinks tea).
[ Korog ] Runs a lesson for Kepesk Arc, and teaches him how to work with iron ore to make a short blade. On completion of the blade, Oleg uses [ Imbue Gem ] to give his student's blade an extra flare and make him proud of his achievements.
[ Korog ]
Runs a lesson for Kepesk Arc, and teaches him how to utilize a grindstone.
[ Korog ]
Runs a lesson for Kepesk Arc, and teaches him some philosophy, and tries to teach him to avoid fanaticism. He gives Kepesk some homework to write a review of Divine Tools by Nywyn.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.YSee Below.
[To Great Lengths]
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
[ Korog ]
Becomes an apprentice-level carver. { Domain of Craft }
[ Korog ]
Begins to offer commissions ... for a price. Commissions completed: 8 [x]{ Domain of Craft } Sells commissions at [ IN HONOR OF CONCORD ] (for relatively high prices).
[ Korog ] Becomes apprentice in tailoring. { Domain of Crafting }
[ Korog ]
Becomes a journeyman in carving. {Domain of Crafting}

[ Korog ]
Experiments with the purple flames left by (presumably) Magic's fight with (presumably) Valiant. He tests whether the flames affect the material properties of fire iron, hypothesizing that the magical flames may alter the arcane structure of the base material. He completes other tests- like attempting to create visceral flames with Kethron's help, and determining the properties of the flame with other arcane spells with Athryl's help. They discover the flames are quite standard, only being different in color. Writes "Research Notes: Purple Lightning". { Domain of Invention }
[ Korog ]
On behalf of his close friend Athryl, he takes charge of the Circle of Metallurgy and Material Sciences, promoting experimentation against materials within Altera in an attempt to unlock their true potential. [x] He successfully convinces Cael, Storm, Miya, Athryl, and Rose to join his Circle in the pursuit of understanding around metallurgy and materials sciences. { Domain of Invention }
[ Korog ]
Discusses the merits of a metal prosthesis with the Circle of Metallurgy. Tries to provide opportunities for others to get involved in this project of invention. [ INFORMAL PROSTHESIS MEET I ] { Domain - Invention }
[ Korog ]
Oleg along with Freia make strides into studying Animechanics - the study of the soul. Using undead, they seek to create a machine that'd turn a rotor indefinitely, harnessing the hunger of the undead to create useful motion. It isn't the most pretty of work, but Oleg is pragmatic and believes undead are a relatively renewable resource. { Domain of Automation/Invention }
[ Korog ]
With Miya, begins researching bouyancy of earkstone mirrorwood and birdwood, hoping to create a vest that can aid sailors (and Oleg) in crossing oceans or large bodies of water. { Domain of Invention }
[ Korog ]
Experiments with fire iron and redstone, attempting to create a new kind of perpetual motion device. He makes 2 failed attempts and begins working on a 3rd iteration.

[ Korog ]
Witnesses the exaltation of Karn, blessed of Skraag. He offers his own congratulations at Karn's rise to exalthood on behalf of Korog. [ METAMORPHISIS ] { Domain - Neutrality }
[ Korog ]
Takes part in the Food and Clothing Drive in [FOOD AND CLOTHING DRIVE]. He gives away a bunch of clothing to the poor and the needy. When Bok'ra shows up, he shows restraint in attempting to harm the exalt, even though the exalt is a monster, seeking to hear him out first. { Domain of Neutrality }

[ Korog ]
Journeys to the Blightlands to discover a dig site for the Precursors. Aids in the recovery of interesting assets- using his knowledge of geology and rocks to aid in the endeavor. One notable example is where he identifies the type of rock where the topsoil fossils are found being calcite. [ PUT ME IN THE RIVER ]{ Domain - Minerals }
[ Korog ]
Journeys to Astrakhan to the site of another Precursor settlement, and finds a footprint fossil. He aids in the acquisition and storage of other historical artifacts in the [ WHEN WE WALKED FIELDS OF GOLD ] He tries his best to learn and study what he had found. { Domain of Minerals }

General Deeds
[ Korog ]
Aids in the exorcism of Malice from Raeynr. Identifies the threat, and then convinces Raeynr to come along. He sends word to the Theodrans to come to Candlewood for the exorcism (He himself was not powerful enough to remove it himself. { Not aligning to a domain, but aiding in the removal of an exterior threat.}
[ Korog ]
Aids in the investigations of thefts in the landing, leading to the arrest of two thieves. [ THROUGH THE STREETS ] { Aligns to Tenet: Be obedient to thine rightful liege. Oleg is doing his duty for the city of Storm's Landing }
[ Korog ]
Attempted arrest of Branko Callas as part of his sworn duties as guard. Oleg slays an undead wendigo and is beaten up and stuffed into said Wendigo. { Lawful Response, following duties. }
[ Korog ]
Faithful service to the guard and city of Storm's Landing, in ensuring the Landing is best serviced by the council. After the law codes were failed to be updated, and a kidnapper and torturer found themselves escaping justice after claiming new unreleased law codes stated that he was not breaking any laws, Oleg gathered the guard and lawfully began a strike, giving appropriate notice. [x] When the council reached out to him and agreed to meet the most important of the guard's demands at [ TO SETTLE DISPUTES], Oleg ended the strike in good faith. Oleg worked to ensure that due process was being followed - in the release of the unreleased law codes, for the overall good of the city.

Oleg realized that unreleased law codes were a danger to the law of the city itself. As if even the guard did not have access to these codes, but were expected to follow- great injustices and failure to follow due process were likely to be made. To this end, Oleg sought to ensure that there was clear understanding of what the law entails, for all within Storm's Landing. { Lawful Response, following duties. }
[ Korog ]
Aids in stopping a large fire in Storm's Landing as part of his lawful duties as a guard. He completes various investigations, finding that the flame was started by a firework. { Lawful Response, following duties. } Other moments where he served lawfully was guarding the populace at the opening of the new Learning centre in Candlewood [x].
[ Korog ] Defending of Storm's Landing against a contingent of bandits and protecting those under his charge. He used various spells to aid his endeavors. When Miya is slain- he attends her wake, refusing to leave her side. { Lawful Response, following duties. }
[ Korog ]
Attempted arrest of Aleksei Ivanov, after his attempted kidnapping/vigilantism against known criminal Melarue. Oleg requests Aleksei to help bring Melarue to justice, by taking her to the guard keep. Aleksei, not trusting Oleg, refuses, even though Oleg is garbed in the clothes of a guard. Oleg is almost killed upon the attempted arrest, and for sticking up for the law and due process. Oleg submits a report, and Aleksei is later charged accordingly. {Lawful Response, following duties}
At this time - this is denied. We feel Oleg does not hold a true and genuine faith, focused more on Korog supplying him powers/abilities that benefit him but being willing to abandon God if he cannot continue to benefit in the most ideal scenario for his own self interests. We also feel some acts are lacking for this tier - With discussions on topics there should be some follow up at this stage in the divine process for example. There are also several cases of using the HC crafting progress as different acts, which could be compiled to one or two at most, not three/not every time you increase rank. There are concerns with Oleg's view on using undead as a resource, we feel Korog would not be alright with this. Observing the Exalt of Skraag become such is also not solid enough.

Completely alright with a form emote.
Edger Tier 2 Rank Up Request

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.

- Around may 14th 2021 became tier 1.

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
- Held a lesson in Candlewood where he taught the students who attended the past experiments he's done.
- Partook in the exorcism of Oleg that was lead by Sallana blessed Miya.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
- Wears a ram amulet necklace around his neck.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.) - A small shrine outside his shop dedicated towards Korog. Refined Irzis-Fyr Hammer offered to the shrine. Located at x5306 y38 z-531

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
-Has completed 20 crafts.
-Jousted in the name of Korog and scored second place at
-Created 3 Masterworks
-Smithed an intricate golden rose that was essential in the exorcism of Oleg. It was the vessel used to trap the fiend that possessed Oleg.
-Created a suit of earkstone armour that provides good protection and can be used in the nether. (edited)

View attachment 129303
When Edger is next in his forge, he feels awash with creative energy. Inspiration impels the fall of his hammer, and each strike rings out like a gong, echoing through a cavern heard only by the blessed. The shape of his craft comes easily, as if a hand guided his own, teaching how to best pull the shape from the metal. When he falls from his fugue, he feels a deep sense of satisfaction. He has done well. His god approves.​


Legend of Altera

◤◢◣◥◤ ◢◣◆◢◣◥◤◢◣◥

- Targ Vow, T1 Jax Request -

Divine Profile

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Started 19/02/2022

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
Inherited character from another player, but obtained character on 9th January 2022

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Targ is 16

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
[Luck/Gambling] Gamled many radiants (3-4 stacks of emeralds + 5000 radiant buy-in to Dwarvern rails) at the Halbed Gambling Hall Opening, winning many prizes and challenging both Cymic and The Gambler (Divine attended event) to wagers. He won a house in the city from Cymic, but lost his Greyling-shaped ring to the Gambler.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.

1 - [Risk] When Mathieu claimed to have stolen from Jax's shrine, he stood alongside Cymic to bring him to justice for his actions. Even though Targ isn't very strong, he wanted to prove himself to Cymic and Jax by trying to help defend the shrine, despite the risk.

2 - [Gambling] Brought his little brother along to the Casino, convinced him to take part in the gambling and helped him get to grips with the game.

3 - [Opportunity/Trade] He took part in a SL Market day, selling jewellry and weaponry that he had created for a decent profit.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)

Left at the shrine in Halbed, above the casino
6656 38 -17317

View attachment 129904

◤◢◣◥◤ ◢◣◆◢◣◥◤◢◣◥


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

◤◢◣◥◤ ◢◣◆◢◣◥◤◢◣◥

- Targ Vow, T1 Jax Request -

Divine Profile

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Started 19/02/2022

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
Inherited character from another player, but obtained character on 9th January 2022

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Targ is 16

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
[Luck/Gambling] Gamled many radiants (3-4 stacks of emeralds + 5000 radiant buy-in to Dwarvern rails) at the Halbed Gambling Hall Opening, winning many prizes and challenging both Cymic and The Gambler (Divine attended event) to wagers. He won a house in the city from Cymic, but lost his Greyling-shaped ring to the Gambler.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.

1 - [Risk] When Mathieu claimed to have stolen from Jax's shrine, he stood alongside Cymic to bring him to justice for his actions. Even though Targ isn't very strong, he wanted to prove himself to Cymic and Jax by trying to help defend the shrine, despite the risk.

2 - [Gambling] Brought his little brother along to the Casino, convinced him to take part in the gambling and helped him get to grips with the game.

3 - [Opportunity/Trade] He took part in a SL Market day, selling jewellry and weaponry that he had created for a decent profit.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)

Left at the shrine in Halbed, above the casino
6656 38 -17317

View attachment 129904

◤◢◣◥◤ ◢◣◆◢◣◥◤◢◣◥
Targ finds himself walking toward his home in Halbed when he spots an easy mark, an older man, hunched and purse dangling low. He'd approach and slice the coin purse from his belt, the man none the wiser. When he finally got home to appraise what he had stolen, he finds that only a single coin is held within. A visage of a merchant is pressed upon one side and upon the other, a ships wheel. He feels the lingering power of Jax's blessing within him as he rises to tier one.


Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
[ Tier 1 - Ignis Synnove ]
Yelena ]
Divine Profile ]

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread
• Yes

The character must be at least two months old OOC
• Yes

The character must be at least sixteen years of age
• Yelena is currently 26

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
Hosts a bonfire event for Ignis Synnove at sunrise, sharing a prayer to a large group of people. She makes connections with those who come, and shares her background with someone who once came from a similiar faith. [ Event Link ]

Three notable acts in line with their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
• Yelena defends her faith as an Ignite on multiple occassions, where she is challenged against the Dawnbringers tenets, her beliefs on heresey, and her stance on divine law
• Yelena on several occassions attempts to convert people to follow Ignis, guiding people who have strayed from the faith, and spreading the faith and relaying the good that Ignis has brung to the world
• Yelena joins the Realmsguard in defense of order against chaos
• Yelena makes several heartfelt prayers to Ignis Synnove, asking her to guide Yelena on her path as well as praying for others and to hope to better understand them, and reconcile with those outside of the faith
(Tried my best to log these interactions on the History section of Yelenas character profile)

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
[ +Symbol of the Dawnbringer+ { Phoenix } ] @ the Storms Landing cathedral shrine to Ignis


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
[ Tier 1 - Ignis Synnove ]
Yelena ]
Divine Profile ]

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread
• Yes

The character must be at least two months old OOC
• Yes

The character must be at least sixteen years of age
• Yelena is currently 26

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
Hosts a bonfire event for Ignis Synnove at sunrise, sharing a prayer to a large group of people. She makes connections with those who come, and shares her background with someone who once came from a similiar faith. [ Event Link ]

Three notable acts in line with their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
• Yelena defends her faith as an Ignite on multiple occassions, where she is challenged against the Dawnbringers tenets, her beliefs on heresey, and her stance on divine law
• Yelena on several occassions attempts to convert people to follow Ignis, guiding people who have strayed from the faith, and spreading the faith and relaying the good that Ignis has brung to the world
• Yelena joins the Realmsguard in defense of order against chaos
• Yelena makes several heartfelt prayers to Ignis Synnove, asking her to guide Yelena on her path as well as praying for others and to hope to better understand them, and reconcile with those outside of the faith
(Tried my best to log these interactions on the History section of Yelenas character profile)

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
[ +Symbol of the Dawnbringer+ { Phoenix } ] @ the Storms Landing cathedral shrine to Ignis
One dawn, as Yelena rises to greet the day, she is caught by the beauty of the rising sun. It begins like an ember sparking to flame, with rays flaring out like a fiery bird. A holy warmth settles over her, and she feels bolstered and called to action. She now bears the blessing of Ignis Synnove.

OOC: For T2, we would like to see more concrete/specific significant acts (with links to events, if applicable) instead of just conversations and general behaviors that Yelena takes.


Lord of Altera
Valiant - Tier 1Erwin Eindridi
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.Thread was made on June 2nd.
The character must be at least two months old OOC. Over a year and still counting.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.He is 21.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up.The Nameless Knight // Taking on the alter ego 'The Nameless Knight' he took part in Leonhardt's duel. And whilst in the end, he lost the fight against his Battle-Brother, he fought valiently and with honor.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
  • Warforge // He polished off his smithing experties after Valtae became interested in aquiring armor for herself. As his first craft in a long time, he smithed an armband dedicated to Valiant, now wearing it as his holy symbol. // 06/07
  • An Old Promise // Encountering radical anti-mage cultists while spending time with Reinhard, Carla and Adda in the tavern, he stood up to an old promise he made, to protect mages aswell, and fought with the cultists. Holding himself back from doing anything out anger, he tried to incapacitate the cultists, to hand them over for questioning. In the end, the cultists succumbed to their wounds caused by daggers and broken bottles. Feeling disappointment towards himself, he and Rein took the bodies and burnt them at the pyre. He prayed for Valiant to find place for the cultists in Unlife. // 06/10
  • Gift // After Valtae approached him for advice on what armor should she get, he promised to smith her a cuirass made of machanite, which he did so. Giving it to her, he refused any payements, offering it for free, as a means to pay off some of debt he owns her, for healing him many times before. // 06/11
  • Purge of Madness // Encountering a jishrimite effigy in the docks, he destroys it to rid the area from it's effects. // 07/02
  • Bulwark // Standing between Leonhardt and Arvyth, he eases the tension and prevents the two from engaging into a fight. // 07/03
  • Trading Blows // After meeting with Anya, he offers his help in hunting down her slave trader captors. Later on, Erwin offers some help in combat training, where they spar. After things begin to slip out of control Erwin has to knock Anya out. Taking care of her injuries he awaits until she wakes up. Once awaken, he explains that a focused and clear mind will result in better chances at winning a fight. // 07/15
  • Black Horizon // Erwin would meet Kethron at the guardhouse, requesting to be a volunteer for the defences of the landing. With the Sword of Damocles hanging over the landings, he would share his thoughts and ideas about how the landing could be defended and civilians spared from the carnage. // 07/16
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc.Reforged // Taking a once shattered and broken sword, he would spend days and night reforging the sword using glimmersteel to put the pieces back together. Using all of his blacksmithing skills he revives the sword and takes it to the Valiant shrine in the cathedral. His hands, bleeding from holding the sword with bare hands, he would pray and make the offering. // 07/18
It would be cool if the rankup could be done in an event, but, yeah the rule states otherwise.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Valiant - Tier 1Erwin Eindridi
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.Thread was made on June 2nd.
The character must be at least two months old OOC.Over a year and still counting.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.He is 21.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up.The Nameless Knight // Taking on the alter ego 'The Nameless Knight' he took part in Leonhardt's duel. And whilst in the end, he lost the fight against his Battle-Brother, he fought valiently and with honor.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
  • Warforge // He polished off his smithing experties after Valtae became interested in aquiring armor for herself. As his first craft in a long time, he smithed an armband dedicated to Valiant, now wearing it as his holy symbol. // 06/07
  • An Old Promise // Encountering radical anti-mage cultists while spending time with Reinhard, Carla and Adda in the tavern, he stood up to an old promise he made, to protect mages aswell, and fought with the cultists. Holding himself back from doing anything out anger, he tried to incapacitate the cultists, to hand them over for questioning. In the end, the cultists succumbed to their wounds caused by daggers and broken bottles. Feeling disappointment towards himself, he and Rein took the bodies and burnt them at the pyre. He prayed for Valiant to find place for the cultists in Unlife. // 06/10
  • Gift // After Valtae approached him for advice on what armor should she get, he promised to smith her a cuirass made of machanite, which he did so. Giving it to her, he refused any payements, offering it for free, as a means to pay off some of debt he owns her, for healing him many times before. // 06/11
  • Purge of Madness // Encountering a jishrimite effigy in the docks, he destroys it to rid the area from it's effects. // 07/02
  • Bulwark // Standing between Leonhardt and Arvyth, he eases the tension and prevents the two from engaging into a fight. // 07/03
  • Trading Blows // After meeting with Anya, he offers his help in hunting down her slave trader captors. Later on, Erwin offers some help in combat training, where they spar. After things begin to slip out of control Erwin has to knock Anya out. Taking care of her injuries he awaits until she wakes up. Once awaken, he explains that a focused and clear mind will result in better chances at winning a fight. // 07/15
  • Black Horizon // Erwin would meet Kethron at the guardhouse, requesting to be a volunteer for the defences of the landing. With the Sword of Damocles hanging over the landings, he would share his thoughts and ideas about how the landing could be defended and civilians spared from the carnage. // 07/16
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc.Reforged // Taking a once shattered and broken sword, he would spend days and night reforging the sword using glimmersteel to put the pieces back together. Using all of his blacksmithing skills he revives the sword and takes it to the Valiant shrine in the cathedral. His hands, bleeding from holding the sword with bare hands, he would pray and make the offering. // 07/18
View attachment 130396
It would be cool if the rankup could be done in an event, but, yeah the rule states otherwise.
Whilst the dedication is good, Erwin is still currently cursed by Valiant and so he cannot be blessed at this time. He should aspire to work through getting said curse removed and earning Valiant's forgiveness first, and work on some of the issues that came up from the point of abandonment to now (regardless of it being Arne/Erwin stuff). This application is denied based on these reasons.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
GwyrthiolT1 --> T2
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.1. Tricking a person [Layla Evelynn] into warranting their own death wish, by signing a contract where they surrender their body in exchange for blood. Gwyrthiol renders Layla dead immediately after they'd signed, tricking them over the poor wording of their wish. Her body is later dumped into the warren, building the foundation for more greylings.
2. Creation of the [Maw of Phage], Gwyrthiol's own domain where he serves his utmost desire of gluttony in the ways of Skraag.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)Though Gwyrthiol already bares the markings of Skraag as his passive, he also keeps to himself a symbol of Undeath made by his brother Targ, as well as the trinket {Mossy Skull}, granted to him by the Exalt of Skraag.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering.Completed. A shrine of hunger where Gwyrthiol concocts his cookings and offers them to Skraag has been built north of the Cradle in a place where he intends to make his own domain. A bundle sacrifices have been placed in the chest by the sacrificial hole. {-1418 16 -3265}
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.1. Helping the creation of Ycarnifallalan where in arenas, people take to the joy of murder and death of animals and people alike taking to combat.

Since his time before T1, Gwyrthiol had upheld an event that had a similar idea where he had opponents take on different creatures at the behest of a contract being signed that in essence would guarantee his own safety, and that their own bodies would be claimed by Gwyrthiol if they died. A gamble, which he would later inspire to his two brothers Angau and Targ.

2. Convincing a gluttony feral vyre, former Skraag blessed, to fight in the great circus for Gwyrthiol. This is done at his personal risk, at almost being torn into bits by said angry, enthralled feral.

This is significant in that, he manages to bring back the faith of one former blessed, and furthermore one in the line of gluttony, in theme of his own hunger.

3. Attends the [Forged in Undeath] event, where Gwyrthiol amongst his family, witnesses the restoration of his race, marking the success to his contributions to the new era of greylings, prophesized in his T1 visions. Furthermore, the Exalt of Skraag rewards him with a trinket of Skraag, passing it down to him.

Attending and fulfilling a prophecy/vision of Skraag, which he himself contributed to.

4. Attends [Purifying Corruption] event, where Gwyrthiol, Hellmann and a band of unblessed vyres attend a ritual for purifying a gravewalker into a regular vyre again. Gwyrthiol gives spiritual guidance to the group of vyres with examples of prayers to be given, and silencing them when the presence of Skraag was imminent for ther resolution of their quest.

Purification of a gravewalker back into that of a vyre, a being of hunger and immortality. A strike back against the Grey Lady.

5. Holds the [Enter the world of Skraag] event where Gwyrthiol himself had organized a place where meats and bloodwines were being provided for. While he held a sermon to Immortality and the great purpose of Skraag.

A standard preach for the greatness of Skraag, andas to why people should give their prayers to him. Defying the idea of' 'death' and the Grey Lady as something that only takes away the beauty of life, and never returns it.

6. In his ventures, Gwyrthiol has sought out to offer people tastings of his cookings. Cookings of the things that he's hunted, that for the themes of Skraag, have been strictly meat based. Although not much, he's sought out to share the meal, the flesh of his prey with other adventurers among the eastern continent. So far, the people he's shared his meals with are:
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