Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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More on OOC Issues


Yū Yi
This is only a suggestion and maybe a wierd one.
If someone murders a character and when that character gets back and revenges himself, meaning he kills the murder, then the murder won't come back?

In short; only the victim(s) can perma kill the murder.

Could write a deeper reason for why it would work like this, but for now I leave it as a short suggestion.


Lord of Altera
Well... that has to take into account the memory loss after death thing... which a lot of people will forget if we do that.


Lord of Altera
This is only a suggestion and maybe a wierd one.
If someone murders a character and when that character gets back and revenges himself, meaning he kills the murder, then the murder won't come back?

In short; only the victim(s) can perma kill the murder.

Could write a deeper reason for why it would work like this, but for now I leave it as a short suggestion.
You don't have memories of your death Mokwar, that includes who killed you.
They'd have to torture (you (which is forbidden by rules btw) for hours for you to be able to guess who killed you.

That is probably also one of the reasons why people kill everyone - No IC recollection of the perpetrator.


Non sum qualis eram
Forgetfulness on revival exists for two reasons - 1 - actual Lore mechanics of death and revival,

2 - People getting killed and immediately vendetta-ing against whoever killed them, propagating a cycle of people murdering each other.

The "No killing people on the grounds where people are revived" rule exists because otherwise I know y'all'l "spawn camp".


Yū Yi
You don't have memories of your death Mokwar, that includes who killed you.
They'd have to torture (you (which is forbidden by rules btw) for hours for you to be able to guess who killed you.

That is probably also one of the reasons why people kill everyone - No IC recollection of the perpetrator.
I understand that, but there are times where you get told or find out.

But in either cases, it's rare you find out who the killer is and it shouldn't be that easy to perma kill.

I am well aware of the lore on death and don't need it explained.

To naelwyn also; when I made the suggestion it wasn't because I thought there should be an easy way to perma kill the murders, but so there atleast was a way. Being it rare and difficult.


Lord of Altera
I can testify that having a character emotionally break down when he's first forced to kill somebody in order to save a friend's life is great development. A few people were there to witness it, it was fun to RP, and it changed Eudo permanently.

He literally threw up after it and curled up in a ball to cry.


Point being, sometimes it's much more fun to lose emotionally.

I can also cite that despite the fact Archaeus is (now developed in to properly) a bit of a badass soldier, he's not that great at strategy. He never has been. And with age, his memory is not as good as it once was, and his fingers are an immense detriment to daily life.

But it's still incredibly fun to play him. Losing mentally every once in awhile (and even losing a fight) can be room for amazing development, if the adversary doesn't execute your character. I remember waaaay back on my second or third night on the server, Archaeus was... relatively touchy, and untrusting, so he put a sword towards Nwalme. Well, he had his ass kicked by Cloud, Nwalme, and one of Bette's old characters, and proceeded to lose all of his fingers. Of course at the time I was upset. I was upset because my character was crippled permanently - but the next morning, I was excited. Excited to carry on his story and see where it would carry me.

Overall, ladies and gentlemen, it's not about win or lose here. It's about the stories you get to tell as your character. And Archaeus has a hell of a lot of stories nowadays; it's incredibly fun.


P.S.: You guys should aim to have your characters react more to death and murder. It takes its toll on people. Archaeus has nightmares still, and don't even get me started on Danniella. Even Eudoxius still has nightmares from the time he accidentally caused somebody to fall on their own sword and kill themselves.

THIS!! YES, I love you for this. When Aiden died on the table the day Dorothy was trying to deliver her twins, even /with/ DummyPlug teaching her that death is just death and that it is not necessarily a bad thing or something that should be feared all her life, it still takes a toll on her. She never lost a patient until that day, and she felt /horrible/. She worried horribly about how the children would think of it, she feels responsible for the death, like she could have prevented it, and so she took in the children to care for them in a sign of respect, she'd hopefullyr egain Aidens forgiveness by protecting her little ones. But even to this day, losing Aiden like that, is still something that bothers her every time she sees aiden's features in the children's faces.
When Violet had mental issues and was pro-corrupt and kind of crazy, she was /messed/ up afterwards. And that RP was kind of entertaining, she grew to fear violence, she had night terrors, she started drifting away from other people until finally she couldn't handle it anymore and she was beginning to lose her grip on her mental state, and had to leave on her own to deal with it alone in the wilderness. I took on different characters until I felt it had been a sufficent amount of time, but even now, even though she's suffered amnesia and doesn't remember a lot, she still sometimes has nightmares, since she's regained corrupt-days memories, it's more distant, but she still gets that sick feeling in her stomach when she picks up a blade or knocks an arrow. Needless to say, she won't be killing anymore, even if she /had/ to, to save a life or her own, I don't think she'd be mentally capable, she'd probably lock up and go into some kind of panic. Because that is what it does to you. And I think that sort of thing to me is actually more fun that RP'ing out a fight, if she were attacked or needed to protect someones life and she had to handle her mental issues, that is more in depth, unique, and more interesting. :heart:


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I would like to say that I am not trying to lay blame on any one person. I'm really not interested in laying anywhere, really. Results are rather what I'm interested in.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
With everyone's post in mind, why don't we start talking about some good tactics on how to end these fights and OOC drama? Right now I'm seeing a number of good thoughts arising, along with details and explanations to the problems and drama. Let's work towards a better set plan.

What I need from you all is a candid and civil discussion of possible solutions to this problem that have not already been attempted by staff. We also need to develop clear consequences to perpetuating these sorts of conflicts. I will be satisfied to allow this discussion to go on for a week or more, if necessary, as long as progress is made, and people are being courteous. But we need to come to some sort of decision that staff can use going forward. Or we will have to start using sterner methods.
I think this here is the main goal of the thread, so let's focus on that for a bit and start talking on ways to find solutions for these problems. Again, all of you are making great contributions and I thank you for that. :)


Yū Yi
Fighting and killing were both things that happend in medieval times.
Why try to stop it, but instead improve it?

Sorry if this came out rude.


Dead Man Walking
Most of this thread is TLDR for me.(on vacation using my phone) But I have noticed two things that I find stood out to me.

Hyper-violent characters: Altera is filled with hyper-violent people, everyone who is anyone should know this. Therefore, if your character antagonizes someone in anyway a violent response should be expected. Playing a violent character is not a bad thing. However, if you play a character and hop into a bar or whatever and piss someone off and end up getting slaughtered, it is your own fault. Don't blame other people because you think the world shouldn't be that way. Have your character know what world they are living in and make accommodations for it.

Ruler of Altera?: This can be done in-character and should not need to be enforced by staff in anyway. If any character cannot hold onto or manage to gain the crown, then they lose it. My advice for people that want a ruler: either take the responsibility upon yourself to promote your character or promote someone else's character with the ambition to rule.

Another little hint for becoming the supreme cucumber: Tyrants rise to power by killing their enemies which stay dead. They kill until the have no more enemies. Altera does not work that way. Your enemies will come back. The best way to be a ruler is to never get any enemies. Be the person people want to rally behind and stir their hearts. The only way to get rid of an enemy in Altera is to make them an ally. That is the way Altera works, your character knows this, so play like they know this.
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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Fighting and killing were both things that happend in medieval times.
Why try to stop it, but instead improve it?

Sorry if this came out rude.
There was also systematic rape, gruesome torture, and people never leaving the land they were born on. So I'm not particularly interested in the argument "but it happened in medieval times!" as a justification to keep it, no offense~ In my opinion, it's not the violence. We keep straying from the topic at hand, which is the OOC conflict arising from the IC conflict. That is what I'm concerned with.

The only way to get rid of an enemy in Altera is to make them an ally.
You, sir. I like the way you think.


Yū Yi
There was also systematic rape, gruesome torture, and people never leaving the land they were born on. So I'm not particularly interested in the argument "but it happened in medieval times!" as a justification to keep it, no offense~ In my opinion, it's not the violence. We keep straying from the topic at hand, which is the OOC conflict arising from the IC conflict. That is what I'm concerned with.
Yeah, you are right, sorry. Of course the arguement I used could be used in a lot of arguements.

Sorry for straying away from the topic.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Yes I do not believe the hyperviolence is the problem itself, but rather that when a group of players are more interested in winning than freeform rping and dont know all the rules of proper roleplay, the violent rps are the first things that lead to conflict.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
-talking about the bottle again, but in a more antagonistic way-
-talking about the bottle, how the rp REALLY went, and instigating-
Hi there! It seems like you two have somehow missed the numerous posts requesting that people kindly do not address personal issues in this thread :)
I am going to delete those posts for you so we can keep on track. Sorry for any inconvenience ^^
Here is a friendly reminder about the aim of this thread:
What I need from you all is a candid and civil discussion of possible solutions to this problem that have not already been attempted by staff. We also need to develop clear consequences to perpetuating these sorts of conflicts. I will be satisfied to allow this discussion to go on for a week or more, if necessary, as long as progress is made, and people are being courteous. But we need to come to some sort of decision that staff can use going forward. Or we will have to start using sterner methods.

I'm not asking you guys to like each other. It would be nice, but that's not up to me. I am asking that you help keep this server a fun place for others to RP. To that end, if anyone is having difficulty keeping their tempers in check while having this discussion, I will happily provide them with a 24 hour vacation from the forums via a temporary IP ban. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that, but I want to make clear to you guys how serious I am.

and ACU- its "Let me find my ten-foot-pole so I can make sure it isn't touching this thread..."


Lord of Altera
My only point on the matter.

This is a big part of the reason i'm not around anymore.