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Active Jin Elsattir -- The Merchant


Lord of Altera
Samiwashere-JinDivider FINAL.png
Jin's profile is now here:


Samiwashere-JinDivider FINAL.png

Made by Gibbles98
Made by Samiwashere
Character’s full name:
jal-Jin Elsattir

Reason or meaning of name:
Marjash, roughly meaning "Noble with no ending"

Character’s nickname:
Jin, or vemar.

Reason for nickname:
Vemar is the Marjash word for idiot.

Birth date:
The 3rd of Sunbright



Moral Alignment:
Chaotic Neutral

Religious Affiliation:

Consent Level:

With Jin, I consent to all violence only when it is directly as a result of his actions.

Faceclaim & Voiceclaim:
-- Rahul Kohli --

Videos (Explicit Language):
-- [x]~[x] --

-- Other images in this profile are links to the artists who made them! --
20200526_235253 (1).jpg
Anemone -- Joywave

Character’s full name:
jal-Kadhab Elsattir

Reason or meaning of name:
Marjash, roughly meaning "Lie with no ending"

Character’s nickname:
Kaddy, or Kad

Reason for nickname:
More casual



Moral Alignment:
True Neutral

Religious Affiliation:
Worshipper of

-- None --

-- None --
Made by Samiwashere

Race: Human - Sooleran103864
Age: 32 years (63rd Fadma)
How old does he/she appear: Perhaps a bit younger, due to his healthy lifestyle.
Weight: ~140lbs
Height: 6'0"
Body build: Thin and somewhat weak.
Shape of face: Triangle
Eye color: Grey
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: None
Skin tone: Caramel
Predominant features: His hair is particularly well kept
Hair color: Black/Dark-brown
Type of hair: Somewhat thick
Hairstyle: Short and stylish, often changes
Facial Hair: A well-kept, short beard. Mostly stubble.
Voice: Quite high, jovial
Overall attractiveness: Above average
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: Formal clothes in bright colors
Favorite outfit: A royal purple coat with golden details
Jewelry or accessories: The occasional mansgrove leaf, very often has a crown of flowers. Over his clothing, he has a small golden locket. Under his shirt, a silver-chained pendant he doesn't show.
Scars & Blemishes: A scar on his right cheek running from his cheekbone rightward down his jawline. He covers it with makeup, making it appear thinner and lighter.
Mask: Frostwarts: White fabric mask, two grey lines running from above the eye to a curved line below. The eyes are covered in a dark grey fabric that is easy to see through when close (or wearing the mask) but difficult to see through from afar. When inspected closely, along the edges of the black and around the eyes are thin silver lines. Other: A formal grey suit with platinum details and a black silk veil covering the entire head. On his face is an ornate, reflective silver mask with two trails carved down from the eyes. The eyes are covered in black fabric that is easy to see through when close (or wearing the mask) but difficult to see through from afar.
Usual fashion of dress: Frostwarts: An ornate midnight-blue cloak with silver details. Other: A formal grey suit with platinum details.
Jewelry or accessories: His belt is covered in various pouches, and a simple circular mirror with an eye carved onto it, hung on his neck from a silver chain, often under his clothing.


Opinion of other people in general:
Tasks to be overcome to gain money and power, but, often, something to be cherished.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Generally, yes.
Person character most hates: Cassandra
Best friend(s): Cymic and Ardaric are basically his dads, but he won't admit that to himself let alone them.
Love interest(s): Rose.
Person character goes to for advice: Ardaric.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Rose.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: No one, unless in a particularly awkward situation.
Person character openly admires: Himself, Ardaric, Cymic, Rose.
Person character secretly admires: Visage
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His father.
After story starts: Ardaric.
Opinion of other people in general: Possible allies, or enemies.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Generally, yes.
Person character most hates: Dox
Best friend(s): Ardaric.
Love interest(s): None.
Person character goes to for advice: Ardaric.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Cassandra, somewhat.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Cassandra, Roselia
Person character openly admires: Ardaric, Visage
Person character secretly admires: No one, quite yet.

Sool, and the rest of the continent.
Type of childhood: Pleasant!
Pets: A few cats here and there, as well as the many exotic animals they sold.
First memory: A traveling entertainer juggling for the Caravan.
Most important childhood memory: The first coin he made.
Why?: It set him out on his life's purpose.
Childhood hero: His father
Dream job: What he's doing now.
Education: The minor education given to Sooleran youth while traveling.
Finances: Always changing.
Current location: Always changing.
Currently living with: The Caravan, himself (in Storm's Landing), Rose in Kingfisher, or other students at Frostwarts.
Pets: A red-tailed hawk named Erronai.
Religion: Worshipper of Jax?
Occupation: Travelling salesman.
Finances: Middle class.
Pets: None.
Religion: Worshipper of Visage.
Occupation: Opium dealer and liar for hire.
Finances: Middle class

Royal Purple
Least favorite color: Grey and Brown
Music: Prefers anything jovial
Food: No preference.
Literature: He prefers nonfiction.
Form of entertainment: Socialization
Mode of transportation: Carriage. Walking gets rough sometimes, and he dislikes being on boats.
Most prized possession: His journal. He hardly lets it leave his sight.
Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious
Logical or emotional?: Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: With most things, messy. With his bookkeeping and accounting, very neat.
Prefers working or relaxing?: Working.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident
Animal lover?: He loves birds but doesn't care for any other kind of animal.
Color: Blue
Least favorite color: Purple (In that he associates it with Jin)
Music: No preference.
Food: No preference.
Literature: No preference.
Form of entertainment: Perhaps writing.
Mode of transportation: Boat. Distant from the common folk.
Most prized possession: His journal. He hardly lets it leave his sight.
Optimist or pessimist?: He tries to be as objective as possible, but tends to fall to either side.
Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert
Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious
Logical or emotional?: Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Neat.
Prefers working or relaxing?: Working.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Unsure.
Animal lover?: Yes.

Hil Elsattir
Relationship with her: Quite close.
Status: Deceased
Father: Jinlar Elsattir
Status: Deceased
Relationship with him: Extremely close.
Siblings: None
Spouse: None
Children: None
Other important family members: Everyone in the Caravan is fairly close to everyone else.
Drives and motivations:
To improve the caravan, and to gain magical power.
Immediate goals: Buy and sell and barter. Stay at the top of his class in Frostwarts.
Long term goals: Become a powerful enchantment mage. Become Visage blessed and serve whatever purpose Visage would have him serve.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Travel with the Caravan, meet as many people as possible.
How other characters will be affected: He plans to use his powers to improve his and Rose's life, likely to get more money, so he will be fooling people.
Drives and motivations: To stay hidden except to those he does business with, and to make as much money on the Opium trade as possible. Become Visage blessed and serve whatever purpose Visage would have him serve.
Immediate goals: Buy and sell and barter. Keep his alternate identity secret to the waking world.
Long term goals: He's not sure.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Make underworld connections.
How other characters will be affected: He's not sure.

Good personality traits:
Driven, Positive, and Charismatic
Bad personality traits: Cowardly, Greedy, and a Workaholic
Mood character is most often in: All smiles!
Sense of humor: Somewhat dark.
Character’s greatest joy in life: The feeling of a good bargain.
Character’s greatest fear: He will one day grow too old to travel.
Why?: Travelling and selling is his life's purpose. Retiring from that seems horrible.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: An injury that would force him to become rooted.
Character is most at ease when: Bartering.
Most ill at ease when: Talking about something serious, like a death.
Enraged when: Not given what he needs to do his work, or get what he wants.
Depressed or sad when: He fails at something.
Priorities: Himself and the Caravan above all else.
Life philosophy: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
If granted one wish, it would be: To be able to control minds.
Why?: He believes would be able to have practically infinite power.
Character’s soft spot: His masculinity.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Not to those who don't know him.
Greatest strength: His determination.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His cowardice.
Biggest regret: He was never able to impress his father.
Minor regret: Perhaps not joining a more successful caravan.
Biggest accomplishment: He believes it hasn't happened yet.
Minor accomplishment: Selling the most in his caravan a few times.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: In dark times, he's pickpocketed customers.
Why?: Most in his caravan believe theft is wrong.
Character’s darkest secret: He wishes for great magical power, specifically the ability to enchant people.
Does anyone else know?: No, and they never will.
Good personality traits: Driven, Efficient, and Logical
Bad personality traits: Strange, Secretive, and Insecure
Mood character is most often in: Completely emotionless in appearance, panicking internally.
Sense of humor: He doesn't laugh often, but finds it entertaining when people mouth off to him, and when his appearance disturbs someone.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Ardaric's percieved pride in him.
Character’s greatest fear: Rose, or someone else from Jin's life will find out about his existence.
Why?: He believes he will ruin Jin's, and his own life.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Rose discovering his identity.
Character is most at ease when: Alone, studying, writing, or working.
Most ill at ease when: Causing problems unintentionally.
Enraged when: Disrespected or manipulated.
Depressed or sad when: Told off by someone he respects.
Priorities: Keep in the shadows, by any means.
Life philosophy: In order to succeed, one must make decisions that benefit themselves. A bit of selfishness is necessary.
Character’s soft spot: His sense of identity.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: It's pretty clear once you talk to him for a while.
Greatest strength: His efficiency.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His anxiety.
How he/she feels about himself/herself:
He believes he's very good at what he does.
One word the character would use to describe self: Persuasive.
Description of how the character would describe self: "Of course, I'm not the best person in the world morally, but I'll definitely be able to convince you that I am."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Confidence.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: His cowardly behavior.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: His hair.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: His eyes.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: A confident, charismatic, optimistic seller of beautiful wares.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: More physical or magical power. Perhaps a bit more masculine.
How he/she feels about himself/herself: He's unaware of what he wants to be, and thinks of his life as wandering and aimless.
One word the character would use to describe self: Efficient.
Description of how the character would describe self: "I'm confused, but I'm good at what I do. I don't plan on doing anything that doesn't need to be done."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Drive
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: Anxiety (not really a personality trait, but he doesn't know what it is, and hates that he has it)
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: His... mask??
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: His mask...?
How does the character think others perceive him/her: A weirdo in a mask.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: More confidence in self.
He makes a lot of clothing, mostly to sell but he also enjoys wearing what he makes.
Plays a musical instrument?: He can play a few chords on a guitar, but nothing more.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside his shop, making umbrellas to sell.
Spending habits: He only buys things he knows he can use or sell.
Smokes: Nothing. Waste of money.
Drinks: Some light ales and wine. He's not a heavy drinker.
Other drugs: None.
What does he/she do too much of?: Gold counting. He gets anxious about budgeting.
What does he/she do too little of?: Relax. He gives himself barely any time off.
Extremely skilled at: Charisma, especially lying.
Extremely unskilled at: Anything based on strength.
Nervous tics: When upset, he plays with the dagger he was given at his adulthood ceremony.
Usual body posture: Slouched when alone, energetic when around others.
Mannerisms: He has very expressive eyebrows.
Hobbies: When idle, he writes. Mostly poetry, or to Jin
Plays a musical instrument?: Nope.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Writing, preferably in a place with no windows.
Spending habits: He only buys things he knows he can use or sell.
Smokes: Nothing. Waste of money.
Drinks: He cannot drink. There's no mouth in his mask, and he can't take it off.
Other drugs: None.
Extremely skilled at: Spotting lies, lying.
Extremely unskilled at: Anything based on strength, willing himself to speak when uncomfortable.
Nervous tics: When particularly stressed, he remains unnaturally still and silent. He often pulls on his gloves.
Usual body posture: Generally quite straight.
Mannerisms: Unlike Jin, he is usually quite stationary as he speaks.



"The children in my Caravan were taught to sew their own clothes. It kept us busy, as well as cutting costs, plus, it was a great way of self-expression. I still do it to this day."
-- Skill Level: Above-Average --
"I've had the opportunity to use so many interesting materials, try so many different styles -- I'm quite good at this!"

-- Skill Level: Good --



"Yet another thing I was taught as a child. A place full of goods and gold is not friendly to a person who doesn't know how to defend themselves and their belongings. I'm not a master to any degree, but I can keep myself safe from the common thief."

-- Skill Level: Above-Average --



"Look, mate, I'm not the strongest fella in the world. I'm not even near it. You give me a greatsword and I'll be more worried about losing a foot than fighting competently."
-- Skill Level: Bad --
"Alright, so I've had a bit of experience carrying some heavy shit around while I'm terrified off my arse, but I've still got noodle arms."

-- Skill Level: Below-Average --



"As much as I'd love to say that everything I've got I've earned with grit and determination, lying is a part of my life's work. If you need a fella to convince a buyer that your goods are worth three times as much as they are, I'm your man."

-- Skill Level: Good --



"I suppose I'm fairly good at it. If I've come this far, I hope to get further in the future."
-- Skill Level: Above-Average --
"I write down everything I do, now. Not a thing I'd expect to be good at, but here we are."

-- Skill Level: Good --



"Uriel taught me how to use this massive thing, and I think I've got a knack for it. It's quite fun actually! He gave it to me as long as I promised to keep practicing, and I plan on keeping that promise. It'll give me something to do on the road."
-- Skill Level: Above-Average --
"I haven't shot this thing in ages."

-- Skill Level: Average --



"I bought this thing a while ago, and I seem to be quite alright with it. I do tend to shoot better when I can focus, though."

-- Skill Level: Above-Average --

Last edited:


Lord of Altera



"What a kind woman. I trust her wholly and entirely, after all, who couldn't? Still, I think perhaps she's a bit too trustful. I could see her getting into trouble by becoming friends with the wrong person. Sylvar and I plan to look into her... friend. I'm--... We're not going to let anything happen to her."
-- Relationship: Ally --
"She's a dream. I'd trust her to the ends of the earth, and protect her the same."
"She owns my heart."

9-Best Friend.png

"Bright are the stars that shine, dark is the sky. I know this love of mine will never die."

-- Relationship: Girlfriend --



"Ah! Good ol' Cap. Every time we talk it's an absolute joy, even when it isn't! The best drinking buddy in Storm's Landing."
-- Relationship: Ally --
An entire paragraph is written, then scratched out. "He's a good man. Reminds me of my dad a bit. I'm looking forward to the things we can accomplish together."
"He's more than the man I thought he was. I don't think my father could replicate the fear I felt when speaking to him; although I do hope that, eventually, I can. He once told me that he was 'beyond the Gods,' and, now, I think I see what he meant. This is but the tip of the iceberg, and I welcome whatever comes next."
-- Relationship: Friend --
"I've died for this man and I'd do it again."

9-Best Friend.png

"Tell me all the things I'm supposed to like, what you wanna hear, what you think is right. I'm not present. My thoughts are misaligned."

-- Relationship: Close Friend --


"It's absurd how differently these brothers act, and yet how much I like them both. This one seems quite kind and approachable. From the moment I spoke to him, I believed I could rely on him. I could see us becoming very useful allies and quite good friends."
"I don't know much about you, now that I think of it, and perhaps you don't know much about me. We should talk one-on-one sometime, get that fixed up."


"Yeah, I'm in town for an hour now. Can you meet to talk about parallel space and time?"

-- Relationship: Friend --


"We met at Cymic's sermon, and we walked together to go to the cooking lesson. He has been nothing but kind to me and everyone around me. Good man. I'm excited to study with him in the future."
-- Relationship: Trust --
"An absolute top shelf lad. I wouldn't want to have anyone else as my headmaster. Honestly, when I read about the school I thought some haughty silver elf (I've nobody particular in mind) would be running it. I wasn't expecting a Jax-worshipping, Rum-drinking dwarf. I can't miss a lesson."
-- Relationship: Ally --

"I'd battle with this man to the end of my days, and I'd study with him the same. He seems to always know what to say, even when I--... when nobody wants to."


"Now that this newborn terminal moves, now that there's all this logic removed, it feels like a lie."

-- Relationship: Friend --


"A man after my own heart. He's the only Jax devotee I've met in Storm's Landing, but, other than that, I don't know much about the guy."
-- Relationship: Trust --
"I went to his sermon in Halbed. He might have thought it was a failure, but seeing how driven he was when it comes to Jax, I was inspired."
-- Relationship: Ally --
"This man has made me more confused about myself than anyone I've ever met. I've bought a journal because of this man. I'm going to fight a bloody giant because of this man... But... he's right. I can't just sit around and lie to people for my entire life. I need to do something to give my life a point. Fighting beside him might be just that."
-- Relationship: Friend. --
"Just as I've lost my connection to Jax, I seemed to have lessened my connection to Cymic. I'm unsure of where we'll go from here."


"Every time you're talking 'bout why you can't, you bow down surrounded by your fears."

-- Relationship: Ally --


"Oh it's very good to have some healthy competition, is it? It's on, kid. It's on."
-- Relationship: Dislike --
"What the hell has Sallana done to me? I've gone mad."
-- Relationship: ??? --
"I've come to terms with it. The two of us aren't enemies, I don't think. I think we'd make wonderful friends, and, if he so desires, Rose and I would be happy to include him in our relationship. He's a bit clueless there though, it seems, which is actually quite fun. Regardless of my feelings toward him it's still satisfying to see him lose his haughty exterior and sort of... show some weakness. No matter where we stand, I'll continue to compete with him. It's good for me. All in good fun, eh? All in good fun."
-- Relationship: Ally --
"Never thought I'd have one partner, and now I've got two. Hope it goes well."
-- Relationship: Boyfriend --
"Coming back or not, I'm done with him."
-- Relationship: Distrusted --
"Boy, am I poor at assuming how I'll feel about this one."


"This happens time again, two lovers turn to friends, a story told that doesn't really end."

-- Relationship: Ally --

-♢- TRUSTED --


"He's quite young, but he's wise beyond his years. Wiser than me, although easy that may be. I need to learn to be as brave as he is."
"I couldn't tell you a negative thing about him; however I still don't know him very well."
"We haven't spoken in some time and things have changed quite a bit since we have, but I'm still maintaining my trust in him. I know his heart to be good."

"I've fought beside her, watched her lose her hand in battle, watched her get it back, and she seemed to smile regardless. I could see her being a good friend of mine if we spent some more time together."
"Interesting. We'll see what happens here."

"He's... a lot to deal with at some points, you know, with his eggs and whatnot, but he's a good kid. He's got a good attitude, and you have to appreciate people like that in days like these."
"He looks quite different, but his heart's the same. I wish him the best."

"She's a strong girl, much like her brother. I hope she's alright."

"How can a person be so driven and yet so fun! I very much hope we can work together, or at least have a few more drinks. Hopefully, she goes a little easier next time."

"She seems a good lass. I've only been able to have a short chat with her, but she appears pretty driven. Hell, I wouldn't cross her."

"I met this fellow in a bad, confusing situation. I don't know him well, but I respect his actions. I don't believe I ever got his name, though."

"I didn't get to talk to her for that long. Only thing I saw her do is swear at Cymic, so she's alright in my book."

"Yet another person I was unable to get much information about. She seems to be friends with Ardaric, though, poor lass. I hope we do get to know each other better."

"A bit mysterious, but he seems kind. I mean, hell, the guy gave his prize money to a lad he just met, and I'm glad he did! Somehow, free wine tastes much better than the kind you pay for."

"I only spoke to her for a short time, but apparently she knows Rose. That's really the only thing I know about her, unfortunately."
-- Relationship: Stranger --
"She gave a very generous donation to Siren's Remedy at the Summer Festival."

"I knew a couple of Earthspawn when I was a kid. None of them spoke very good Marjash, so I wasn't able to make friends with them, but I remember a night when my camp was attacked by a pack of wolves. We lost a few people that night, but, without those Earthspawn, we'd have all been goners. It's been a while since I met one of Jerr'co's kind, but I still have a lasting respect for them as warriors. As for him specifically, he seems like a good lad and a good drinking buddy. I think perhaps I'd feel a bit better getting out into danger if I knew an Earthspawn like him was there."

"This fellow knows precisely how to make a friend of me. I plan to stock my shelves with ale from his brewery."

-- KNOWN --


"She seemed far more interested in her books and her writing than the action, which initially gave me a bad feeling about her; however the way she treated that woman they attacked made me think she was someone who could be relied on. I still wouldn't go so far as to say I trust her."
"I like the new look! Although, I still can't say I know much about you."

"Nothing wrong with this one from what I've seen of him. He's intelligent, quite kind, got a sense of humor, the lot of it. He does his job well and I have no qualms with him."
"It was a pleasure to catch up with you, perhaps we should do some work together!"

"I don't know much about him, but I've only had good experiences with him. I think he's a good lad, and I hope his marriage is happy and lasting."

"Overall, seems a fun lad. I'd like to have a drink with the guy... although... something about him at the Frostwarts Ball made me feel... unsafe, somehow. Maybe it was the ale."

"I respect a man who knows his limits. I'd like to see more of this one."

"An Ignite that spoke in a language I'd never heard before. Didn't notice anything else peculiar about the man, just seemed like the usual paladin type. Wouldn't mind learning a bit more."

"Seemed like the normal pragmatic scholar type, although he did appear notably undeterred by disturbing things. That's a good quality, in my eyes. I'd like to work with him further."

"Odd lad, but, I could see us becoming good friends in time."

"I don't know him that well, honestly. I didn't get to talk to him for that long. Seems like a good lad, I suppose."

"I was so bloody confused and tired when I met this lad I never learned a damn thing about him. I think he was the one who was talking about magic? Gods, I don't know. I have a headache."

"This was the other magic one. All of that talk went miles over my head."

"Same story with this one."

"She with the group at the meteor site. I know nothing about her, in fact, I'm not sure if I spotted her among Karn's group. I have no idea what to think of her."

"This one... The way Cassandra described her was not... favorable. I don't trust Cassandra, nor do I trust Karn, but something still irks me. Perhaps it's nothing. Still, I won't turn my back on the lass."
-- Relationship: Distrust --
"I heard she... died, fighting. And... she had a daughter. I dunno, maybe we're all just fighting for the same thing. I hope she's alright, wherever she made it."

"I had to go before he and I could talk about this bank he'd opened, but I plan to do so as soon as possible. He seems quite hospitable, but of course, I need to know more about the guy before I make any judgments."

"So this is the daughter of that woman who attacked Karn. She was quite hostile to Cymic, but hell, the lass lost her mother."

"Even if I hadn't won, that masquerade was quite fun, and she seemed like quite a competent and charming host. I'd love to attend more of her events."

"He's quite a talented fellow. I've not been able to talk to him outside of his work, but I believe we could make good friends."

"She seems like a sweet girl, but she's got a lot to learn about how this part of the world works."

"She seems like a sweet girl, good businesswoman. I'm not really one to buy art, but perhaps I'll visit her gallery when I get the chance!"

"We only chatted for a bit, but she gave a good impression, I believe. I wish her luck in adjusting to her new occupation."

"She seems like a good leader, kind and understanding, able to give commands without being condescending. I'd like to get to know her better at some point."

"I need to talk to him more often, he's an interesting fellow with many perspectives I'm not familiar with. I do hope he ends up teaching."

"Seemed like a genuine fellow and a magnificent smith. That new blade I bought from him is absolutely gorgeous! I do hope our paths cross again."



"I don't care what the others think of him. I've been told what his kind does to my family and I will not trust him for a second."
-- Relationship: Dislike --
"He claims to have proof of his kindness to my family, but I will not take him on his word. The experience at the meteor site was very... confusing when it comes to my opinion of him. The monsters in the stories I'd heard were called Greylings, and they looked like... that... but it is true that I haven't seen one with my own eyes. He was much nicer to me than Cassandra, though. I'm really not sure."
-- Relationship: Distrust --
"He... showed me the proof... And gave me a gem? Who is he? Why is he involved in all of this... magical something rather? I've never been this torn about a person."
-- Relationship: Known --
"Now, I don't distrust you because you're a Greyling, or even because I don't like you, or want to work with you. I'd love to work with you, but now I know to watch my back."
"I wonder where this one has been. Getting himself into trouble, if I'd guess."

"We got off on the right foot, but the more I talk to him the more... hostile he seems. I don't think the man likes Soolerans."
"He's my ally, but only out of necessity. The only priority we seem to share is the acquisition of wealth. Opium-fueled old grouch."

"Odd. Just... very odd. I'm beginning to think he was just a hallucination."
-- Relationship: Stranger --
"He makes me uncomfortable. I always feel like he's gonna stab me out of nowhere. Jesters always freak me out."

"I was told some things about her in private. I'm not usually one to trust gossip, but, she does seem to have a sort of unapproachable air to her. I'll be wary."

"She's quiet, but I can't tell if it's because she's shy or a teenage misanthrope. I've met kids like her in the Caravan. Had my coin purse nearly stolen by them more times than I can count. I'm undecided on her."
-- Relationship: Known --
"I believe my first impression was right. Of course, she's just a child, so she could improve, but if what happened to my more hostile brothers and sisters happens again with this one, I don't plan on trusting her any time soon."

"I don't appreciate what he did to Leighton and Lin at the wedding. I'm beginning to think I just have a distaste for Ignites in general."


"She spoke to me after everything went down at the site. I'm not sure of her intentions, but she seems like a shady individual. Her disdain for me is clear. I do not trust her."
-- Relationship: Distrusted --
"We met again at the inn the other day. There wasn't much talking between us, but the experience I had with Karn made me confused about everything that happened."
-- Relationship: Stranger --
"Dear Jax she's unsettling. I hope Rose is safe. I'll have to do some more research on her. Perhaps I'll ask Ardaric."
-- Relationship: Distrusted --
"Still haven't spoken to Ardaric about her, but... She's a menace, I've got no doubt about that. I don't like the way she treats Rose, or the way she acts around her. She's a bad influence and a bad friend. Plus, she seems to have these odd moods from time to time, and I've no clue where they come from and why they simply end. She's odd. I don't know if she's a true danger, but Sylvar did speak to me about some odd dealings in the books. Surely something criminal, but, of course, that doesn't always mean she's a bad person. I don't trust her, and I don't like her, regardless."
-- Relationship: Disliked --
"Her presence is like a disease, eating away at everyone in the room. It'd be a pleasure to never see her again."
"So, after all this, we're allies. I'm eager to see the disgust on her face when she finds out. I hope it pains her greatly that I'm infecting every facet of her life. I know it pains me."
-- Relationship: Hate --
"Now, don't get me wrong, she's a dreadful human being, and I will absolutely never trust her, let alone befriend her, but... Kadhab has a point. She's trying, and she cares about Rose. She's horrible at it, but she's trying. I just hope this madness isn't permanent."
-- Relationship: Dislike --
"Kadhab doesn't have a point, she's fucking terrible."


-- Relationship: Hate --

"I realize what he's doing is right, and I realize what happened that day was disheartening -- it was for everyone -- but it seems every time I talk to this fellow, he's angry about something rather. He seems like a hard-ass, and my experience with people like that tells me he's probably hiding something. I won't treat him any differently, of course, but I will be wary."
-- Relationship: Distrust --
"Self-righteous ass."


-- Relationship: Dislike --

"So much for getting sparked. If he can read minds, I don't think he'd like to hear about how much I'd like to punch him square in the face as I try to convince him to help me. Perhaps it was just... bad circumstances, or I caught him in a mood, but still. The guy seems to love hearing himself talk."


-- Relationship: Dislike --

Kadhab's Relationships
-- Particularly, these relationships are different enough from Jin's to be set aside. --

"He seems a good fellow, as my own brother assured me. He appeared aggressive at first, but, of course, he thought I was a poison, or even a fake. I cannot blame him for this. I look forward to working with him."
-- Relationship: Known --


"She and the other have had their quarrels, but she doesn't seem that bad at all."
"I want to help her, but I don't know if there's anything I can do. She might be beyond saving."

-- Relationship: Known --

"She's quite similar to me, and him. I could see us all being quite good friends, and business partners, of course."
-- Relationship: Known --

"She's... kind. I can't tell her a single thing, as I've been told she's a terrible liar, but, I do think I will speak to her more often. I'll try to convince him."
-- Relationship: Known --

"Very intriguing. I'll see you soon."
-- Relationship: Known --

"There is no person or thing I despise more than this rat. She's only making Cassandra worse. She'll probably kill her the moment she thinks of her as a burden."
-- Relationship: Hate --

-- If there's a person Jin's met that isn't included it's probably either due to me being dumb and not writing down their name before leaving the server, or just the fact that I can't find their character profile. --
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Obtained: When Jin became an adult, as a Sooleran ceremonial symbol.
Quality: It has never been used, and is kept very clean.
Location: Kept on a decorative sheath on his belt, usually hidden under his jacket.
Importance/Use: Unless in an emergency, this dagger will never be used, as it's considered bad luck.

Obtained: Given to Jin by his father when he was a teenager. Before that, he had been practicing with a wooden dagger.
Quality: The hilt has been worn down to the point where certain parts are discolored. The blade is well-kept but old.
Location: Hanging on a metal loop on his belt, where it can be reached easily.
Importance/Use: Self-defense, Sentimental item, Hunting.

Obtained: Given to him by Karn on the 16th of Lightshine.
Quality: Unknown. He assumes it's an emerald, but hasn't gotten it looked at.
Location: Sitting in a locked chest in his bedroom in Storm's Landing.
Importance/Use: He claims to wish to sell it but every time he goes to do so he decides against it.

Name Meaning: Vagabond
Species: Red-Tailed Hawk
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Obtained: 19th of Lightshine.
Location: Either in Jin's bedroom or resting on his shoulder.
Note: Only looks the way she should with this texture pack.

Obtained: Unknown
Quality: He's never seen anything like it, and is unsure what it's made of.
Location: Sitting in a secret closet.
Importance/Use: He's not sure where this thing came from, but for some reason, it brings the smell of blood to mind.

A Craftsman by Jin Elsattir
Medicinal Garden by Jin Elsattir
A Discussion by Jin Elsattir
A Dissection by Jin Elsattir
A Cooking Lesson by Jin Elsattir
The Veil by Jin Elsattir
Sooleran Dyes by Jin Elsattir
Start A New Term by Kublai Kull
Sunbright R.A.D. by Kublai Kull
Jin's Certificate of Scholarship by Kublai Kull
Government Hierarchy of the Wise Empire
Gamble Grimoire First Edition
[WIP] Blood Moon Journal
[WIP] Jin's Journal

Golden Mead -- The Tipsy Traveller
Fine Beer -- The Tipsy Traveller
Blood Wine -- Valdis Winery
Fine Absinthe -- Unknown
Spicy Rum -- Unknown
Delicate White Tea -- Unknown
Silver & Crystal Decanter


Obtained: Given by Roselia as a graduation present on the 12th of Ghostmoon
Description: A small golden locket with a drawing of Rose and a mirror.
Location: Hanging on his neck.

Last edited:


Lord of Altera
  • Added Kublai (Bartooliinii)
  • Changed Flatulence (Jase)
  • Added Sylvar (Cranium) -- I will, in fact, be the Gary Oak to your Ash Ketchum. Smell ya' later, punk.
  • Changed Cymic (Cymic_)
Added some additional info at the top.


Retired Staff
Dude i heckin love your dividers, super cool way of doin them. Doin a massive overhaul of my char sheet cause it's fairly outdated soon - need me some to compete with that yo


Lord of Altera
Might start posting update logs only one day a week (Probably Saturdays), since the way I format relationships causes me to kinda spam this.


Lord of Altera
Jin has a faceclaim now, but for the life of me I can't get his skin to look like him. Can't make a beard to save my life (Without making him look far older than he is), and whenever I make his skin color accurate it looks too light. :( Oh well.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Jin has a faceclaim now, but for the life of me I can't get his skin to look like him. Can't make a beard to save my life (Without making him look far older than he is), and whenever I make his skin color accurate it looks too light. :( Oh well.
If you need help, I've almost only had characters with beards xD


Lord of Altera
A LOT of updates since I've posted last

  • General overhaul of the organization
  • Changed Sylvar (Cranium)
  • Added and changed Roselia a few times (Bishop)
  • Changed Cassandra (Kakers)
  • Added Uriel (BoredBrit)
  • Changed Helena (Elz)
  • If I forgot anyone let me know! It's been a WHILE since I updated everything, so I might have just lost the interaction.
Other Updates:
  • Edited the in-depth info & added some more Q's (Might do this a bit more)
  • Did a little reorganizing.
  • Added Writing Skill
  • Added Crossbow Skill
  • Changed Heavy Weaponry Skill

I've kind of run out of ideas for questions, so if you've got anything you'd like to know about Jin, I'd be happy to answer.