Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


Lord of Altera
VanGarrett, I noticed the new stores you made in the town and I have a question. Do we get money for the things we make/hunt/farm/mine? I'm a hunter and the things I and the other hunters catch are sold in the shops.


Lord of Altera
No you don't get paid for it. The current plan is that you work in the industry you have chose, then once you become ensconced and show an active keen interest in Darkwood you will be awarded a house that you can move into. In the house you can keep as much as you like without having to worry about single chest limits, as you have now, and you can earn money through the market and getting to do other things that you wouldn't have been able to do in the industry.

Or alternatively if you have the money you can pay the R7500 for a house, although you don't have the opportunity to earn money in your current role, since all that you hunt essentially belongs to the Hunters institution and therefore Darkwood. It's a process I think helps new players and more established players alike. Getting folks interested in the roles of their characters and helping them getting more established with accommodation etc.

It's all in the main post, I edited it again earlier today. It's been a constantly evolving set-up since Darkwood has started, and may change again sometime in the future, but this is the best system I've been able to come up with so far, in the past it was quite a bit different as there was no alternative from the industry set up. Now there are houses and people can have a lot more independence as Darkwood has become more established and less needy. It doesn't need the constant supplies and effort of town workers.

It is not dissimilar to the birth and then growth of a child. At the start it needs all you've got, everything has to be shared and put into a collective whole. There isn't much at the start, but eventually things start to evolve and multiply. The town grows and expands, sometimes in quick bursts, and other times in slow, almost uncertain periods which stray dangerously close to decline. But it is always a forwards moving linear path. Now Darkwood has got to the stage where it no longer needs it's constant attention and is becoming more self reliant. The inbuilt town systems are now taking over, as residents recognise themselves and what they must do to keep civilisation not only surviving, but also thriving.

I've spent most of the time managing this town unsure of what I'm going to do next, but always focused on a (relatively) clear goal. It means that now you don't get paid for work you do, but that in future if you put the effort in you will be rewarded with a solid place anchored within Darkwood society. I'm trying to be as fair as possible to the player here, as I cannot just divide up earnings as no-one works the same as everyone else, so this is the best solution I have had so far. I'm quite pleased with how well things are working currently and I hope that everyone understands that it works best this way.


Loyal Servant of Altera
and if Thea tries to get you out of Darkwood then she probably wants to kill you so STAY in Darkwood as its non PvP.


Lord of Altera
I am going to live in Warstrom. I've had a great time Darkwood, but I can't stay here.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Just thought I'd warn you that I'm going to train as a paladin for a few weeks, but I'll be back. (PS I take it the sign about the flint chest in the woodcutters lodge is ok.)