Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


Loyal Servant of Altera
Bit late now, (you really should have had this as a locked between you and the sensuals.) If thats how you spell it.) although you could use a password edited into the rules, that people need to enter the secret police. (or a password each.)


Lord of Altera
Probably not, I don't think it needs that much. It is more of a map of the surrounding area and Darkwood's sphere of influence.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Is Darkwood going to declare itself an independent nation? and if who ever was looking for Darkwood gets here then welcome.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I've had an idea, perhaps the new lumber yard could be in the forest its self.


Magus of Nothing
Bit late now, (you really should have had this as a locked between you and the sensuals.) If thats how you spell it.) although you could use a password edited into the rules, that people need to enter the secret police. (or a password each.)
Im Sensual!


Lord of Altera
I really want to join your town! I'm a hunter and skilled with bow and arrow.
In my free time I'm brewing potions.


Magus of Nothing
Well if you come over by the DRS Pickle and see if you like it I can invite you as I am on right now.


Magus of Nothing
OK, Come along anytime and I or another of the towns admins will be online to accept you in.


Lord of Altera
OK then, I have updated the main post to something which is a lot clearer and more concise, expressing the main idea's I had for the town in the beginning as well as a glimpse into the future planning of Darkwood.

There will be lots of Screen shots coming soon so you can see how far Castle Darkwood has progressed since the beginning!


Magus of Nothing
Read the new post and a few things stood out:
1: Money from working? I have never beeen payed.
2: Do dedicated members still have to pay for a house :D