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Active Artesia Vaneme - A Scholar Scorned


Lord of Altera

scholar scorned.png
"Friends don't abandon each other"


(art by AbsintheOTL)​

Name || Artesia Vaneme
Nicknames || Just dont
Titles ||
Sexuality ||
Relationship Status || Something... Finally.
Current Residence ||
Voice ||
Music || Fête Foraine

Race || Elf
Birth date || 9th of sunlight
Gender || Female
Age || Around 70
Height ||
Weight || 156 pounds

Artesia is a dark individual. She carries a gloomy aura around her at all times. She wears dark thread robes, usually looking like a column of darkness broken only by her pale, snow-white skin.

She is of average height for an elven woman and carries herself in a very proper way. It may not be immediately apparent due to the heavy black robes she normally wears, but she is very muscular, as she works out regularly. Her skin shows very few signs of age, though she has developed bags under her eyes and some wrinkles around her mouth from her near-constant frown. Her skin has become paler and is always a little cold to the touch, her hands especially. She also has a small beauty mark under her right eye. Her hair is dark black, and she keeps it long to about her mid back, despite the fact that it always gets in the way while she's reading. Her hair has a white streak on the left side, and two dark blue demonic horns running across her head, she has taken to a bit of it back behind her head.

It used to be that she very rarely smiles, and that is still mostly true. But those close to her would find that her smile is very kind and genuine. People that knew her dear departed friend could perhaps tell that she channels Aracena Mithtanil when she smiles.

(art by Elz :heart:)

Likes || Reading, The Night, Quiet, Tea
Dislikes || Loud Noises. Germs. Death. Spiders
Fears || Being abandoned, anything happening to her friends, Jishrim
Religion || Follower of Theodra, Respect for the lost Silas, Dislike for Skraag, Hatred for Jishrim
b9d3cf16e29314a2cc680f6f486885b6.pngValiant: Pretty good tenets, very respectable. Ill never openly look down on a Valiant follower
Visage: His kid killed and ate Silas so thats gonna put him down pretty low. Dislike the idea of sharing knowledge only to a few though I will say im pretty chill with the lying and secrets stuff. Dragons are cool too, does Visage still do that?
Ignis Synnove: The face of the mongrel dog inquisition. One of the worst gods on the pantheon if not for Skraag and Jishrim. "Respect those who are wealthy" what a joke. Only worship the light? With tenets like these its no wonder every one of her followers are the most insufferable people on all of Altera. The only positive about Ignis is that shes a woman. And at least if the Ingites started a mage war itd end in 5 minutes and id never have to listen to "For the Light" ever again. Maybe focus on Mr.SpiderMcKillsAlot and the dead guy on your pantheon and give the mages some slack. Easy D tier
Skraag: Have to hand it to Skraag. Aesthetically a very cool god. Skeletons are kind of hot. Its a real shame Skraag is so gross, evil also. Maybe if Skraag made his followers take a bath daily theyd get out of D tier, oh and chillax on the murder also.
Theodra: Easy S tier. The most respectable of all the gods. Each of her tenets are about self-improvement, protecting your family, and seeking out evil to destroy it. If all the divine fought each other Theodra would easily defeat all of them, not even a question.
Jishrim: F tier. I do not need to elaborate.
Korog: Perhaps I would respect Korog and her followers more if I had ever met one. But aside from Frost I really havent. Maybe they're all too busy crafting. She sure seems cool, hard work, protect your name and all that. But maybe they should take some time off the forge and socialize or something.
Sallana: Sallana is an interesting god. But im not very into polyamory, thats cool if you are, but its not for me. Also very much not into the "Worship only me" stuff, a divine isnt that great if you cant also worship Theodra alongside them.
Grey Lady: The most aesthetically cool Goddess in the pantheon. Sorry, Theodra. Wish shed be a bit more chill with mages but ill get over it.
Jax: Lady Jax, the goddess of luck and the sea. Im not much for gambling, and I get sea sick after the exodus. But a pretty chill god nonetheless. Hopefully, this Visage rivalry thing ends well.
Shalherana: If you hate Shalherana, it is probably because youre a bad person.

Strengths ||
-Fiercely Loyal: If you are Artesia's friend, you will have to do much to shake her off. She cares deeply for her friends and does everything she can to keep them safe.
-Intelligent: Artesia is quite well-read, and knows a fair bit.
-Quick Learner: Picks up on things very quickly, shes a note taker, and writing helps her lock things in forever

Quirks ||
- Misandrist: Artesia does not care for men. They are just... less. They're gross looking, usually have bad personalities, less intelligent, she could go on. She doesn't outright hate them, but she values the opinions of women over theirs and doesn't make friends with very many. And of course, the idea that an all-powerful divine would choose to present themselves as a man is quite humorous to her. OBVIOUSLY, Jax and Korog are women. Why wouldn't they be?
- Does not care about Human royalty or nobility: Keeping track of the nobility and lineage of a race that dies of old age in a blink of an eye is simply a waste of time. Humans can do plenty in their short lives, but why would Artesia care about a Queen when she's going to die and be replaced by another in no time at all? They aren't fit to rule over Altera. And obviously, men being the lesser gender aren't really fit to rule either.

Weaknesses ||
-Obsessive: Artesia is very obsessive. When there is something she is set on it is all-consuming.
-Deeply traumatized: The trauma of seeing Aracena suffer for so long, and the horrific reminder of their last meeting is a deep scar on Artesia.
-Selflessness: Artesia does not care much for herself. She would much rather have herself suffer than see the people she cares about suffer instead.
-Impulsive: A bit to quick to act on things, she's trying to do better, but she often gets herself in trouble by not thinking things through.

Artesia has an extreme thirst for knowledge, and a desire to know all things that the world keeps secret. Above all other things, she has the mission. She is usually very solitary and keeps to herself. She can be very difficult to talk to because of the walls she puts up, but she is an incredibly loyal friend. She cares deeply for the realm and wants to protect it.

Artesia was a very broken woman for a very long time. . . But shes doing better. She came to a village called Thiil a very lonely and scared girl, but a wonderful friend came into her life and helped her learn the beauty of the world, and of loving other people. That woman was hurt, corrupted, and ruined, by The Mad One. For many years after that Artesia wandered, lost, alone again. It took much self-reflection but she relearned the things that her wonderful friend taught her, and she has started to live again, for her.

True to her time as one of Thiil's librarians, Artesia has a thirst for knowledge, she wants to know more, know everything. She tries her best not to get too obsessive over new books and unfamiliar libraries, but sometimes she gets a little carried away. She is a very good researcher and is excellent at running through tomes and scrolls.

She keeps very high walls around herself, and rarely lets anyone in, though she has a particular weakness to any woman she's attracted to. She is a very loyal friend, and has a desire to protect the people she cares about.

While she has accepted her friends death, she does carry a burning lust for revenge. Her blood boils at the thought of The Mad One. Part of her quest for knowledge is an endless pursuit of the goal to kill him. Everything else in her life is a distraction from the mission. When she had nothing else she has the mission. Every step forward is a step towards completing the mission.

(by elz (dats my buddy))

Language || She is fluent in Elvish and Common, on and off she has been creating her own language so no one else can read her notes.
Education || Artesia is very intelligent, she spent her childhood reading books more than talking to people. She understands the world, and the things in it, but she has much to learn on more recent discoveries. She is decent at alchemy. She is alright at hunting.
Ranged || Artesia prefers to fight from afar with her bow, which she is decently skilled at from hunting. She has difficulty shooting moving targets, and usually cant fire from very far away.
Melee || Artesia is learning how to fight with her spear. Her skills need work


Ornate Quiver: A sturdy steel quiver adorned with an ornate swirling pattern. About a dozen arrows fit in the quiver and a leather strap allows one to hang it over their shoulder (Bought from Andrew)
Snowflake's Nip Root Longbow : A dark grey Eizholz warbow paired with a spidersilk bowstring. A large cushion cut ruby is embedded within the upper limb. The bow has the potential to function as a focus. Draw weight is 160 pounds. The bow's paired string must be unstrung when not in use
The Dark grey wood must be handled with gloves due to its cold temperature. When placed in cold water overnight, any nicks of small breaks will be mended, provided the bow did not fully break.
Hunting Lance


Darkthread outfit made for her by Valtae
Darkthread Hat also made by Valtae

Immediate goals:
[X] Apologize to Athryl.
[X] Get out of her hut.
[X] Make a choice. Be sparked by Frost, and walk the path of a mage. Or follow the path of Theodra, and become blessed
[X] Meet with Cael, if he still lives
[X] Move Somewhere with a better Library.
[] Grow Frostlights Library
[X] Understand Melarue
[] Get stronger
[X] Learn to make Reverie
[X] See how this Dranoden thing goes
[X] Find a Partner
[X] Try and make things right with Melarue
[] Learn more about the deity Magic

Long term goals:
[]Kill the current and any future Jishrim Exalt

Icefire for the sick skin (which i no longer use, but this has been here long enough i dont want to remove it, so i wont 12/30/22)
Niah and Elz for being kool kidz
Manakaman for the sick skin
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Lord of Altera


Aracena X || Artesia's close friend who died long ago. Her memory pushes Artesia forward and guides her when she is lost.

Artesia at times has become unsure how Aracena would see her now. Would she be disgusted by siding with an Arch Demon? Or would she be proud of her for sacrificing so much to help a friend? She so desperately wishes that she could ask her for advice.

Nylarii || An old friend.

Loved/Close Friends

Amelia Rose XX || Something that grew quickly. A chance meeting. And suddenly the love she was told to wait for has arrived. Artesia has fallen deeply for Amelia, she hopes this will be something that lasts, and hopes they dont have to keep things secretive for too long.

Elthea X || The Younger Scholar is a close friend to Artesia. She cares for her a great deal, and wants to protect her should any Jishrimites come after her again.

Frost X || Artesia's friend and teacher in the arcane arts. She trusts Frosts wisdom and judgments, though recent personality clashes between her and Melarue have complicated things. Even though Artesia is doing the right thing, she can help but feel she has failed her teacher.

Melarue X || Artesias closest friend. There was a love for her that Artesia could not shake off, but she has accepted that it will never be. She cares about her a great deal, and wants Melarue to have someone she can trust by her side at all times, and so she tries her best to fill this role.


Arvyth || Arvyth is Artesias only friend who isnt kind of messed up. She appreciates his company a great deal.

Asero X || One of Artesias closest friends. He is a good teacher, and his emotional council is always appreciated. She is afraid of what he will say when he eventually finds out her secret.

Athryl || An old friend, one of the only living reminders of Aracena. They dont talk nearly as much as Artesia would like, but shes heard a lot has changed in the man since she met him. She wants to help build bridges between Frostlight and Candlewood, so that together they may protect the realm from future threats.

Cael X || Its impossible for Artesia to look at Cael and not see a bit of his mother, and she would be proud. Hes grown into a strong, wise, man.

Laicelem Aethlren || Strong, clever, cool. Artesia is happy Laicelem is an ally.


Carmine X || Annoying. Bozo. Creep. Dog. Dolt. Dreadful. Fool. Goblin. Gonad. Hog. Idiot. Illiterate Peon. Insane. Jackass. Loser. Moron. These things aside. Carmine is unfortunately a very useful ally. And she is happy pleased fortunate content to have him on the same side as her.

Cieren || A wise teacher and a fellow Theodran

Dranoden X || There is no other path for her currently. She wishes to speak with him in private, and learn a bit more about his intentions.

Lana X || Artesia can think of no one in the realm that knows more than Lana Wake, and shes a little afraid of her.

Lantalma || Artesia likes her company, though shes a bit afraid shes ruined things in her drunkenness. Hopefully, she will forgive her brazenness.

Luna Crow || Aseros daughter. She should stop beating herself up so much, shes accomplished much at a young age. Artesia's met scholars half as smart, and a fourth as kind.

Som || Wise, powerful, and really cool. Artesia wishes she was a bit more like Som.

Veldric Alraun-Dugald || He is a good man. He had better never break Eltheas heart... or else...

Willow || Sweetheart. Grow up to be strong and wise.

Xandar X || Melarues son, the one whom she would make the whole world teal to protect. He is a kind, sweet, boy. Artesia fears the day something does happen to him. He carries so much weight and stress on his shoulders. Artesia is as committed to helping him as she is to Melarue.


Eirlys X|| The betrayer. A liar who toyed and played with Artesias emotions as if she was another game.


Branko X || Monster, murderer.

Jishrim X || Your death will be beautiful

Rogal Glade X || Artesia will kill him on sight.

Whats hip-happenin with Artesia?:

-Arrived in Thiil
-Met Athryl
-Had awkward first meeting with Aracena in which they talked through a bookcase
-Went to the grand shrine and learned about the gray lady
-Fell head over heels in love with Aracena
-Stalked Aracena and Athryl on their first date
-Cried in a library herself and talked to her book as if it were sentient
-Ran away from Thiil and lived in a mountain for 2 hours
-Left the mountain because it was to cold
-Found out Aracena had found the notes she had made about her and Athryls date
-Learned that making journals about people and stealing their hair isnt flattering from Aracena.
-Learned about proper friendship from Desarayna
-Went to the festival of pages
-Aracena received the mark of Jishrim and it made Artesia go crazy
-Spent several days observing Aracena and looking for a cure to Jishrims curse
-Spent as much time as possible with Aracena after she was released
-Attended Aracena and Athryls wedding
-Met Nylarii and fell for her
-Found out Aracena was pregnant
-Had a crazy day in which she met Silas and cried watching Aracena and Nylarii yell at each other. Also sneezed at a Nakat
-Helped Aracena run away from Thiil with the assitance of Gustav
-Had another crazy day at the grand shrine and saw Theodra
-Decided she wanted to marry Nylarii or Theodra, both of which she dosnt realize have an extremely low chance of happening
-Had an awkward meet with Nylarii where they both had tea and Artesia whispered to herself about how she wanted to hold her hand and smell her hair.
-Got drunk for the second time in her life and proposed to Nylarii, she dosnt remember much after this.
-After hearing she proposed to Nylarii from Aracena, she left Thiil for awhile, partly out of embarrassment and partly for some other reason.
-After a very long time she finally met with Aracena once again and found her friend in a disturbing state. When she asked how she could possibly fix her friend, and return her to the Aracena she once knew, the only response she received was "Find me a priest of Shalherana"
-She brought the Priestess Vevila to see Aracena, though she has no idea what the two of them spoke about, as Aracena no longer trusts her. Artesia is lost now, she wants to help Aracena but it seems like Aracena dosnt even want to speak to her. Shes staying near Thiil and Vevila incase she needs her for anything.
-The first being Artesia met in Thiil, Fredrick the horse, died.
-She met with Aracena at her new home, she tried to tell her friend that she loved her, but got no response...
-At the grand opening of Shalheranas shrine a lot of things happened all at once, after a long struggle Shalherana arrived and appeared to cure Aracenas curse, Artesia was so overjoyed she forgot she was speaking elven to her for a bit, she decided whenever Aracena was more comfortable and settled in Thiil shed attempt to teach her some Elven.
-At the harvest festival she participated in a archery event, she did alright.
-Artesia got drunk for the third time in her life, she gave her entire life story to Koppi and found out Nylarii is in Havarda.
-Met with Nylarii in Havarda and reconnected with her, though she was still to nervous to tell her about her feelings.
-Finished reading every book in Thiils library.
-Spoke with Aracena and the mention of a housekeeping job came up, Artesia reacted strangely as usual but Aracena said that she felt uncomfortable at the thought, she said Artesia should try and change and try to "Love her less.". Artesia feels broken, she dosnt know what to do.
-"Artesia, you generally make me uncomfortable.". What does Artesia do now? The person she trusted the most appears to not want to be around her anymore. Maybe she should give up, forget Aracena, forget Thiil, or maybe she should try and get help from someone else.
-Currently working with Vevila on improving her social skills in an attempt to make Aracena less uncomfortable.
-Apon returning to Thiil after a long time away, she has discovered that Aracena has passed away. She no longer sees the purpose in interacting with others as it usually brings pain, and has chosen to live alone for the rest of her days.

-After the Exodus she found a small place to live outside a small settlement called Eisenheim. She lived a simple life. Cut meat, hunted small animals, and spoke to no one for many years. Until . . .

-Met Carpenter and Isolde, learned of the Corruption sweeping through the lands. Artesia has dedicated herself to helping where she can to stop it
-Witnessed the sparking of Arvyth by Frost. Met Isabelle shortly after and had a long discussion on Eviscism. Artesia also learned that Athryl still lives.
-Spoke with Frost a great deal, growing close to her
-Artesia responded to a call to action from Frost to find her missing friend Matthew
-A woman named Sophie said shed be going to Nid Arach to meet a man named Branko alone
-Artesia went with her, both to back her up, and learn more about Nid Arach
-Branko beat and tortured the two, forcing Artesia to remove Sophies eye
-Artesia was allowed to leave Nid Arach and ran away, eventually arriving in Candlewood.
-She finally spoke to Athryl, promising to return to Candlewood when things calmed down.
-She spoke of these happenings to Frost and began formulating a new plan to get them both out.
-Got her brand new clothes
-Wandered again for awhile. Met with Sopie and Matt post breakout.
-Attended a Theodra event with Cieren, Som, Halvar, and Marian. This convinced her to go further down Theodras path. She felt comfortable, like she was meant to do it.
-Became a student of Cieren.
-Started roaming around looking for people to donate books to her library. Witnessed Frost threatened the Skraagite Skala.
-Met with Kethron, good guy, likes books
-Artesia overheard Matt talk about a weapon, she wishes to ask more.
-Met with Retrospect and her sister Temperence. They flirted for awhile and kissed a bit. Retrospect is a skraagite, but Artesia does not know this.
-Spoke with Asero, Arvyth, and Eirlys about her desire to make a starblood weapon with viridescense. A god killing spear that can teleport back to the user. Though she held back for awhile, she revealed to the four her desires to kill Jishrim. She has no regrets revealing this to Asero and Arvyth, but wishes she did not tell Velmont or Eirlys.
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Lord of Altera
Added more to Whats hip-happenin with Artesia to explain my absence. I may or not be gone for a 2 month period depending on if the apartment im moving into has internet already installed.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Artesia has returned from her homeland and continued her casual stalking of Aracena. At her friend Aracenas wedding she met Nylarii and has fallen for her, though it will probably lead to heartbreak.
Aww! ;c;


Lord of Altera
I made all the character names in the relationship section links. YAY!


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Oooh, that's a pretty neat additon! I'd do it for mine but- Its super extensive as it is. xD


Lord of Altera
Made Whats hip-happenin with Artesia better. Also added some kool kidz to the "shouts out" section.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
-Had an awkward meet with Nylarii where they both had tea and Artesia whispered to herself about how she wanted to hold her hand and smell her hair.

Icefire for the sick skin
Niah and Elz for being kool kidz
First of all, that sounds hilarious. Secondly, we are the koolest of the kool kidz.


Lord of Altera
image.jpg Look at this amazing outfit! I feel like I need to get Artesia in something like it at some point. Look at it! Its amazing!


Lord of Altera
I do like the outfit. But it also reminds me somewhat of Homura.
Its like Homura but from final fantasy its amazing. Also look at her amazing hat. I cant handle this design it clicks with me on so many diffrent levels.


Lord of Altera
I made the relations section better I guess. Sorry some descriptions are better than others, also im sure theres a ton of typos because im writting all of it from my phone atm, ill fix it up when I get on my pc.