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-=[ Rank Up Requests ]=-

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera
Main Profile: [X]
Divine Profile: [X]



In order to first become tier three, the following requirements should be met;

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Achieved on 7/2/23

Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.

Entered the hellscape again, killing a General to retrieve a map leading to another location. During this encounter, he would go on to lose a friend dear to him, mourning the loss in a constructive way; killing the remaining hellspawn. [X]

Aided a small rift-raft group of adventures to clear out bandits in the sands. This aided the city and we were able to successfully avenge the lives of those lost. [X]

Chose to give up power and leadership of a Kingdom in pursuit of a greater purpose of ridding the world of demonic presence. (Attacking and starting his war against Dranoden) [X]

The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.

Adopting religion has changed his outlook on life. Striving to do better in day to day life, he realized that much of what he put up with were things that could no longer be. His clothing, his weapons, and his person is publicly made to be viewed as a Valiant blessed. He has introduced Valiant into all walks of his life, even going as far to put it to his credit of the war against demons.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.

Through his multidide of life troubles, Matthias has grown cold towards some aspects of life but warmer towards others. Betrayal has become a common thing for him, even being seen as the normal most days. However, he continues to try and put his faith into Valiant in the way he see's him to be worshipped. Justice is a fiscal thing, and until he is able to ask his God what this means, he pledges himself to War. Not how he did previously, but being a body that can be called upon in times of war. He has offered his aid to Theodosius in his efforts against Branko, deciding he may be a better soldier than a King.

Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)

Continued teaching of Leofwine dueling and proper ways of a knight. Dueling, honor, Valiant's tenets. (specific screenshots are not available but generally everyone can attest that is affiliated with either person.)

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.

Assisted his allies in Queensport by delivering supplies, running into a band of Vyres along the way. Slaying one led to the ruining of several foodstuffs though. (He burst like a grape) [X]

Ventured into Nid Ararch on a more casual expedition with friends. Here, he was able to convince Laicelem to side with him on future missions against Dranoden in exchange for helping with the Twinned Horn in the future. [X]

After learning of the Golden Orders siding with Xandar in the current heated debates for power, he would reach out via divine word to request a meeting. In agreement for a diplomatic and peaceful meeting, Matt would proceed to share the entire truth and reasoning behind his actions, eventually leading to Leonhardts and the Golden Order siding with him. 5/31/23

Choosing to enter in the arena sport of New Sool, Matthias would go to win two of his matches, sparing both of his opponents to show mercy. Going on, he would witness the death of Erwin to the hands of an Emperor Scorpion, making plans to see his body and belongings cared for in Ashstadt [X]

Chose to assist Erwin in his efforts against the Basilisk Archfiend by providing a map found on an earlier expedition. This is in good faith, hoping they can make grounds as his group seeks an alternate fiend. [X]

Set out in hopes of following the tracks of an Inquisitor, seeking out a Lich in the nearby lands. There he would go on to fight hellish amounts of undead.[X]

Entered the hellscape, hoping to find a location to set up a temporary outpost. Cut off from his group and only returning when all were dead, he would go to kill the demon general and avenge his comrades. [X]

A second journey out to defeat more waves of Skraag undead, defending a fortified location. Finding an artifact of Sallana, he would after go on to speak with Podric about his current choices in regards to demonic persons. They would come to a conclusion that while he is not in the wrong, he may eventually find himself there. An agreement was made to seek Podric out if that may ever become the case. [X]

[To Guide Another]
Ultimately they must guide another into the rank of T1 and showcase at least ten ways they assisted doing so. This can be through lessons, discussions, or other ways you feel are significant in the journey of the student. They must reach T1 before you can apply for T3.
1. Through constant practice bouts, Matthias would begin to train Leofwine on how to better handle himself in combative situations. This would go on to be his first basic lessons with the sword he received from Frost.

2. Furthermore armor preparations would be made to compliment the training Leofwine had been receiving. His first set, a custom made suit labeled "Tarus Armor" by both the makers and the wearer, it would go on to serve him well until the tragic run-in with a demon general.

3. Learning from Leofwine that he had still not learned all the tenets from the current Valiant blessed turtoring him, Matthias would go on to have lessons in regards to them. In these lessons, it'd be Leofwines job to make connections with each of the tenets to real world actions or examples.

4. Leading Leofwine on his first mission into the hellscape to reclaim a fort to later be used as a staging outpost, his training would pay off in the form of Leofwines first kill. He'd go on to slay his first underling, even helping kill the demonic general that flanked the group.

5. Continued assistance provided in terms of equipment, giving Leofwine both Mourneblade; Matthias's first Korog blessed weapon, and Winters Embrace a pendant that would keep him and allies within 10 blocks cool from both mundane heat and the hellscapes.

6. When the first talks of war came about, Matthias and Leofwine would sit down and have a lengthy discussion of Leofwines involvement in it. While it was not his responsibility, he accepted the burden and eventually became Matthias's squire.

7. After a heart to heart in the Cathedral one more, Matthias would express to Leofwine how he felt about the other current Valiant blessed. After some conversation, Matthias would propose that he be the one to formally teach Leofwine to which he accepted.

8. A later training spar would be request by Leofwine to test his current skill. Since it had been months of constant training, Matthias accepted and the spar began. While it ended poorly for Leofwine, fighting tips were exchanged and good wholesome moments had.

9. Personal talks of faith would occur often with Leofwine and Matthias determining they fall in different spectrums of the Valiant worship. Leofwine being a far more diplomatic blessed, Matthias being a far more ambitious soldier of war.

10. Tremble not upon the field of battle. Leofwines first encounter with a fiend would leave him in a unstable mental state that was later aided by Matthias. This lead to Leofwine joining the cult.


1. Similar to Leofwine, Matthias would aid Lark in his first taste of genuine conflict. In a supervised expedition into the hellscape, they would go on to storm part of Dranodens front gate.


Matthias, while not certain of how to redeem himself has started on what he believes to be the right path. Entering into an agreement with Lacielem and Leonhardt, he has silently agreed to cease the hunting of contracted, never to harm a unarmed one again. Instead, all danger contracted will be killed if they threaten him but all others will be sent to either of them for exorcisms.

Matthias would sit down, having a discussion with the man he once killed. Throughout this conversation, he'd attempt to apologize and go on to offer aid in the issues Rhaedral is having in regards to his contract. Agreeing to find him a route that will save both his soul that he carries and body, he plans to do just that.
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Legend of Altera

Amelie Dubois
[Divine Profile] [Character Profile]

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
[Started 2023/02/26] - [Finished 2023/04/26]

Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
  • Fought and killed a lamentor in Drannoden’s house. [Dm'd by Solus]
  • Fought and killed a garulf, having it’s bone carved into a symbol for Visage. [Dm'd by Moosh]
  • Killed one of Qlippoth's pods after witnessing the devisation it can bring to mortal kind. [Dm'd by Bart]
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
Even when faced with death, Amelie had chosen to spite her enemies rather than giving in with the thought of the afterlife being better than bowing her head to the ones who defy her god.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
While still following the tenants of Visage, she has elected to follow the domains pertaining more closely to her moral values, seeing the beauty of the moonlight and knowledge over the depth of schemes and secrets. She seeks to show others the wonders of the shattered celestial body, and how it still casts it's watchful light onto the world below, as well as how to properly preserve the knowledge of the past for others to not be doomed to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors.

Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine.
  • Gave Jaz'gil the abilty to make an informed decision on Visage by supplying her with literature pertaining to the folk lore and tenants of worship.
  • When given time, Amelie would begin teaching Sophie astrology and how to proper preserve ancient texts for displays in libraries.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
  • Watched over the exorcism of Matthias, providing the golden item and holy water needed to rid him of the corruption. [Matthias Fiend Profile]
  • Led the exorcism of Vanathiel, providing a ring of gold to aid in his release from corruption. [Vanathiel Fiend Profile]
  • Offered the ashes of Scorch and a tooth of the Ivory King (Within personal shrine [-8289, 133, -3277])
  • Killed demons in the border lands of Dranoden's realm, under the Basilisk banner, learning more about the territories within hell and their regents. [Dm'd by Elz]
  • Assisted in the gathering of information with the Regent of the White Tower for the upcoming War Event [Scheduled Event]. Sat in on the meeting to advise and correct any misinformation's given and provided stratigies when applicable.
  • In Lavoy ruins, Amelie led a party to help lay a child's ghost to rest and search for various archelogical finds withing the decrepit buildings. Various old books were taken to be studied along with a map of the surrounding region. Various relics of the past were found, and the group left with a new child in tow to look after. Amelie beginning to teach this child the ways of Visage sometime after this new adoption [event]
[To Great Lengths]
  • Joined in the war effort to aid Ashstadt with the inteion of protecting the archives and the literature within. [War Event]
  • Obtained a map of the hellscape, showing the location of the Basilisk demon as well as fighting off her demonic general. Amelie's artefact was used to translate the infernal runes on the paper and help decipher the locations of the hellscape. [Event Link]
  • Aided in the delivery of supplies to a hopeless village, slaying vyres that sought to steal and desecrate the supplies, learning more about the indepth trading routes of the north and what plagues them. [Event]
  • Joined an expedition to Nid Arach, exploring the lands and learning about the Collector and various creatures. Amelie had gained an old and worn diary written by someone cursed by Korog and helped by Jishriim [Event]
  • Bore witness and advised to the proceedings of Matthias and Leonhardt's argument and eventual agreement of alliance against the demons. The situation had grown tense after it became known that Xandar was attempting to persuade others of the wrongdoings/evil-doings of Matthias. 5/31/23
  • Cast SHROUD OF THE WATCHER within her own personal domain, beginning to lay down the foundations for creating a holy land for Visage.
  • Chose to assist Erwin in his efforts against the Baslisk Archfiend by providing a map found on an earlier expedition, and giving herself an in within his community to further gain social connections. [Herald Posting]
  • Aided in clearing out a location to be used as bastian against the undead, as well as the information of possible artefacts and relics being hidden in the area. [Event]
  • Furthered the goal of creating a bastion to be used as a forward operating base with the furthered intention of uncovering knowledge and a research outpost within the demonic realms. [Construction]
  • Back in hell, their party faced off against a demonic general. When healing had not worked and everyone died around her slowly, she chose to fight to the end, spitting in the face of the enemy.[Event]
  • Back in the sorrows, there was a continued hunt for relics and artefacts- helping Matthias find a needle blessed by Sallana [Event]
  • In hell once more, Amelie and a group of other sought to find Aleksei and recover him from the hellscape while she used her time to collect information and old literature from the buildings within the area- taking the hide of one of the demonic animals that had infernal runic carvings telling of a possible fourth Archfiend to bring back to the fellow blessed of Altera. [Dm'd by Blarg]
  • Infiltrated the Astrakhan army disguised as a generic leagonaire to learn more about the separate region's war tactics during a skirmish against the Reaching Hand within Branko's land. [Event]
  • Back in hell once more, Amelie helped the group push through the fort in hopes of finding Dranoden's vault and other valuable information for herself. [event]
  • Talked Matthias into giving her a Sallana trinket
  • Received various relics from Nid Arach from Sophie to add to her collection within her manor. Sophie had given the knowledge of how to complete the set, Amelie now making plans to return with her to finish the collection.
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Legend of Altera
Retired Staff
T1 Rankup Request
Laicelem Aethlren
Divine Profile: Theodra

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
- Complete (see Divine Ticket for reason)

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
- Complete

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
- Complete

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up.

{ The Deadlands Revival }
Laicelem, Cieren, Candice, Keone, and Arvyth united together under Laicelem's leadership to locate and eradicate a Deadlands Colossus.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.

{ Defied Orders }
After his workers disobeyed Laicelem's orders to have the Deadlands Pod taken from the Colossus destroyed, he, Asero Crow, and Theodosius Basileos tracked the beast that grew from the pod down and killed it. It was an extension of Qlippoth, and its destruction was important. This creature grew and was slain near Laicelem's home and family in his territory Respite.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.

{ Amongst The Dunes }
A simple hunt for a complex prey: Emperor Scorpions. On this hunt, Laicelem shared his discoveries and experiences with a recent, previous encounter with corrupted emperor scorpions during his travels with the Rangers. The creatures were divided up among the party, and each harvested part was collected for a purpose, including the meat, which was not wasted. A fight with these foes took considerable physical capability, which Laicelem proved to have by triumphing over his prey.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.
» You shall resist temptation, the allure of gluttony and the urge to kill without need.
» Let not your body fall into disrepair, for the way of the sloth is a disrespect to the lands that allow you to live.

{ Ashen Hunt }
Brought to the Ashlands by Frost along with Kethron, Asero Crow, and Kaatreya, Laicelem used his skills and ranged prowess to handle dangerous adversaries in the Ashlands. Hunting for Drakodo was a new experience for Laicelem, however he quickly learned through experience and the knowledge of Asero. As the day went on the group was faced by a Magama elemental. Laicelem was able to kill it after it severely injured Kaatreya and Frost. After the elemental was defeated, the group was able to bring the others back to the north and save them.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Location: Theodra Shrine at the Landing Cathedral)


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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Character Name: Lark
Divine profile:




Lark finds himself on guard duty one day during the rain. It's a miserable affair. Everything is wet, and rubs against skin the wrong way, or sticks uncomfortably. He walks his route without complaint, however, as is his duty, and does not lack alacrity when he salutes the man he replaces at his post. When he is left alone, the rain pattering down about him, he holds fast to the pommel of his sword, keeping himself alert and vigilant. Across the bay, thunder rolls, and in its wake, Lark can hear faintly the the clash of swords and cries of battle. But there is nothing to be seen. In looking, he finds the wettened armor and padding beneath sits easier, and he is invigorated. He settles back, an unexplainable sense of triumph keeping his chin lifted and eyes watchful.

Congratulations, solider, you have risen to T1, Blessed of Valiant.


Unfortuately, we're going to have to decline your application. We would like to see more specificity in some of the listed acts in the 'To Guide Another' section, and some attention given to the explanation of his faith and unique outlook. Feel free to open a ticket if you would like to discuss this in more depth.

We would also like to see Matthias try and make amends/take some steps towards atoning for the actions which garnered divine punishment before gaining more power from his god.

[We are still reviewing the other two, please standby.]


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Due to the nature of Albert's past as a contracted of demon, I would understand if this rank-up request is initially denied. However, for the amount of deeds I've altogether built over the past 8 months, I feel this would be an ok-ready-to-go rank up request. I can, though attest to that he's always been faithful to Ignis in some form or another, which have shaped his goals whatever they may have been to be in line in that of Ignis.

Tier - I Ignis Synnove
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread. ✓ Profile created December 26, 2022
The character must be at least two months old OOC. ✓ Is at least two years old ooc.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age. ✓ 34
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others. ✓ Tier 3 Magic sacrifice
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
From the beginning of his sparking, Albert has taken solely and always to the makings of fire-orientated spells. This was and has always been due to his original faith for Ignis Synnove, whereupon occasionally, Albert also took to prayer before casting any spells. [For which there are chatlogs, but I never took screenshots.]
2. Albert has always been vehemently against demons (Even though he later become part of that. Causing him to despise himself, but something he ultimately believed would be rightful of sorcerers.) and the enemies of Ignis Synnove, fighting against and defending his country from during the following events: [Hills of Eisenheim], [Carnage], [In the aftermath], [Aethellian Defence II].
3. Progression at this stage is paused as Albert takes to demonhood, willingly. Though this is done in a noble ideal, during which he doesn't abandon the ideals of Ignis. However, deems that redemption is past him for the use of sorcery. His intent, however, remains to incite the land into fear against sorcery and in doing so, instill the kingdoms of Altera to produce laws that seek to control sorcery from causing havoc. A calamity he had researched into and become distinctly unfond of so as to cause him down this path. Which, nevertheless remains as something he pursued out of a noble ending. To control, and create a resolute world order from the terrors of magic. Sampled in the diary here: [blessed profile]
4. Upon being convinced that redemption was however still possible, Albert willingly took upon the path to redemption and sought to exorcise himself at [Salvation]. In the presence of followers of Korog, Valiant and most of all Ignis with the Exalt of Ignis present to conduct the lead on the exorcism. Arriving with but his horns as a reminder of his contracted self at the end, now exorcised.
5. With the aforementioned event. Albert swears an oath to uphold Order, to become the foremost servant to the angel of Order and to furthermore never again take to such temptations of power as arcane sorcery. Whether in accepting it from others or using it himself in the form of trinkets or other such items forged by it. Such as his prosthetics(they were removed by Geormorren, however) Meaning, he will not willingly accept help from any magical effects. Even if it were to restore his legs or help turn around a battle.
6. Leaving Aethel Deira. After being exorcised and having conversed with the Exalt of Ignis, Albert travels to Aethel Deira to speak directly with the queen. Insisting that due to his abandonment of duty to Forthyr's Rock and by means, leaving the kingdom's security vulnerable for a moment, he should be punished. Desertion, in other words. However, due to his honesty and his sorry state, the Queen forgives Albert under the condition that he should forge his path in such a way as to forge greatness and good, to right the wrongs he caused. This is significant as Albert is honest, in spite of having completed a crime usually punishable by execution, and has managed to be spared. Upholding towards Truth.
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
Leaves two offerings at the broken Cathedral of SL [5051 75 932] : Aethel Deiran Halberd, and Drakodo cloak. Both signifying final the final vestiges that tied his life to Aethel Deira. A country he sincerely loved and mourned to have to depart from. Marking his willingness to Ignis and the value of said items to Albert. Offering a prayer at the end: alb.JPG
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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Hey Cho! The team has come together and feels you're a bit short on relevant acts as far as reaching Tier 3 goes. While we understand that acruing acts can be difficult, Tier 3 is when characters start to get into the real nitty gritty of the gods and their tenents. Seeking knowledge and selectively spreading said knowledge is what Visage's main desires for his followers are, less so killing creatures. We also noticed a lot of your acts are having Amelie watch over or play a secondary role in a lot of her acts. (See: Watching over exorcisms, baring witness to the proceedings between Matthias and Leonhard, assisting Erwin.) We would really like to see Amelie push forward with acts of her own intentionally pursuing empowering Visage (Getting maps of the hellscape, teaching the ways of Visage, digging in archeological sites are all very good examples of this.) We are asking for two more acts along those lines with no time limit to when you can reapply.


While wandering the wilds near his home, a stray gust of wind catches Laicelem's attention. What feels familiar to him now is swept away with something nostalgic, a smell and sound in the air that remind of times long past, of his old home and ways. The moment passes quickly after arriving, the sounds of nature returning to what he knows in the present. A lingering feeling remains after, of a path restarted, and of a long journey ahead.

Due to the nature of Albert's past as a contracted of demon, I would understand if this rank-up request is initially denied. However, for the amount of deeds I've altogether built over the past 8 months, I feel this would be an ok-ready-to-go rank up request. I can, though attest to that he's always been faithful to Ignis in some form or another, which have shaped his goals whatever they may have been to be in line in that of Ignis.

Tier - I Ignis Synnove
Hey Retro, we're going to have to decline this for now. We'd like to see more time since his exorcism regarding his faith, including another act post-exorcism. You're on the right path, but we do wish to see more recent actions being taken after he is fully dedicated.


Official Alteran

Character Name: Faith Meadow
IGN: Si10k
Character Profile: [X]
Blessed Link: [X]
  • Most prominent relevant deed since last rank:
    • Assisted her friends going to hell to retrieve Aleksei
  • 3 unique notable acts relevant to their divine:
    • Crafted holy symbols for his close friend Leofwine
    • Created the crafting guild.
    • Faith had took Marley under her wing to teach him how to carve after gifting him a Holy symbol to Shal
  • One offering of an item at a shrine:
    • A shield, that she was going to use for her heir in the guild.
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"Something need doing?"

IGN: Whitespoor
Character Profile[X] [X] Blessed Link​
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank-up.


The inhabitants of Storm's Landing rarely welcome the frequent occurrences that befall them, which is undeniably true. Regrettably, they were unwittingly made participants in an enduring research endeavour by Godswelm exploring the repercussions of casual proximity to Abysmal Silver.

Godswelm personally obtained the Abysmal Silver from the depths of the Abyssal Swamp and proceeded to craft numerous buckets from it. These were deliberately distributed among the city's various drinking wells and fountains, to instigate widespread misery and depression among the populace.

(The plan was discussed in Event Tickets.)

Presumably, while the plan was good, the populace of Storm's Landing spent more drinking booze at taverns than water at wells ... oops!

Event Page for Acquiring the Absymal Silver: Abyssal Waters


Godswelm harbours an intense animosity towards the Gods and the Pantheon, despite being a servant of one of them. It's indeed a contradiction, as you've pointed out.

In any case, Godswelm employed deception and bribery to manipulate a considerable number of individuals into throwing eggs at various shrines within the Cathedral. He also engaged in this activity himself on several occasions.

The individuals influenced to throw eggs were as follows:
  • Retrospect: 15 eggs [Jax]
  • Temperence: 17 eggs [Theodra]
  • Eon'noyr: 4 eggs [Theodra]
  • Himself: 16 eggs [Ignis] 3 eggs [Theodra]
Furthermore, he devised a game that aimed to normalize the act of defiling shrines.

As a result, or perhaps due to some other mischief, he was involved in at the time, he ended up being cursed by Jishrim... oops!

Nevertheless, Godswelm oddly takes great pride in this CURSE, considering it more akin to a blessing rather than a curse. He firmly believes that the PANTHEON had compelled Jishrim to curse their loyal servant.

Needless to say, after that incident, Godswelm ceased throwing eggs at shrines.

The Egg Game poster can be found here: Egg Game
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

Godswelm is missing an eye and has a sightless amber stone in place of it. This was given to him by Jishrim at his exorcism.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)

In the Grove, Godswelm created a new shrine. He granted it an offering- a coin bearing the mark of his father- the now fallen exalt of Jishrim - laughing and crying.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate from the event(s) above.

Please note: I've grouped the activities thematically, not based on significance. Some sections could count for 2 'instances' as they'll be spread over a number of events, and some as 0 if they are not significant enough.
Godswelm aided the defenders of Astrakhan against the brutish river raiders at multiple opportunities- but did so cruelly.

In Clades Asrakosia, Godswelm aids in slaying some bandits with the Basileos and his comrades. In one instance- Godswelm sees that one of the raiders is about to surrender, but fires an arrow at him regardless 'accidentally' killing him. Godswelm received quite a bit of suspicious glances from this- but it was quickly forgotten in the thick of the fight.

Still related, but it wouldn't be deemed as significant was Market Day- where many Araskosians were slain by raiders. Godswelm sticks around, allowing the atmosphere of the carnage to soak in, enjoying the moment. When Theo and Ruckus are helping bury corpses, he helps- but gives no comfort to those grieving.​
Godswelm hates the Pantheon for the order and lawful nature it represents. He hates the Gods as well for their acceptance of it.

To that end, he has been assisting in the rise of Geormorren with the eventual aim of using the great Archfiend as a weapon against the Pantheon itself. He has discussed this quite a bit with Geormorren's servants, with great success.

He has provided a number of useful gifts to the Archfiend which have been accepted gratefully- and has found himself to be grudgingly accepted by the demon- even though he is not contracted.

Geormorren was successfully summoned in the following events:​
  • The First Procession [Event]
  • Incandescent Idolatry Of Incandescence [Event]
  • For With Ash We Rise [Event].
  • Fire and Darkness [Event].
  • As Above, So Below [Event]
In their appreciation of his efforts, Geormorren's flock have rewarded him with a number of treasures- all of which have been provided to Jishrim as offerings at the public Grove shrine. These include:​
  • Ever Present Shade [Mundane Onyx Ring]​
  • Large Bejeweled Mirrors x2 [Mundane]​
Like the rest of his family, Godswelm has participated in the war against Dranoden. He doesn't hate Dranoden himself, but he does hate his father (who serves Dranoden).

In order of the most significant, to the least:
  • The slaying of the 'Withered Chalievier', one of Dranoden's Generals. [Ritual of our Own]. Godswlem plays a key role in slaying the general- first, he drops a tree on him from above- then throws a blooded silver spear into the hole the tree poked in the fiend-general's armour. He helps finish the General off with an arrow imbued with divine power (from T1 passive).

    This occurred after his exorcism and was completed in part- as a way to please Jishrim [and his family].
  • Restoration of Garden of Inure Jishrim shrine from the forces of Dranoden. [Eve of Corruption] Godswelm helps to slay an Inuiz tree, created by Dranoden himself to guard the entrance to the defouled shrine.
  • Tainting of an old summoning rift of Dranoden's with his Cousin and Aunt. [No Event Page; Event Ticket Only - 20/02/2023]
  • Bar Fight - while Branko, Rogal, Melarue and Artesia (Melarue is part of Dranoden's flock) are fighting below him in the under-tavern in Storm's Landing- he throws a potion of RISUSTIOUS bomb over the combatants to help his cousin successfully escape from a losing battle. Up to 8 individuals (including several non-combatants) are affected by the potion which made them laugh uncontrollably and filled the space where they were in for 5 minutes. ( No Event Page - 19/02/2023)

Curses Nilsa, Blessed of Valiant with [Nightmare], convincing her that it'd help stave off worse nightmares. At the time, they were exceptionally close. (No Event Page - 30/11/2022)​
During For With Ash We Rise, Godswelm makes a contract with the invading archfiend into their summoning circle- Apotoli, the Shattered Apostle. He makes the contract primarily to gain a powerful ally with the goal to ruin the Pantheon. This was part of the terms of the contract negotiated by the two. Godswelm intended to use the powers and knowledge of corruption against the Pantheonic gods, in the same way that Jishrim used corruption against Harateth in the days of old.

However, as he made this contract without prior permission, he is cursed with [Bad Eggs] from Jishrim (as well as for his part in throwing eggs at shrines (see above)).

In Defiance of the Infinite, it becomes clear that Godswelm's 'loving' family do not approve- and Jishrim is wrathful that his servant would make a bargain with an archfiend without prior permission. As such- Godswelm chose to willingly become exorcised, losing his contract with the Apostle, even if he believed his family's reasons were short-sighted.

In the time since, Velmont has begun to put together a coalition to bring down Apotoli, the Shattered Apostle. He has been gathering information about him from both allies and potential enemies - discovering that the Apostle lives near Dranoden- and that he has the powers to detect arcane and divine magics. He has convinced Matt and Amelie to give him a map of the lands of the Apostle as well. These will be used in the future to slay/capture/harm the Archfiend, among other learnings he'll have in the future.

Godswelm also doubled down on his war with Dranoden as penance with the resultant effort- seeing the Withered Chalievier slain. See the [War Against Dranoden] section for more information on this.

During [Ritual of our Own], Velmont shot Ailwin with an arrow at the behest of Rogal- for what Rogal deemed as 'disloyalty' on her part. In a way- Velmont was following the tenets of faith here- by listening to those who hold greater power in the faith than him- and doing as they say. Ailwin later died from her wounds. Rogal said this was something that Godswelm should do as part of his penance. He was probably lying.​
At the Cargo of Fineries, Godswelm was appointed a secret judge of the beauty contest by a well-meaning Jaxite.

He decides to go rogue in his selections- and sabotage the categories- making Melarue win the gentlemen's category. She was most displeased.
Last edited:


Loyal Servant of Altera
Valiant - Tier Two
Character Name: Leofwine Bauer

Ign: VinnyCall
Character Link: [x]
Blessed Profile Link: [x]

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
(completed July 9th or July 10th)

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up:

Leofwine assisted in convincing Matthias to go to a meeting, which could lead to peace between him and Melarue.

2: Participated in the exorcism of Albert, removing his contract.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

Unwavering Hope

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
(Small shrine in his home in Ashstadt)

(offering is placed on an item frame ontop of the shrine)
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favorably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.

1: Jousted in the royal tournament, despite being knocked off his horse on the first go around instead of being discouraged due to his inexperience he continued the match
2: Went to the sorrows with a group and Faught against the undead
3: Assisted Hiedric with a pest problem in Queensport with a small group.
4: Sat in during the peace talks, where he listened and watched while also trying to assist Matthias.
5: Went to hell to raid a fort, went well until he took a balista bolt to the arm. Mangling his arm and a splinter shot into his right eye, though through his courage he was able to stay calm.
Last edited:


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Jax - Tier 3
Haefer Aquarus
Profile] [Blessed Profile]

♠ Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2. ♠
T2 Achieved June 1st 2022

♠ Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up. ♠
+Moving out from the black market she turns her Deadly Petals stall into a real business, expanding its services and location to try and widen her pool of customers while also giving herself more avenues to make money.

+She arranges a political marriage for herself in order to gain more fortune and power, lining her up to become Empress of the largest and fastest growing empire in centuries.

+Her newfound title gives her an opportunity to begin planning and building a town entirely dedicated to Jax, a place where shadier people can gather without worrying about being seen or caught, and where she always has the final say. She devotes all her time to designing and organising it in Jax’s name.

♠ The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine. ♠
-Haefer considers herself fated to be Jax's disciple, and truly believes their paths are intertwined. She has more respect for him than anyone else. She considers him a leader and a companion and has defended him, and her worship of him on several occasions. In her eyes, there just isn't a future without him.

♠ Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith. ♠
-Haefer's outlook on Jax is very focused on making and taking every single opportunity she can. She has become very strategic in the way she makes money and has forced herself to always stay one step ahead of everyone. She has begun describing her line of work as 'making friends' and she believes this aligns well with Jax, whether it be making generous friends, (getting money and gifts) making powerful friends (respect and rank) or making friends with people of interest to pass onto others for either money or notoriety. She is a con artist, but a surprisingly agile one.

♠ Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc) ♠
- Dance with Death Club, teaching non-Jax worshiping attendees about taking big physical risks by cliff diving for big pay-outs in the form of adrenaline rushes and money won in bets

♠ Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above. ♠

+Haefer begins thinking more strategically about how to make her money. She targets Reinhard, who asks her to gather some information. She demands 6000 rads for this job and convinces him to pay half upfront as assurance. She then does not attempt to get the information and makes 3000 rads for doing nothing.

+ Later, Reinhard approaches her again and gives her gifts. Seeing how vulnerable and unstable he is, she makes the conscious decision to take advantage of his fragility and starts flirting with and befriending him with hopes of getting more gifts. She also recommends he try opium, and offers to buy it for him, intending to act as a middle-woman between him and a dealer and get him addicted so he keeps paying her for it and she keeps getting a cut of that pay.

+When a number of big names begin declaring themselves rulers and staking claims of large portions of land, Haefer makes a fake proclamation to make fun of them. This was done to get her name out there, put herself out into the cultural zeitgeist as part of her ongoing goal of becoming known in society and rising the ranks. Though she doesn't consider it a real proclamation she does continue to refer to herself as a Queen, and some people she crosses paths with do too.

+With the promise of gold and a desire for some adventure, Haefer joins a party in the nether as they explore a labyrinth of sins. She, unfortunately, finds no gold. She does however get briefly possessed, attacks one of the party members, gets restrained and handcuffed, learns the name of the demon that created the labyrinth, and then spends the rest of the time secretly communicating with it to try and make a deal for her own safety. The demon does not accept the deal, and she runs from a minotaur.

+ Through her expansion of Deadly Petals, she begins positioning herself as a middle-woman between mercenaries who aren't limited by morals, and people who need dirty jobs done, essentially aiming to create a sort of crime family where she facilitates work for people for a small cut. She makes an agreement with one person to join under her at first and begins spreading the word.

♠[To Great Lengths]♠
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

+Myrdin (formerly Bok'ra) bet her 10k that Reinhard would turn someone else into a fiend. She pretended it was a risk to get her own side of the bet lowered, then agreed to it knowing full well she had Rein wrapped around her little finger. She used divine word to tell him to not let the man turn into a fiend.

+Seeking more adventure, she attends a trip to Nid Arach to seek risk and reward. She uses her T2 artefact to loot a gold ring and a silver ring, leaving both as offerings to Jax at her shrine near the market square in SL

+Haefer attends Elliss' secret Jax desert party. She spends some time just chatting with the other Jaxites. Anwar tries to start a fight by insulting her. She pretended to not be interested, keeping her cards to her chest, and then later stabbed them. This prompts a room of drunk people to get very upset and one person in particular tries to cut her head off. She evades losing her head but sustains a significant shoulder injury, and thanks Jax profusely for her luck.

+Taking advantage of the anxiety and chaos surrounding the demons and ivory king, Haefer offers people baptisms with the false promise that they will make their child more fortunate in life, making some money while also getting some offerings for Jax in the process

+At her first Dance Club event, while everyone is distracted by Eliss almost dying, she steals the pool money and makes an extra 500 rads ontop of what she wont for beating him in the dive off.

+She runs for election in the Storms Landing Council to try and better her standing in that community and others, as well as hopefully make some powerful contacts

+She joins the Court of Magpies under Eliss.

+Using her friendship and continued pestering of Branko, she acquires herself a small parcel of land under his empire, finally achieving a title of Baroness

+She opens her town to the public as a Jax haven and invites other Jaxites, merchants and criminals to come forth to do their bidding and make their fortune without judgement.

+ Hosted a night of debauchery and gambling to in Patina as a welcome event with funds made from the night going towards a Jax temple. [1800 rads]​


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Apologies on the delay here folks, been a bit busy with different members on and off vacation over the past few weeks.


Character Name: Faith Meadow
IGN: Si10k
Character Profile: [X]
Blessed Link: [X]
  • Most prominent relevant deed since last rank:
    • Assisted her friends going to hell to retrieve Aleksei
  • 3 unique notable acts relevant to their divine:
    • Crafted holy symbols for his close friend Leofwine
    • Created the crafting guild.
    • Faith had took Marley under her wing to teach him how to carve after gifting him a Holy symbol to Shal
  • One offering of an item at a shrine:
    • A shield, that she was going to use for her heir in the guild.

Hey Si10k, while Faith is certainly close to T1 we feel that it is just shy of being where we want. One more act in line with Korog would be enough, potentially something related to the crafting guild that you've already created if you were looking for a place to start. And for future rank-ups, you will need more detail.


IGN: Whitespoor
Character Profile[X] [X] Blessed Link​
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank-up.


The inhabitants of Storm's Landing rarely welcome the frequent occurrences that befall them, which is undeniably true. Regrettably, they were unwittingly made participants in an enduring research endeavour by Godswelm exploring the repercussions of casual proximity to Abysmal Silver.

Godswelm personally obtained the Abysmal Silver from the depths of the Abyssal Swamp and proceeded to craft numerous buckets from it. These were deliberately distributed among the city's various drinking wells and fountains, to instigate widespread misery and depression among the populace.

(The plan was discussed in Event Tickets.)

Presumably, while the plan was good, the populace of Storm's Landing spent more drinking booze at taverns than water at wells ... oops!

Event Page for Acquiring the Absymal Silver: Abyssal Waters


Godswelm harbours an intense animosity towards the Gods and the Pantheon, despite being a servant of one of them. It's indeed a contradiction, as you've pointed out.

In any case, Godswelm employed deception and bribery to manipulate a considerable number of individuals into throwing eggs at various shrines within the Cathedral. He also engaged in this activity himself on several occasions.

The individuals influenced to throw eggs were as follows:
  • Retrospect: 15 eggs [Jax]
  • Temperence: 17 eggs [Theodra]
  • Eon'noyr: 4 eggs [Theodra]
  • Himself: 16 eggs [Ignis] 3 eggs [Theodra]
Furthermore, he devised a game that aimed to normalize the act of defiling shrines.

As a result, or perhaps due to some other mischief, he was involved in at the time, he ended up being cursed by Jishrim... oops!

Nevertheless, Godswelm oddly takes great pride in this CURSE, considering it more akin to a blessing rather than a curse. He firmly believes that the PANTHEON had compelled Jishrim to curse their loyal servant.

Needless to say, after that incident, Godswelm ceased throwing eggs at shrines.

The Egg Game poster can be found here: Egg Game
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

Godswelm is missing an eye and has a sightless amber stone in place of it. This was given to him by Jishrim at his exorcism.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)

In the Grove, Godswelm created a new shrine. He granted it an offering- a coin bearing the mark of his father- the now fallen exalt of Jishrim - laughing and crying.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate from the event(s) above.

Please note: I've grouped the activities thematically, not based on significance. Some sections could count for 2 'instances' as they'll be spread over a number of events, and some as 0 if they are not significant enough.
Godswelm aided the defenders of Astrakhan against the brutish river raiders at multiple opportunities- but did so cruelly.

In Clades Asrakosia, Godswelm aids in slaying some bandits with the Basileos and his comrades. In one instance- Godswelm sees that one of the raiders is about to surrender, but fires an arrow at him regardless 'accidentally' killing him. Godswelm received quite a bit of suspicious glances from this- but it was quickly forgotten in the thick of the fight.

Still related, but it wouldn't be deemed as significant was Market Day- where many Araskosians were slain by raiders. Godswelm sticks around, allowing the atmosphere of the carnage to soak in, enjoying the moment. When Theo and Ruckus are helping bury corpses, he helps- but gives no comfort to those grieving.​
Godswelm hates the Pantheon for the order and lawful nature it represents. He hates the Gods as well for their acceptance of it.

To that end, he has been assisting in the rise of Geormorren with the eventual aim of using the great Archfiend as a weapon against the Pantheon itself. He has discussed this quite a bit with Geormorren's servants, with great success.

He has provided a number of useful gifts to the Archfiend which have been accepted gratefully- and has found himself to be grudgingly accepted by the demon- even though he is not contracted.

Geormorren was successfully summoned in the following events:​
  • The First Procession [Event]
  • Incandescent Idolatry Of Incandescence [Event]
  • For With Ash We Rise [Event].
  • Fire and Darkness [Event].
  • As Above, So Below [Event]
In their appreciation of his efforts, Geormorren's flock have rewarded him with a number of treasures- all of which have been provided to Jishrim as offerings at the public Grove shrine. These include:​
  • Ever Present Shade [Mundane Onyx Ring]​
  • Large Bejeweled Mirrors x2 [Mundane]​
Like the rest of his family, Godswelm has participated in the war against Dranoden. He doesn't hate Dranoden himself, but he does hate his father (who serves Dranoden).

In order of the most significant, to the least:
  • The slaying of the 'Withered Chalievier', one of Dranoden's Generals. [Ritual of our Own]. Godswlem plays a key role in slaying the general- first, he drops a tree on him from above- then throws a blooded silver spear into the hole the tree poked in the fiend-general's armour. He helps finish the General off with an arrow imbued with divine power (from T1 passive).

    This occurred after his exorcism and was completed in part- as a way to please Jishrim [and his family].
  • Restoration of Garden of Inure Jishrim shrine from the forces of Dranoden. [Eve of Corruption] Godswelm helps to slay an Inuiz tree, created by Dranoden himself to guard the entrance to the defouled shrine.
  • Tainting of an old summoning rift of Dranoden's with his Cousin and Aunt. [No Event Page; Event Ticket Only - 20/02/2023]
  • Bar Fight - while Branko, Rogal, Melarue and Artesia (Melarue is part of Dranoden's flock) are fighting below him in the under-tavern in Storm's Landing- he throws a potion of RISUSTIOUS bomb over the combatants to help his cousin successfully escape from a losing battle. Up to 8 individuals (including several non-combatants) are affected by the potion which made them laugh uncontrollably and filled the space where they were in for 5 minutes. ( No Event Page - 19/02/2023)

Curses Nilsa, Blessed of Valiant with [Nightmare], convincing her that it'd help stave off worse nightmares. At the time, they were exceptionally close. (No Event Page - 30/11/2022)​
During For With Ash We Rise, Godswelm makes a contract with the invading archfiend into their summoning circle- Apotoli, the Shattered Apostle. He makes the contract primarily to gain a powerful ally with the goal to ruin the Pantheon. This was part of the terms of the contract negotiated by the two. Godswelm intended to use the powers and knowledge of corruption against the Pantheonic gods, in the same way that Jishrim used corruption against Harateth in the days of old.

However, as he made this contract without prior permission, he is cursed with [Bad Eggs] from Jishrim (as well as for his part in throwing eggs at shrines (see above)).

In Defiance of the Infinite, it becomes clear that Godswelm's 'loving' family do not approve- and Jishrim is wrathful that his servant would make a bargain with an archfiend without prior permission. As such- Godswelm chose to willingly become exorcised, losing his contract with the Apostle, even if he believed his family's reasons were short-sighted.

In the time since, Velmont has begun to put together a coalition to bring down Apotoli, the Shattered Apostle. He has been gathering information about him from both allies and potential enemies - discovering that the Apostle lives near Dranoden- and that he has the powers to detect arcane and divine magics. He has convinced Matt and Amelie to give him a map of the lands of the Apostle as well. These will be used in the future to slay/capture/harm the Archfiend, among other learnings he'll have in the future.

Godswelm also doubled down on his war with Dranoden as penance with the resultant effort- seeing the Withered Chalievier slain. See the [War Against Dranoden] section for more information on this.

During [Ritual of our Own], Velmont shot Ailwin with an arrow at the behest of Rogal- for what Rogal deemed as 'disloyalty' on her part. In a way- Velmont was following the tenets of faith here- by listening to those who hold greater power in the faith than him- and doing as they say. Ailwin later died from her wounds. Rogal said this was something that Godswelm should do as part of his penance. He was probably lying.​
At the Cargo of Fineries, Godswelm was appointed a secret judge of the beauty contest by a well-meaning Jaxite.

He decides to go rogue in his selections- and sabotage the categories- making Melarue win the gentlemen's category. She was most displeased.
Hey Jase, with the heavy emphasis on demonic dealings in this rankup the team has taken what we think are solid acts while a few of them were left out. With that in mind, if we could get two more acts for Velmont(preferably outside of the nebulous zone of deals with the devil) this rankup should be good to go! Also, if you could provide the coords for the shrine that would be greatly appreciated.

Valiant - Tier Two
Character Name: Leofwine Bauer

Ign: VinnyCall
Character Link: [x]
Blessed Profile Link: [x]

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
(completed July 9th or July 10th)

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up:

Leofwine assisted in convincing Matthias to go to a meeting, which could lead to peace between him and Melarue.

2: Participated in the exorcism of Albert, removing his contract.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

Unwavering Hope

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
(Small shrine in his home in Ashstadt)

(offering is placed on an item frame ontop of the shrine)
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favorably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.

1: Jousted in the royal tournament, despite being knocked off his horse on the first go around instead of being discouraged due to his inexperience he continued the match
2: Went to the sorrows with a group and Faught against the undead
3: Assisted Hiedric with a pest problem in Queensport with a small group.
4: Sat in during the peace talks, where he listened and watched while also trying to assist Matthias.
5: Went to hell to raid a fort, went well until he took a balista bolt to the arm. Mangling his arm and a splinter shot into his right eye, though through his courage he was able to stay calm.
Hey Vinny, while the variety in acts are solid, we feel that the two acts of diplomacy are in too similar of a vein to eachother. With that in mind, if you can get us one more solid act we would be willing to accept this rank up.

Jax - Tier 3
Haefer Aquarus
Profile] [Blessed Profile]

♠ Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2. ♠
T2 Achieved June 1st 2022

♠ Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up. ♠
+Moving out from the black market she turns her Deadly Petals stall into a real business, expanding its services and location to try and widen her pool of customers while also giving herself more avenues to make money.

+She arranges a political marriage for herself in order to gain more fortune and power, lining her up to become Empress of the largest and fastest growing empire in centuries.

+Her newfound title gives her an opportunity to begin planning and building a town entirely dedicated to Jax, a place where shadier people can gather without worrying about being seen or caught, and where she always has the final say. She devotes all her time to designing and organising it in Jax’s name.

♠ The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine. ♠
-Haefer considers herself fated to be Jax's disciple, and truly believes their paths are intertwined. She has more respect for him than anyone else. She considers him a leader and a companion and has defended him, and her worship of him on several occasions. In her eyes, there just isn't a future without him.

♠ Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith. ♠
-Haefer's outlook on Jax is very focused on making and taking every single opportunity she can. She has become very strategic in the way she makes money and has forced herself to always stay one step ahead of everyone. She has begun describing her line of work as 'making friends' and she believes this aligns well with Jax, whether it be making generous friends, (getting money and gifts) making powerful friends (respect and rank) or making friends with people of interest to pass onto others for either money or notoriety. She is a con artist, but a surprisingly agile one.

♠ Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc) ♠
- Dance with Death Club, teaching non-Jax worshiping attendees about taking big physical risks by cliff diving for big pay-outs in the form of adrenaline rushes and money won in bets

♠ Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above. ♠

+Haefer begins thinking more strategically about how to make her money. She targets Reinhard, who asks her to gather some information. She demands 6000 rads for this job and convinces him to pay half upfront as assurance. She then does not attempt to get the information and makes 3000 rads for doing nothing.

+ Later, Reinhard approaches her again and gives her gifts. Seeing how vulnerable and unstable he is, she makes the conscious decision to take advantage of his fragility and starts flirting with and befriending him with hopes of getting more gifts. She also recommends he try opium, and offers to buy it for him, intending to act as a middle-woman between him and a dealer and get him addicted so he keeps paying her for it and she keeps getting a cut of that pay.

+When a number of big names begin declaring themselves rulers and staking claims of large portions of land, Haefer makes a fake proclamation to make fun of them. This was done to get her name out there, put herself out into the cultural zeitgeist as part of her ongoing goal of becoming known in society and rising the ranks. Though she doesn't consider it a real proclamation she does continue to refer to herself as a Queen, and some people she crosses paths with do too.

+With the promise of gold and a desire for some adventure, Haefer joins a party in the nether as they explore a labyrinth of sins. She, unfortunately, finds no gold. She does however get briefly possessed, attacks one of the party members, gets restrained and handcuffed, learns the name of the demon that created the labyrinth, and then spends the rest of the time secretly communicating with it to try and make a deal for her own safety. The demon does not accept the deal, and she runs from a minotaur.

+ Through her expansion of Deadly Petals, she begins positioning herself as a middle-woman between mercenaries who aren't limited by morals, and people who need dirty jobs done, essentially aiming to create a sort of crime family where she facilitates work for people for a small cut. She makes an agreement with one person to join under her at first and begins spreading the word.

♠[To Great Lengths]♠
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

+Myrdin (formerly Bok'ra) bet her 10k that Reinhard would turn someone else into a fiend. She pretended it was a risk to get her own side of the bet lowered, then agreed to it knowing full well she had Rein wrapped around her little finger. She used divine word to tell him to not let the man turn into a fiend.

+Seeking more adventure, she attends a trip to Nid Arach to seek risk and reward. She uses her T2 artefact to loot a gold ring and a silver ring, leaving both as offerings to Jax at her shrine near the market square in SL

+Haefer attends Elliss' secret Jax desert party. She spends some time just chatting with the other Jaxites. Anwar tries to start a fight by insulting her. She pretended to not be interested, keeping her cards to her chest, and then later stabbed them. This prompts a room of drunk people to get very upset and one person in particular tries to cut her head off. She evades losing her head but sustains a significant shoulder injury, and thanks Jax profusely for her luck.

+Taking advantage of the anxiety and chaos surrounding the demons and ivory king, Haefer offers people baptisms with the false promise that they will make their child more fortunate in life, making some money while also getting some offerings for Jax in the process

+At her first Dance Club event, while everyone is distracted by Eliss almost dying, she steals the pool money and makes an extra 500 rads ontop of what she wont for beating him in the dive off.

+She runs for election in the Storms Landing Council to try and better her standing in that community and others, as well as hopefully make some powerful contacts

+She joins the Court of Magpies under Eliss.

+Using her friendship and continued pestering of Branko, she acquires herself a small parcel of land under his empire, finally achieving a title of Baroness

+She opens her town to the public as a Jax haven and invites other Jaxites, merchants and criminals to come forth to do their bidding and make their fortune without judgement.

+ Hosted a night of debauchery and gambling to in Patina as a welcome event with funds made from the night going towards a Jax temple. [1800 rads]​
Hey Sami, the application looks good but unfortuante we're going to have to decline as a few of the acts overlap too closely with your prominent deeds or fall just a bit too short- that said if you can give us 5 more minor acts we're open to look over it all again


Amelie Dubois
[Divine Profile] [Character Profile]

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
[Started 2023/02/26] - [Finished 2023/04/26]

Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
  • Fought and killed a lamentor in Drannoden’s house. [Dm'd by Solus]
  • Fought and killed a garulf, having it’s bone carved into a symbol for Visage. [Dm'd by Moosh]
  • Killed one of Qlippoth's pods after witnessing the devisation it can bring to mortal kind. [Dm'd by Bart]
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
Even when faced with death, Amelie had chosen to spite her enemies rather than giving in with the thought of the afterlife being better than bowing her head to the ones who defy her god.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
While still following the tenants of Visage, she has elected to follow the domains pertaining more closely to her moral values, seeing the beauty of the moonlight and knowledge over the depth of schemes and secrets. She seeks to show others the wonders of the shattered celestial body, and how it still casts it's watchful light onto the world below, as well as how to properly preserve the knowledge of the past for others to not be doomed to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors.

Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine.
  • Gave Jaz'gil the abilty to make an informed decision on Visage by supplying her with literature pertaining to the folk lore and tenants of worship.
  • When given time, Amelie would begin teaching Sophie astrology and how to proper preserve ancient texts for displays in libraries.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
  • Watched over the exorcism of Matthias, providing the golden item and holy water needed to rid him of the corruption. [Matthias Fiend Profile]
  • Led the exorcism of Vanathiel, providing a ring of gold to aid in his release from corruption. [Vanathiel Fiend Profile]
  • Offered the ashes of Scorch and a tooth of the Ivory King (Within personal shrine [-8289, 133, -3277])
  • Killed demons in the border lands of Dranoden's realm, under the Basilisk banner, learning more about the territories within hell and their regents. [Dm'd by Elz]
  • Assisted in the gathering of information with the Regent of the White Tower for the upcoming War Event [Scheduled Event]. Sat in on the meeting to advise and correct any misinformation's given and provided stratigies when applicable.
  • In Lavoy ruins, Amelie led a party to help lay a child's ghost to rest and search for various archelogical finds withing the decrepit buildings. Various old books were taken to be studied along with a map of the surrounding region. Various relics of the past were found, and the group left with a new child in tow to look after. Amelie beginning to teach this child the ways of Visage sometime after this new adoption [event]
[To Great Lengths]
  • Joined in the war effort to aid Ashstadt with the inteion of protecting the archives and the literature within. [War Event]
  • Obtained a map of the hellscape, showing the location of the Basilisk demon as well as fighting off her demonic general. Amelie's artefact was used to translate the infernal runes on the paper and help decipher the locations of the hellscape. [Event Link]
  • Aided in the delivery of supplies to a hopeless village, slaying vyres that sought to steal and desecrate the supplies, learning more about the indepth trading routes of the north and what plagues them. [Event]
  • Joined an expedition to Nid Arach, exploring the lands and learning about the Collector and various creatures. Amelie had gained an old and worn diary written by someone cursed by Korog and helped by Jishriim [Event]
  • Bore witness and advised to the proceedings of Matthias and Leonhardt's argument and eventual agreement of alliance against the demons. The situation had grown tense after it became known that Xandar was attempting to persuade others of the wrongdoings/evil-doings of Matthias. 5/31/23
  • Cast SHROUD OF THE WATCHER within her own personal domain, beginning to lay down the foundations for creating a holy land for Visage.
  • Chose to assist Erwin in his efforts against the Baslisk Archfiend by providing a map found on an earlier expedition, and giving herself an in within his community to further gain social connections. [Herald Posting]
  • Aided in clearing out a location to be used as bastian against the undead, as well as the information of possible artefacts and relics being hidden in the area. [Event]
  • Furthered the goal of creating a bastion to be used as a forward operating base with the furthered intention of uncovering knowledge and a research outpost within the demonic realms. [Construction]
  • Back in hell, their party faced off against a demonic general. When healing had not worked and everyone died around her slowly, she chose to fight to the end, spitting in the face of the enemy.[Event]
  • Back in the sorrows, there was a continued hunt for relics and artefacts- helping Matthias find a needle blessed by Sallana [Event]
  • In hell once more, Amelie and a group of other sought to find Aleksei and recover him from the hellscape while she used her time to collect information and old literature from the buildings within the area- taking the hide of one of the demonic animals that had infernal runic carvings telling of a possible fourth Archfiend to bring back to the fellow blessed of Altera. [Dm'd by Blarg]
  • Infiltrated the Astrakhan army disguised as a generic leagonaire to learn more about the separate region's war tactics during a skirmish against the Reaching Hand within Branko's land. [Event]
  • Back in hell once more, Amelie helped the group push through the fort in hopes of finding Dranoden's vault and other valuable information for herself. [event]
  • Talked Matthias into giving her a Sallana trinket
  • Received various relics from Nid Arach from Sophie to add to her collection within her manor. Sophie had given the knowledge of how to complete the set, Amelie now making plans to return with her to finish the collection.
With information given in tickets, this one is approved.

On Amelie's next visit to Valencella, a peculiar fog seems to blanket the region. Walking through the town, windows and mirrors hold blurred reflections, the sound of layering whispered words heard when they are approached closer. Within a few hours, the region returns to the normalcy that would be expected of a summer's day, but a deepened connection can be felt all the same.


Official Alteran
Character Name: Faith Meadow
IGN: Si10k
Character Profile: [X]
Blessed Link: [X]
Show extended worship of divine for one month: July 9 - August 11
Character must be two months old: Yes
Character must be older than 16: Yes

  • Most prominent relevant deed since last rank:
    • 6/14/2023 Went to hell to search for Aleksei with her friends fearing that they'd die such as Vowrawn, Leofwine, and Leonhardt. This was with Matthias and his group. She had gathered the materials and assist in Iuno to craft her gambeson for hell.
    • On 8/25/2023 Faith went to hell to look into Drandons vault. She was able to retrieve something from the vault to hopefully learn more about information and figure out how it works. She had had Korog Holy Symbol that she had mad when going to hell along with learning about exploding arrows that (Fronslin) had gifted me.
    • 1691793273423.png
  • 3 unique notable acts relevant to their divine:
    • As time went on with her guild, Faith would begin to heal from her injuries of a fight in the desert, to relax. Faith would take Judah to learn more about crafting as a class in the guildhall along with just starting up the forge at the Grakanant hall to make Iron. The fire would begin to not be left unattended and remain to be lit due to the windows outside. Judah had successfully made a fever remedium and more about the minerals in the land including Refined Fire Iron. Once that forge was set up, Faith begins to make some nails with Judah and also putting them in a package. Faith continued to work and made nails for the construction after her class for the guild. On 7/14/2023 Faith had created the crafting guild.
    • Made Leofwine his Valiant Holy symbol before he went to hell. This was due to her fear of Leofwine dying in hell, which he did. So, to bring him more hope Faith made him a Holy Symbol for the god Valiant as she was learning about Korog at the catherdral. Once it was done, she gave it to Xiqu (BirbRP) to gift him as she sent him off to hell.
    • During 7/13/2023 Faith had come across Albert after he had been exorcised. He was left with an extremely bad wheelchair. So, Faith had decided to make him a free wheelchair to be able to move around much quicker. Once the two were done talking, Faith had decided to start making wheelchairs and crutches for both places she was currently living so it would not be more frustrating for people to move around. (Ashadht and Gra’kanat’orra)
    • -9/10/2023 Faith had faught off undead in the bastion eventline along with repairing the bastion as wood begun to crack. She had brought her hammer towards in assisting Xiqu in the repairs along with firing arrows that she had made from above keeping in mind of Korogs tenet to strike as true as her craft for her arrows.
    • 1691793262050.png
  • One offering of an item at a shrine:
    • A shield, that she was going to use for her heir in the guild. It's at the cathedral.
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Lord of Altera

{ Marley Greene }
{ Divine Page }
  • Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Marley's first prayer on the server was performed on [03-Jul-23]

Today was the fifth year after my ma passed, I happened to be in Storms Landing around the time so I visited the cathedral to pay homage to our shared patron; Shalherana.
I expressed my gratitude for her teachings passed down through my late mother.

Marley's sought out further knowledge from a blessed of Shalherana on [08-Jul-23]

Lady {Valtae Menguar} agreed to meet with me today. She helped build on the fundamental knowledge of the All Mother left behind by my mother and brought me up to record on the current affairs of Shalherana's blessed and their duties. I look forward to working along side her in the future, grateful for the opportunity to learn directly from one of my Lady's chosen.
  • The character must be at least two months old OOC.
Yes, Marley is two months old OOCly on the 3rd of September 2023
  • The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Marley is 19
  • Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
Marley has been dedicating himself to the war efforts in New Soolera against the bandit group, The Sons of Sands. Originally working for the Preservation of travellers passing through the desert, when Gwennora and Koro had their lives taken whilst protecting a pregnant mother and her children. Marley's goal changed to Vengeance as he sought to hunt down the remaining bandits, agreeing fight alongside the cavalry charge against an encampment of Sons of Sands bandits.

[18-Aug-23] Tonight I sought vengeance upon the Sons of Sands, a notorious bandit group roaming the Soolerean deserts. It was a close and hard fought battle, too close to be celebrated as an outright victory. Leofwine suffered from many arrow wounds but I was able remove the projectiles and tightly bind his wounds up. I fled the battle with a critically injured Xiqu, managing to narrowly arrive at the White Willow hospital before passing out in the expert care of Lady Valtae Menguar.
  • Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.

[24-Jul-23] I managed to help Leofwine with a dislocated finger but I could do little but stare at his greater wounds.
[24-Jul-23] Faith was beaten up badly as well. I applied some bruise salve to her injuries and disinfected her cuts but had to bring her to the White Willow Hospital for her broken limbs
[26-Jul-23] Xiqu was suffering from a fever. I gave her some fever remedium.
[26-Jul-23] Leofwine suffered a minor cut to his shoulder so I applied first aid and bandaged his wounds.
[29-Jul-23] I met with Lady Menguar and learnt how to align a break and splint the limb.
[02-Aug-23] I managed to stabilise the wounded to her neck, yet I struggled with the arrows embedded within her, managing to help only after the battle.
[02-Aug-23] After the battle, I tended to a cut upon Xiqu's wrist and upon the leg of my steed.
[08-Aug-23] I spoke briefly with Leofwine, We sparred briefly, refining my skill with my spear. I made sure to look over the bruises and scrapes the pair of us collected.


[10-Jul-23] I filled my home with various kinds of flowers, fungi and potted trees. I've made it part of my daily routine to care for my new roommates.
[12-Aug-23] I lent my my aid to Faith and her new farming town. I guided her on the proper manner to remove weeds from a plot of land and prepare the soil for sowing.
[18-Aug-23] Work on the field continued today as Faith and I worked to sow carrot seeds.


[24-Jul-23] Aleksei led a unit of warriors to repel the hordes of undead swarming a fort. I volunteered my shield for the preservation of my allies.
[02-Aug-23] I had sworn my shield to the preservation of a caravan commanded by Joseph, The Wal. After some preparation and bonding with my newly met steed, we trekked upon horseback through the sweltering desert heat. The Wal's family, including an expecting mother of 8 months, and belongings in tow.
As we moved through the desert plains we came upon a narrowing in the road. The wind grew still. The area barren from the usual sight of wildlife we had grown accustomed to seeing.

A rock broke from the cliff side, spurring Leofwine and Faith to investigate. Arrows reigned upon Jospeh and Koro ahead, killing the two horses beneath the men and the the one dragging the wagon.

The sound of hooves clapped against the sand behind me. I spurred my steed into a canter as I veered around to my left. I came to discover a man cladded in chain mail making a charge upon the immobile carriage.

Gwennora led the charge, swing her hammer upon the rider, hitting nothing but air. His eyes locked upon mine as he rode toward me. The bandit took a swing for me but my spear was too fast, yet did not strike its target true.

His horse fell instead, taking the rider down in succession, as anguish gripped my heart. The innocent beast of the Allmother's creation had fallen at my hand. But yet I held strong.

I rounded his fallen mount, plunging my spear towards his chest. Caught in his chain mail, he grabs for his sword, swinging upon the horse of my own. I struck down once more, faster than himself. Yet he did not relent. Eventually he lost the battle between his bones and the shoes of my horse.

As I concluded my first duel, a hear our leader, Joseph, commanding the retreat of our troops.
I turn upon Gwen, fleeing from a bandit on foot, as blood painted her chest. Xiqu made a dive for a rider charging upon the children, tackling him from his horse and taking him to the ground.

I charged upon the bandit giving chase, my thrust being parried but I did my job, I bought enough time for Gwen to flee back towards our ranks.

I circled around once more upon the bandit engagedwith Xiqu. She stomped his face, staggering him back to where i struck down upon his skull with my shield.

My attention was called to the wounded. Koro has sustained a deep cut to his chest. We later discovered the wounds to be inflicted by glimmersteel. His blood kept pouring dispite my efforts. Beside me, Gwen is slashed down and stomped into the sand by the leader of this pack of bandits.
As we moved through the desert plains we came upon a narrowing in the road. The wind grew still. The area barren from the usual sight of wildlife we had grown accustomed to seeing.

A rock broke from the cliff side, spurring Leofwine and Faith to investigate. Arrows reigned upon Jospeh and Koro ahead, killing the two horses beneath the men and the the one dragging the wagon.

The sound of hooves clapped against the sand behind me. I spurred my steed into a canter as I veered around to my left. I came to discover a man cladded in chain mail making a charge upon the immobile carriage.

Gwennora led the charge, swing her hammer upon the rider, hitting nothing but air. His eyes locked upon mine as he rode toward me. The bandit took a swing for me but my spear was too fast, yet did not strike its target true.

His horse fell instead, taking the rider down in succession, as anguish gripped my heart. The innocent beast of the Allmother's creation had fallen at my hand. But yet I held strong.

I rounded his fallen mount, plunging my spear towards his chest. Caught in his chain mail, he grabs for his sword, swinging upon the horse of my own. I struck down once more, faster than himself. Yet he did not relent. Eventually he lost the battle between his bones and the shoes of my horse.

As I concluded my first duel, a hear our leader, Joseph, commanding the retreat of our troops.
I turn upon Gwen, fleeing from a bandit on foot, as blood painted her chest. Xiqu made a dive for a rider charging upon the children, tackling him from his horse and taking him to the ground. I charged upon the bandit giving chase, my thrust being parried but I did my job, I bought enough time for Gwen to flee back towards our ranks.

I circled around once more upon the bandit engagedwith Xiqu. She stomped his face, staggering him back to where i struck down upon his skull with my shield.

My attention was called to the wounded. Koro has sustained a deep cut to his chest. We later discovered the wounds to be inflicted by glimmersteel. His blood kept pouring dispite my efforts. Beside me, Gwen is slashed down and stomped into the sand by the leader of this pack of bandits.

Now distracted by Leofwines divine challenge, I am given time to assess Faith. A cut from a dagger pierces her neck and arrows upon her back.

I managed to stabilise the wounded to her neck, yet I struggled with the arrows embedded within her, managing to help only after the battle.

Cursing my inadequacies, I take to my mount once more, raising my shield in the name of preservation, and my spear in the name of vengeance. Rounding the caravan I behold Leofwine sparring the leader. Each blow struck down by his valiant might edging the bandit backwards.

I lower my spear and charge. The mighty blade of Leofwine's Zweihander classes against the chainmail covered neck of the bandit, staggering them and granting myself the opening to pierce them through the chest. The battle ended in our victory, yet today a family lost an uncle.

After the battle, I tended to a cut upon Xiqu's wrist and upon the leg of my steed.I take to my mount once more, raising my shield in the name of preservation, and my spear in the name of vengeance. Rounding the caravan I behold Leofwine sparring the leader. Each blow struck down by his valiant might edging the bandit backwards.

I lower my spear and charge. The mighty blade of Leofwine's Zweihander classes against the chainmail covered neck of the bandit, staggering them and granting myself the opening to pierce them through the chest. The battle ended in our victory, yet today a family lost an uncle.
[08-Aug-23] I spoke briefly with Leofwine, reflecting on the accounts of the battle. We discussed life, and how one should be prepared to take life in order to save life. We sparred briefly, refining my skill with my spear.

  • One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
[18-Aug-23] Faith and I travelled to the Landing Cathedral as to pray to the All-Mother. I offered up the first weapon I owned and fought with to protect others, A Fire-Iron spear.
Location: Storm's Landing Cathedral
Shrine: Shalherana
XYZ: 5014 75 956


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"Something need doing?"

IGN: Whitespoor
Character Profile[X] [X] Blessed Link​
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank-up.
Godswelm harbours an intense animosity towards the Gods and the Pantheon, despite being a servant of one of them. It's indeed a contradiction, as you've pointed out.
In any case, Godswelm employed deception and bribery to manipulate a considerable number of individuals into throwing eggs at various shrines within the Cathedral. He also engaged in this activity himself on several occasions.
The individuals influenced to throw eggs were as follows:
  • Retrospect: 15 eggs [Jax]
  • Temperence: 17 eggs [Theodra]
  • Eon'noyr: 4 eggs [Theodra]
  • Himself: 16 eggs [Ignis] 3 eggs [Theodra]
Furthermore, he devised a game that aimed to normalize the act of defiling shrines.
As a result, or perhaps due to some other mischief, he was involved in at the time, he ended up being cursed by Jishrim... oops!
Nevertheless, Godswelm oddly takes great pride in this CURSE, considering it more akin to a blessing rather than a curse. He firmly believes that the PANTHEON had compelled Jishrim to curse their loyal servant.
Needless to say, after that incident, Godswelm ceased throwing eggs at shrines.
The Egg Game poster can be found here: Egg Game


The inhabitants of Storm's Landing rarely welcome the frequent occurrences that befall them, which is undeniably true. Regrettably, they were unwittingly made participants in an enduring research endeavour by Godswelm exploring the repercussions of casual proximity to Abysmal Silver.

Godswelm personally obtained the Abysmal Silver from the depths of the Abyssal Swamp and proceeded to craft numerous buckets from it. These were deliberately distributed among the city's various drinking wells and fountains, to instigate widespread misery and depression among the populace.

(The plan was discussed in Event Tickets.)

Presumably, while the plan was good, the populace of Storm's Landing spent more drinking booze at taverns than water at wells ... oops!
Event Page for Acquiring the Absymal Silver: Abyssal Waters

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

Godswelm is missing an eye and has a sightless amber stone in place of it. This was given to him by Jishrim at his exorcism.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)

In the Grove, Godswelm created a new shrine. He granted it an offering- a coin bearing the mark of his father- the now fallen exalt of Jishrim - laughing and crying.
The Shrine is at 170 30 -6030.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate from the event(s) above.

Please note: I've grouped the activities thematically, not based on significance. Some sections could count for 2 'instances' as they'll be spread over a number of events, and some as 0 if they are not significant enough.
Like the rest of his family, Godswelm has participated in the war against Dranoden. He doesn't hate Dranoden himself, but he does hate his father (who serves Dranoden).
In order of the most significant, to the least:
  • The slaying of the 'Withered Chalievier', one of Dranoden's Generals. [Ritual of our Own]. Godswlem plays a key role in slaying the general- first, he drops a tree on him from above- then throws a blooded silver spear into the hole the tree poked in the fiend-general's armour. He helps finish the General off with an arrow imbued with divine power (from T1 passive).

    This occurred after his exorcism and was completed in part- as a way to please Jishrim [and his family].
  • Halls Between where Godswelm helps raid Dranoden's vault.
  • King, Lord, Keeper where Godswelm helps slay Agony. He entreats those gathered to slay Dranoden, who seeks ascension but is outvoted. He manages to fire a divinely imbued arrow directly into Dranoden.
  • Restoration of Garden of Inure Jishrim shrine from the forces of Dranoden. [Eve of Corruption] Godswelm helps to slay an Inuiz tree, created by Dranoden himself to guard the entrance to the defouled shrine.
  • Tainting of an old summoning rift of Dranoden's with his Cousin and Aunt. [No Event Page; Event Ticket Only - 20/02/2023]
  • Bar Fight - while Branko, Rogal, Melarue and Artesia (Melarue is part of Dranoden's flock) are fighting below him in the under-tavern in Storm's Landing- he throws a potion of RISUSTIOUS bomb over the combatants to help his cousin successfully escape from a losing battle. Up to 8 individuals (including several non-combatants) are affected by the potion which made them laugh uncontrollably and filled the space where they were in for 5 minutes. ( No Event Page - 19/02/2023)
Godswelm hates the Pantheon for the order and lawful nature it represents. He hates the Gods as well for their acceptance of it.

To that end, he has been assisting in the rise of Geormorren with the eventual aim of using the great Archfiend as a weapon against the Pantheon itself. He has discussed this quite a bit with Geormorren's servants, with great success.

He has provided a number of useful gifts to the Archfiend which have been accepted gratefully- and has found himself to be grudgingly accepted by the demon- even though he is not contracted.

Geormorren was successfully summoned in the following events:
  • The First Procession [Event]
  • Incandescent Idolatry Of Incandescence [Event]
  • For With Ash We Rise [Event].
  • Fire and Darkness [Event].
  • As Above, So Below [Event]
In their appreciation of his efforts, Geormorren's flock have rewarded him with a number of treasures- all of which have been provided to Jishrim as offerings at the public Grove shrine. These include:
  • Ever Present Shade [Mundane Onyx Ring]
  • Large Bejeweled Mirrors x2 [Mundane]

Godswelm aided the defenders of Astrakhan against the brutish river raiders at multiple opportunities- but did so cruelly.
In Clades Asrakosia, Godswelm aids in slaying some bandits with the Basileos and his comrades. In one instance- Godswelm sees that one of the raiders is about to surrender, but fires an arrow at him regardless 'accidentally' killing him. Godswelm received quite a bit of suspicious glances from this- but it was quickly forgotten in the thick of the fight.
Still related, but it wouldn't be deemed as significant was Market Day- where many Araskosians were slain by raiders. Godswelm sticks around, allowing the atmosphere of the carnage to soak in, enjoying the moment. When Theo and Ruckus are helping bury corpses, he helps- but gives no comfort to those grieving.

Curses Nilsa, Blessed of Valiant with [Nightmare], convincing her that it'd help stave off worse nightmares. At the time, they were exceptionally close. (No Event Page - 30/11/2022)

At the Cargo of Fineries, Godswelm was appointed a secret judge of the beauty contest by a well-meaning Jaxite.
He decides to go rogue in his selections- and sabotage the categories- making Melarue win the gentlemen's category. She was most displeased.

During For With Ash We Rise, Godswelm makes a contract with the invading archfiend into their summoning circle- Apotoli, the Shattered Apostle. He makes the contract primarily to gain a powerful ally with the goal to ruin the Pantheon. This was part of the terms of the contract negotiated by the two. Godswelm intended to use the powers and knowledge of corruption against the Pantheonic gods, in the same way that Jishrim used corruption against Harateth in the days of old.

However, as he made this contract without prior permission, he is cursed with [Bad Eggs] from Jishrim (as well as for his part in throwing eggs at shrines (see above)).

In Defiance of the Infinite, it becomes clear that Godswelm's 'loving' family do not approve- and Jishrim is wrathful that his servant would make a bargain with an archfiend without prior permission. As such- Godswelm chose to willingly become exorcised, losing his contract with the Apostle, even if he believed his family's reasons were short-sighted.

In the time since, Velmont has begun to put together a coalition to bring down Apotoli, the Shattered Apostle. He has been gathering information about him from both allies and potential enemies - discovering that the Apostle lives near Dranoden- and that he has the powers to detect arcane and divine magics. He has convinced Matt and Amelie to give him a map of the lands of the Apostle as well. These will be used in the future to slay/capture/harm the Archfiend, among other learnings he'll have in the future.

Godswelm also doubled down on his war with Dranoden as penance with the resultant effort- seeing the Withered Chalievier slain. See the [War Against Dranoden] section for more information on this.

During [Ritual of our Own], Velmont shot Ailwin with an arrow at the behest of Rogal- for what Rogal deemed as 'disloyalty' on her part. In a way- Velmont was following the tenets of faith here- by listening to those who hold greater power in the faith than him- and doing as they say. Ailwin later died from her wounds. Rogal said this was something that Godswelm should do as part of his penance. He was probably lying.

Hey Jase, with the heavy emphasis on demonic dealings in this rankup the team has taken what we think are solid acts while a few of them were left out. With that in mind, if we could get two more acts for Velmont(preferably outside of the nebulous zone of deals with the devil) this rankup should be good to go! Also, if you could provide the coords for the shrine that would be greatly appreciated.
+ Halls Between
Godswelm helps raid Dranoden's vault.

+ King, Lord, Keeper
Godswelm helps slay Agony. He entreats those gathered to slay Dranoden, who seeks ascension but is outvoted. He manages to fire a divinely imbued arrow directly into Dranoden.

The Shrine is at 170 30 -6030.
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I think I might like it here
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Gwennora Runespine Divine Profile - Has been active since July 14th, 2023.

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
Gwennora Profile - Has been active since July 14th, 2023, will not be eligible until the 14th of this month.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Is 37 yrs old, an adult in Dwarven terms.

Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
Accompanied by two other devotees to the Glory of Korog, she divined the location of and purified an Effigy in Korog's name.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
Crafting her own holy symbol, one that also pays homage to her clan.
Joined a guild of craftsmen to both learn and teach various trade skills.
Was inducted into the Cult of Korog by Faith Meadows via a ceremony of maintaining her holy symbol followed by a drinking contest.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
A bronze bust of Korog, offered up at the Cathedral in Storms Landing.


Lord of Altera
Korog - Tier One

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.

The character must be at least two months old OOC.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Yes, he's ~28 years old now

Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event that is of thematic significance to their divine.
Assisting the Exalt of Ignis and a Blessed of Valiant with an exorcism

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
-Joined the All-Hammers guild to teach those who wish to be taught how to be a blacksmith as well as to assist those in repairs and replacements for their weaponry.
-Joined the Underforge cult dedicated to Korog and obtained passives after completing an initiation ceremony.
- Crafted a Custom Platemail chest piece for a currently anonymous client (replaced the crossbow mechanism craft)
- Helped Princess Lerina Fletcher find the missing workers of Gallia as well as make a peace agreement with Ratan of the mutated Halflings (Event hosted by Jase)

One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)

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Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Retired Staff
= S H A L H E R A N A =


Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status. 16/6

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
Recently, Pohk'urz heard about an undead effigy being placed near the Sisterhood Temple, which caused much harm to the area, and wrote the necromancers of Skraag down in his personal Book of Grudges, for the harm they have caused to the mute sisters and all other forms of life surrounding the Temple. He sought to settle the brewing hatred within by cleansing the undead where needed, so that Life may prevail once more: Pohk'urz set out to plagued lands and fought against hordes of undead and other accursed creatures. In The Allmother's name {
X}. {Thou shalt worship as much in action as prayer, and settle all grudges which arise in one’s community and personally}. 10/9

» As Pohk'urz ambled through the city of Ashstadt, he found the familiar face of Faith and she would tell him about a friend of hers, named Xiqu, who was wheelchair-bound because of a severe injury she sustained in battle. Of course, Pohk'urz made it his personal mission to find ways to heal the woman. He had to gather alchemical medicine to cure her as his blessing does cannot yet aid him to cure injuries as grave as Xiqu's. He applied Broken Bone Salve to her leg, whilst praying to The Allmother to allow the child to be restored to her former self. {Thou shalt care and provide for all those in thine community and beyond who pursue the righting of grudges
}. 31/8

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc) Sprig of Life, a gift from Faith Meadow. One he cherishes and uses during prayer.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.) Helped construct the statue carved for The Allmother {1950, -9845}. Offered an Archblossom Fruit alongside a short prayer, hoping for the people of Golden Coast to be guided down the right path and stand strong before evil.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
A past injury to his arm (broken humerus), which was left untended, healed poorly and caused great discomfort (Injury from Elchbar, in Nid Arach event). Thinking the pain would eventually abate, Pohk'urz shrugged it off and continued on with life. However, during a conversation with a fellow Earthspawn, it was brought to his attention that the wound was more severe than he had imagined. He was recommended a particular formist named “Feather”, who he eventually found. She healed his injury and Pohk'urz was finally able to properly use the arm again. Better able to perform his duties to The Allmother. {Thou shalt care for thine nude self, in temperance and in readiness, to always be prepared to settle a score should it arise}. 25/6

» Helped in the reconstruction of the settlement, Golden Coast, by having the crops and fruit-tree saplings, he helped plant, grow quick and healthy with the help of The Allmother's spell Growth. {Thou shalt care and provide for all those in thine community and beyond who pursue the righting of grudges}. 1/9

» Once he returned to his home in Golden Coast, after the grievous battle against undeath and other wretched beasts, he found an angered and injured Faith. He healed her injury with the help of alchemical medicine, his blessing not yet capable of healing such wounds. {Thou shalt care for their home and all the life therein, for one must always be prepared to lay down their arms once their duty is done.}. 10/9

» Attended the festival, honouring both The Allmother and Allfather, in Golden Coast {X}. A nice change of scenery from the recent onslaught against the undead. It's then that he offered the Archblossom Fruit to the statue and muttered a prayer to The Allmother, hoping She would protect the town and its Countess. 13/9

» Upon meeting two orphans, Newt and Mele, at the Compendium, who both seemed to not eat enough food to properly grow, Pohk'urz felt it necessary to provide them with a hearty meal per the Feast of the Roots spell. Because either seemingly have no guardian, he intends to look after them until they are old enough to take care of their own. {Thou shalt show favor to new mothers, in memory of what once was, and aid the new life of this world to guide them away from the dark
}. 12/9
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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Apologies folks for this taking so long. Summer ate Divine Staff, basically.


It does not seem strange that the forge echoes with the ring of anvils when Faith enters, though there are no other smiths in evidence. As she prepares her materials and the forge, the clanging gives a steady beat and she slips into a near-meditative state of flow, where everything comes to her fingers as if put there by an unseen hand just when she reaches for it. With each strike of her own hammer against the anvil, it seems as if bronze ripples flow out over the otherwise steely metal, augmenting the clangs and renewing her purpose. When she is finished, she stands holding a holy symbol in her hands, solid and with weight of import. She still feels the echoes of the ringing hammer in her bones, pulsing in her blood, and it persists for a time.

Welcome, smith, to the Blessed Ranks of Korog's favored. You have risen to Tier 1.



When Marley next tends to his garden of his home a presence washes over the space, of life itself unabated. The plants seem to grow in front of his eyes, roots digging deeper into their spaces, and branches wildly growing in shape. Within a few moments the growth pauses and the feeling leaves the space, but a new presence sticks with Marley, a feeling of connection to the world at large.

Marley has achieved Tier 1.


IGN: Whitespoor
Character Profile[X] [X] Blessed Link​
We will be working with you in your ticket on the response for this - also thank you for updating the formatting, I really appreciate it. :)

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Gwennora Runespine Divine Profile - Has been active since July 14th, 2023.

Beginning their work for the day, Gwennora goes about their daily process of heating up their forge and readying tools for the day’s work. However, just as soon as they begin to hammer metal into shape, they notice a figure staring at them just outside their forge. A Dwarf, sat upon an ornate looking stone stool, as passerbys simply continue their walk. They raise a mug to the Dwarf with a nod of approval.

Welcome to Tier One, Craftsman of Korog.

Korog - Tier One
= S H A L H E R A N A =

Apologies to you two, these have been seen, and we will be responding as soon as we can.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Korog - Tier One
Hey! You're pretty close to qualifying for Tier 1. But based on the overall balance of your acts, we'd like to see one more separate act, as well as an example of a full craft that Fjord made instead of just a component. Once you have these ready, let us know!

= S H A L H E R A N A =

You are certainly on the right track, however we would like to see two more solid acts. These should be a bit more than 'healed a single wound' sort of acts, and should be something that Pohk'urz sees a result on. Attempting to heal paralysis is interesting, but there should be appreciable progress made towards this in order for it to count as an act. Let us know when you've updated this!


Character Name
: Judah Leatheraxe
IGN: fourbros
Character Profile: [X]
Blessed Link: [X]
Show extended worship of divine for one month: Yes
Character must be two months old: Yes
Character must be older than 16: Yes


  • Most prominent relevant deed since last rank:
    • 07/24/2023 - Judah partook in the defense of the bastion, fighting alongside many individuals. At the end he received a relic from Ignsis.
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  • 3 unique notable acts relevant to their divine:
    • 7/18/2023 - Judah was asked if he'd like to join a crafting guild called the All-hammer by Faith Meadows. He agreed and was given a tour of the guild by Faith.
    • 9/25/2023 - Judah has helped Faith with the construction of the town of Golden Coast many times. He has provided resources and helped restore some of the abandoned buildings.
    • 8/16/2023 - Faith asked Judah to meet her at the smithing hall so she could preform a ceremony for the Underforged.. Judah agreed, meeting her at the smithing hall as he took part in the ceremony.

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  • One offering of an item at a shrine:
    • A sword, the first one Judah forged, It's at the cathedral.