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-=[ Rank Up Requests ]=-


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
*Long Exhale* Here we go...
Jax - Tier IVEliss Cuttingthorne [x]
Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.T3 Achieved Oct 19th 2021 with Jan 19th 2022 being Three Months
Must have a significant presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either
Eliss would like to think himself well known around the realm- if not that then at least in the Landing. He consistently works to build connections that benefit his goals (ex. The Reaching Hand [X], Eldpoint [X]) and has furthered discovered his faith along the way. Despite their separate paths he works to stay on amiable terms with the others of his faith so when their objective align they are able to work together. He shares his faith with others mainly through socializing and cards, blackjack nights when he has the chance. [ X ]
Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine.
In the event "A Response [X]" Eliss talks mainly about the relation between Jax, Visage, and the ocean though after he speaks on his view of Jax and opportunity, how he believes Jax wishes to see people success and thus luck gives anyone the chance to win regardless of their position in life. Those at the bottom able to climb to the top against all odds. Those who truly lose being those who don't roll the die again.
An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.
A Larger Shrine in the Desert Castle
+ Gamble Grimoire (from Cymic)
+ Old World Jax Idol (from Frost)
+ Coinpurse (from Leofric)
+ A Pouch of Gold Dust ( From [X] )
+ A Large Yellow Pearl ( From [X] )
+ A Wooden Anchor Pendent ( Crafted by Another)
+ A Black Dragon Scale ( From [X] )
+ A Rootmoss Longbow ( From [X])
Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally.
To try and avoid repeating what's been said above, Eliss differs from some of his faith by viewing Jax as morally indifferent. In a conversation with Cymic ( Event [X]) the two discuss greed vs. generosity in regards to the God's tenets. Cymic finding himself favor a more charitable view than Eliss's idea of it being entirely subjective. Eliss believes Jax doesn't care what the goal is so long as you succeed in achieving it and bettering yourself as a result.
Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
Eliss partook in the Eldpoint Revolution. He used his position and abilities when he could with the help of others. As a result he formed connections/favours with some notable powers in the realm. [X][X][X][X]
Significance: Bettering thy Standing / Building Connections. Eliss helped save the Heiress of Eldpoint and walked away with recognition from the Kingdom
Eliss joined other in establishing a reputation in Nid Arach. Multiple events of exploration and combat with The Reaching Hand helped establish land for them. His social skills were his main asset and he may have taught a few how to play cards to pass the time... [X]
Significance: Bettering thy Standing / Building Connections

(Note not all the DM'd events had a thread so the ones I could hunt down are as follows)
+ Dec 11th : The first big event to establish claim in Nid Arach, This involved fighting Eliss used his divine magic to help traverse the hellscape. Also assisted in killing an Abori and reaping the rewards from that.
+ Jan 9th: To avoid meta, the event worked on collected and stealing good to help further progress their claim in Nid Arach
+ Jan 11th: Similar as above
+ Mar 12th: Eliss assisted some others in claiming a bounty in the land
Eliss had run and been elected into the Landing's council during the time November 2021 till April 2022. There he assisted in making choices, notably helping when the Guard's went on strike and rioted.
When the current midterms came around Eliss once again attempted to run though was faced with some backlash and rumours. That said, he still managed to tie with another. While in the end he did not make it on the council, his connections with other surpassed the attempts to drag his name through mud and he loosed very little as a result. [X][X][X][X]
Significance: While the Council itself is chasing opportunities and bettering thy standing I think the fact that he still managed to gain votes after the accusation shows some merit to his allies and connections he's built.
Once more stepping into some meta territory but Eliss assisted in the combat between the two groups anonymously. He furthered his connection with Branko, a notable power in the world. He gained useful information from his side and the others and found himself on the winning side as a result. [X]
Significance: Bettering Thy Standing but I've said that one enough. Thematically to Jax Eliss never revealed his whole hand to either side and learned important inf. Luck saved him from fatal injuries dealt by the other side while also managing a few lucky shots of his own in retaliation.
Rumours began of a being that once was one of Jax's in the Landing. Eliss and Leofric both aligned of Jax made their way to investigate and in the verbal dual managed to convince the being to let them both challenge at the same time. A few deals and bets were made and n the end the two walked away with some pouches of golden dust. [X]
Significance: Eliss and Leofric (an unoffical student) both partook in an event thematic to Jax, defending their god's name on his behalf against the slander from their foe.
Eliss joined in two adventures of underwater sea exploration, one being lead by another follower, Leofric. He used the gift of his god to assist in finding trinkets and treasures among the shipwrecks even when it meant nearly dying in freezing cold waters. . The most notable treasure he walked away with being a large yellow pearl. [X][X]
Significance: Chasing after riches and assisting in Jax's connection to the ocean and his own connection with others of his faith.
An event exploring the initial rise of the current demon situation. Eliss joined other in exploring a rumor from the north. He used his magic to assist in finding things as well as light for the group. After fighting the group walked away with Imp dust and new knowledge of the old broken monastery and some warning of what was in store for the Realm's future. {X}
Significance: Chasing Opportunities and building connections with others.
A vessel named after Jax and captained by Eliss, Fool's Gambit. The boat itself commissed during the time of the Ocean Conflict was was later used as the setting for a divination regarding it alongside [X]
Significance: Nothing too groundbreaking, the ship is a symbol of Jax to Eliss and those who see it, and the event is one of teamwork with the other followers of the god as they planned their next move.
The host of this event! During the Demon Crisis, Eliss invited others to a night away from it to try and raise some morale, or at the very least take their minds off of it. A place in the desert now more or less under his ownership would show a new shrine to Jax. A draw done in front with part of the portions going toward the [Restoration of Faith] arc. Faces new and old arrived with a few being fellow followers of Jax. [X]
Significance: The creation of a new shrine and an event to attempt to lighten others moods in these dark times. Additionally the lottery assisting in the new Cathedral shrine.
Eliss assisted other in defending his home of the Landing. Managing some lucky shots that may have been a bit too close for his ally's comfort. Working alongside others in the realm. [X]
Significance: Going to a dangerous fight that took many lives and managing to walk out alive. Assisting others and strengthening connections with some.
Mainly here since Carnage isn't super Jax oriented. A more Jax-y event that Eliss took part in was Haefer's event "Gambling with your Life" [X] which as the title suggests involved gambling one's life. With faith in his god, Eliss took the risk and ended up surviving the event.
Significance: Risk, Gambling, it's all there.
An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine. Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.
Sitting in the desert shrine, is a Rootmoss longbow. Something that at a glance seems more Theodran inclined though to Eliss there's a bit more too it.

At the beginning of Eliss's divine journey, he alongside another took to exploring Nid Arach for one of the first times in his life. There alongside other things (loot and traps alike) he'd find a Longbow. The longbow then stuck by the moors side until he'd near master the weapon.

Every bounty or job he was hired for, he did it with the bow. Today, as age takes it's toll, he's moved to another and now, as a symbol of the growth, he rests it at the shrine of his god.
An Oath of personal and religious significance must be sworn in the name of their God.[Oath of the Unbond]
An oath made by Eliss that he will never limit himself to one group in a very 'allegiance to none, ally to many' fashion. While he's allowed to be loyal to someone his loyalty will always be held in his hands, not tethered to anything else.
As a small...note. Eliss speaks of mortal systems and powers, not Gods and stuff- he's loyal to Jax but that's, considered as a different level of loyalty for him greater than followers of a king.
Kneeling before a shrine, below a humble tailor shop, a moor would speak these words.

“-May the Pantheon be my witness as I make this promise. Truth be told, S’not the first time I’ve asked something of you like this Jax. Safety, luck….mone- The point is! This time I’m not asking for something. Instead, I, Eliss Cuttingthorne Naudax, wish to make a promise in your name."

"From now til my death- and let’s be honest that probably won’t stop me- I vow to never be bound to another’s system. Be it a Kingdom, an Empire, a Leader. I vow to never swear unconditional allegiance beneath any. To bind yourself to one is to lock yourself away from the opportunities of another. So here and now I swear to you that my choices and loyalty will never be out of my control, never stagnant."

"I thank you for the shite you’ve dragged me out of and will do my bloody damndest to make sure you don’t regret taking your chances on me, Gambler.”

And with that he’d rise, though not before quickly adding.

“-But between us can we make any future wedding vows an’ exception to ‘at? Because I frankly would rather not be smited if ‘at day comes because of technicalities”
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sparkles emoji
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Grey Lady – Tier 1

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Faith profile created November 31, 2021 [x]

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Over 2000 years of age
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. (This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.)

[ Resolution ]
"Beware the Soul Stealer, and cut down those dead that rise in his image."
For some time, an undead leviathan wreaked destruction upon passing vessels, and even repelled the All for Naught and her crew on several occasions. Although defeated, the Tideborne remained adamant; with the help of the Apostles of the Sea and some allies from other faiths, they returned to the monster and devised an unconventional yet brilliant strategy to slay it. [x]

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
[ Last Rites ]
"Exact penance upon the sinful with judgment clear and unclouded by emotion."
"Respect the dead, and those who mourn their passing."
After defeating rebel mercenaries in a skirmish near Verdant Valley, he converses with the last survivor, and ensured to learn his name and origin before delivering him of his painful death. Once an exhaustive prayer was recited, they were buried, and the following day he hauled a carved stone up the mountain to mark the grave. [x]

[ Havoc ]
"Do what must be done to assure the safety of the Realms."
In the wake of their victory at Candlewood, the occupying daemonic forces grew restless as they awaited the orders of their General. Eventually, the unruly invaders abandoned their posts and launched an assault on Storm's Landing. The Tideborne, along with some veteran boarders from the Eventide, joined the city's combined forces of milita and foreign volunteers. From the hastily-raised palisade, they resisted the hellish onslaught, but with heavy casualties.

[ Epilogue ]
"Exact penance upon the sinful with judgment clear and unclouded by emotion."
"Respect the dead, and those who mourn their passing."
The Battle for Eldpoint takes place; the siege is won. Once his part in the ordeal is complete, the Tideborne sees to the placement of the deceased in the Cerulean Shade cemetery, namely Leighton Altham and Maple of Alderwood. There, he stood guard until the war finally came to a close, praying for the safe passage of his friend's soul from the mortal realm to the afterlife. [x]
During the vigil, he heard of Amelia's presence nearby, and took it upon himself to inform her. Together, they grieved the loss.
In due course, he set out to the gather the corpses across the Eldpoint theatre, cleaning up the aftermath of the battle.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
A sculpture was left behind in the eastern oceans during one of his recent voyages, so that the lost souls of his fallen brethren may find their way to the Afterlife.
(OOCly left in the cathedral)
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Sir Saltington

Lord of Altera
[X] Jacob ForTier 2 Theodra
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.May 21st, 2022 [X]
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
  • [X] Jacob joined his fellow rangers in hunting down a missing woman. During their journey they came across a secluded village that had summoned a demon and killed the village. With much assistance from his fellow rangers, him and Kharn dealt the final blow on the beast, returning the region to its natural state.
  • [X] Jacob leads a hunting party of rangers up north to assault an Ivory King cultist hideout. Their team moves quickly and efficiently up to the abandoned church, with Jacob throwing his dagger just in time to stop the cult leader from finishing his ritual and opening a rift to the nether. They save a young child and capture four cultists in the end.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
  • His Ranger pendant acts also as a representation of Theodra.
  • He also has a bear headdress made from a bear he killed with a knife. (Its a long story.)
  • Jacob, with the help of Halvar, has crafted two bracers. One is the Bracer of the Forest, while the other is the Bracer of the Hunt.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
  • Jacob sets up a small shrine to Theodra in his room at Stormhall and crafts a figurine to Theodra made of silver and emeralds.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
  • [X] Jacob spearheads an assault on the demon forces in an attempt to kill their general and close the rift before the entire army could make it through. Although they make a courageous attempt, the plan fails and the party retreats. Before they leave, Jacob vows to return and kill the demon general.
  • Jacob crafts a blooded silver ring by the name of "Balance" for Som.
  • [X] Jacob arrives late to the defense of Eisenheim and slays a cultist in the fray, before helping the defenders lick their wounds and prepare for future battles.
  • [X] Jacob helps with the defense of the adventurers guild and fights at the front to defend those behind him. When the fighting became dire, the party surrounded by flames, and even seeing one of his fellow rangers fall to the enemy, he shows the virtue of wisdom by calling for a retreat so their deaths weren't in vain.
  • [X] After the loss of Marian to the demon army, Jacob joins his fellow rangers in a hunt to mourn and recover from her death.
  • [X] At the behest of Queen Amelia, Jacob joins his fellow rangers in a search party for a missing Sooleran party. He healed his fellow rangers when they became injured, stays his blade when attacked by guardsman that mistook them for bandits, and eventually the party found the survivors of the caravan. Jacob helps to treat the survivors' wounds and together the party brings them back to safety.
  • Jacob, with the help of Halvar, crafts two bracers for him to use in combat. One is the Bracer of the Forest, while the other is the Bracer of the Hunt. They're made of refined steel and both have an emerald embedded in them, as part of a matching set.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
GwyrthiolT1 --> T2
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.1. Tricking a person [Layla Evelynn] into warranting their own death wish, by signing a contract where they surrender their body in exchange for blood. Gwyrthiol renders Layla dead immediately after they'd signed, tricking them over the poor wording of their wish. Her body is later dumped into the warren, building the foundation for more greylings.
2. Creation of the [Maw of Phage], Gwyrthiol's own domain where he serves his utmost desire of gluttony in the ways of Skraag.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)Though Gwyrthiol already bares the markings of Skraag as his passive, he also keeps to himself a symbol of Undeath made by his brother Targ, as well as the trinket {Mossy Skull}, granted to him by the Exalt of Skraag.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering.Completed. A shrine of hunger where Gwyrthiol concocts his cookings and offers them to Skraag has been built north of the Cradle in a place where he intends to make his own domain. A bundle sacrifices have been placed in the chest by the sacrificial hole. {-1418 16 -3265}
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.1. Helping the creation of Ycarnifallalan where in arenas, people take to the joy of murder and death of animals and people alike taking to combat.

Since his time before T1, Gwyrthiol had upheld an event that had a similar idea where he had opponents take on different creatures at the behest of a contract being signed that in essence would guarantee his own safety, and that their own bodies would be claimed by Gwyrthiol if they died. A gamble, which he would later inspire to his two brothers Angau and Targ.

2. Convincing a gluttony feral vyre, former Skraag blessed, to fight in the great circus for Gwyrthiol. This is done at his personal risk, at almost being torn into bits by said angry, enthralled feral.

This is significant in that, he manages to bring back the faith of one former blessed, and furthermore one in the line of gluttony, in theme of his own hunger.

3. Attends the [Forged in Undeath] event, where Gwyrthiol amongst his family, witnesses the restoration of his race, marking the success to his contributions to the new era of greylings, prophesized in his T1 visions. Furthermore, the Exalt of Skraag rewards him with a trinket of Skraag, passing it down to him.

Attending and fulfilling a prophecy/vision of Skraag, which he himself contributed to.

4. Attends [Purifying Corruption] event, where Gwyrthiol, Hellmann and a band of unblessed vyres attend a ritual for purifying a gravewalker into a regular vyre again. Gwyrthiol gives spiritual guidance to the group of vyres with examples of prayers to be given, and silencing them when the presence of Skraag was imminent for ther resolution of their quest.

Purification of a gravewalker back into that of a vyre, a being of hunger and immortality. A strike back against the Grey Lady.

5. Holds the [Enter the world of Skraag] event where Gwyrthiol himself had organized a place where meats and bloodwines were being provided for. While he held a sermon to Immortality and the great purpose of Skraag.

A standard preach for the greatness of Skraag, andas to why people should give their prayers to him. Defying the idea of' 'death' and the Grey Lady as something that only takes away the beauty of life, and never returns it.

6. In his ventures, Gwyrthiol has sought out to offer people tastings of his cookings. Cookings of the things that he's hunted, that for the themes of Skraag, have been strictly meat based. Although not much, he's sought out to share the meal, the flesh of his prey with other adventurers among the eastern continent. So far, the people he's shared his meals with are:
At this time, the team has opted to deny your T2 - There are certain themes we don't feel sure about (sharing meals of a hunt, making contracts). There is also little information regarding someone possibly returning to the faith, and if so, the focus seems to not be on them returning to the faith but joining a carnival/fighting pit. We'd also like to see a bit more of events where he substantially helped or hosted - Hellmann was responsible for the Gravewalker one and the other a faction tech reveal, but he did not really seem to have much impact on said events. You're close, though, and some parts with 'gluttony' themes are interesting, but it just needs a bit more work for approval.

*Long Exhale* Here we go...
Jax - Tier IVEliss Cuttingthorne [x]
Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.T3 Achieved Oct 19th 2021 with Jan 19th 2022 being Three Months
Must have a significant presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either
Eliss would like to think himself well known around the realm- if not that then at least in the Landing. He consistently works to build connections that benefit his goals (ex. The Reaching Hand [X], Eldpoint [X]) and has furthered discovered his faith along the way. Despite their separate paths he works to stay on amiable terms with the others of his faith so when their objective align they are able to work together. He shares his faith with others mainly through socializing and cards, blackjack nights when he has the chance. [ X ]
Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine.
In the event "A Response [X]" Eliss talks mainly about the relation between Jax, Visage, and the ocean though after he speaks on his view of Jax and opportunity, how he believes Jax wishes to see people success and thus luck gives anyone the chance to win regardless of their position in life. Those at the bottom able to climb to the top against all odds. Those who truly lose being those who don't roll the die again.
An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.
A Larger Shrine in the Desert Castle
+ Gamble Grimoire (from Cymic)
+ Old World Jax Idol (from Frost)
+ Coinpurse (from Leofric)
+ A Pouch of Gold Dust ( From [X] )
+ A Large Yellow Pearl ( From [X] )
+ A Wooden Anchor Pendent ( Crafted by Another)
+ A Black Dragon Scale ( From [X] )
+ A Rootmoss Longbow ( From [X])
Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally.
To try and avoid repeating what's been said above, Eliss differs from some of his faith by viewing Jax as morally indifferent. In a conversation with Cymic ( Event [X]) the two discuss greed vs. generosity in regards to the God's tenets. Cymic finding himself favor a more charitable view than Eliss's idea of it being entirely subjective. Eliss believes Jax doesn't care what the goal is so long as you succeed in achieving it and bettering yourself as a result.
Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
Eliss partook in the Eldpoint Revolution. He used his position and abilities when he could with the help of others. As a result he formed connections/favours with some notable powers in the realm. [X][X][X][X]
Significance: Bettering thy Standing / Building Connections. Eliss helped save the Heiress of Eldpoint and walked away with recognition from the Kingdom
Eliss joined other in establishing a reputation in Nid Arach. Multiple events of exploration and combat with The Reaching Hand helped establish land for them. His social skills were his main asset and he may have taught a few how to play cards to pass the time... [X]
Significance: Bettering thy Standing / Building Connections

(Note not all the DM'd events had a thread so the ones I could hunt down are as follows)
+ Dec 11th : The first big event to establish claim in Nid Arach, This involved fighting Eliss used his divine magic to help traverse the hellscape. Also assisted in killing an Abori and reaping the rewards from that.
+ Jan 9th: To avoid meta, the event worked on collected and stealing good to help further progress their claim in Nid Arach
+ Jan 11th: Similar as above
+ Mar 12th: Eliss assisted some others in claiming a bounty in the land
Eliss had run and been elected into the Landing's council during the time November 2021 till April 2022. There he assisted in making choices, notably helping when the Guard's went on strike and rioted.
When the current midterms came around Eliss once again attempted to run though was faced with some backlash and rumours. That said, he still managed to tie with another. While in the end he did not make it on the council, his connections with other surpassed the attempts to drag his name through mud and he loosed very little as a result. [X][X][X][X]
Significance: While the Council itself is chasing opportunities and bettering thy standing I think the fact that he still managed to gain votes after the accusation shows some merit to his allies and connections he's built.
Once more stepping into some meta territory but Eliss assisted in the combat between the two groups anonymously. He furthered his connection with Branko, a notable power in the world. He gained useful information from his side and the others and found himself on the winning side as a result. [X]
Significance: Bettering Thy Standing but I've said that one enough. Thematically to Jax Eliss never revealed his whole hand to either side and learned important inf. Luck saved him from fatal injuries dealt by the other side while also managing a few lucky shots of his own in retaliation.
Rumours began of a being that once was one of Jax's in the Landing. Eliss and Leofric both aligned of Jax made their way to investigate and in the verbal dual managed to convince the being to let them both challenge at the same time. A few deals and bets were made and n the end the two walked away with some pouches of golden dust. [X]
Significance: Eliss and Leofric (an unoffical student) both partook in an event thematic to Jax, defending their god's name on his behalf against the slander from their foe.
Eliss joined in two adventures of underwater sea exploration, one being lead by another follower, Leofric. He used the gift of his god to assist in finding trinkets and treasures among the shipwrecks even when it meant nearly dying in freezing cold waters. . The most notable treasure he walked away with being a large yellow pearl. [X][X]
Significance: Chasing after riches and assisting in Jax's connection to the ocean and his own connection with others of his faith.
An event exploring the initial rise of the current demon situation. Eliss joined other in exploring a rumor from the north. He used his magic to assist in finding things as well as light for the group. After fighting the group walked away with Imp dust and new knowledge of the old broken monastery and some warning of what was in store for the Realm's future. {X}
Significance: Chasing Opportunities and building connections with others.
A vessel named after Jax and captained by Eliss, Fool's Gambit. The boat itself commissed during the time of the Ocean Conflict was was later used as the setting for a divination regarding it alongside [X]
Significance: Nothing too groundbreaking, the ship is a symbol of Jax to Eliss and those who see it, and the event is one of teamwork with the other followers of the god as they planned their next move.
The host of this event! During the Demon Crisis, Eliss invited others to a night away from it to try and raise some morale, or at the very least take their minds off of it. A place in the desert now more or less under his ownership would show a new shrine to Jax. A draw done in front with part of the portions going toward the [Restoration of Faith] arc. Faces new and old arrived with a few being fellow followers of Jax. [X]
Significance: The creation of a new shrine and an event to attempt to lighten others moods in these dark times. Additionally the lottery assisting in the new Cathedral shrine.
Eliss assisted other in defending his home of the Landing. Managing some lucky shots that may have been a bit too close for his ally's comfort. Working alongside others in the realm. [X]
Significance: Going to a dangerous fight that took many lives and managing to walk out alive. Assisting others and strengthening connections with some.
Mainly here since Carnage isn't super Jax oriented. A more Jax-y event that Eliss took part in was Haefer's event "Gambling with your Life" [X] which as the title suggests involved gambling one's life. With faith in his god, Eliss took the risk and ended up surviving the event.
Significance: Risk, Gambling, it's all there.
An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine. Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.
Sitting in the desert shrine, is a Rootmoss longbow. Something that at a glance seems more Theodran inclined though to Eliss there's a bit more too it.

At the beginning of Eliss's divine journey, he alongside another took to exploring Nid Arach for one of the first times in his life. There alongside other things (loot and traps alike) he'd find a Longbow. The longbow then stuck by the moors side until he'd near master the weapon.

Every bounty or job he was hired for, he did it with the bow. Today, as age takes it's toll, he's moved to another and now, as a symbol of the growth, he rests it at the shrine of his god.
An Oath of personal and religious significance must be sworn in the name of their God.[Oath of the Unbond]
An oath made by Eliss that he will never limit himself to one group in a very 'allegiance to none, ally to many' fashion. While he's allowed to be loyal to someone his loyalty will always be held in his hands, not tethered to anything else.
As a small...note. Eliss speaks of mortal systems and powers, not Gods and stuff- he's loyal to Jax but that's, considered as a different level of loyalty for him greater than followers of a king.
Kneeling before a shrine, below a humble tailor shop, a moor would speak these words.

“-May the Pantheon be my witness as I make this promise. Truth be told, S’not the first time I’ve asked something of you like this Jax. Safety, luck….mone- The point is! This time I’m not asking for something. Instead, I, Eliss Cuttingthorne Naudax, wish to make a promise in your name."

"From now til my death- and let’s be honest that probably won’t stop me- I vow to never be bound to another’s system. Be it a Kingdom, an Empire, a Leader. I vow to never swear unconditional allegiance beneath any. To bind yourself to one is to lock yourself away from the opportunities of another. So here and now I swear to you that my choices and loyalty will never be out of my control, never stagnant."

"I thank you for the shite you’ve dragged me out of and will do my bloody damndest to make sure you don’t regret taking your chances on me, Gambler.”

And with that he’d rise, though not before quickly adding.

“-But between us can we make any future wedding vows an’ exception to ‘at? Because I frankly would rather not be smited if ‘at day comes because of technicalities”
T4 approved. Thanks to AionTbird for the writeup;

Eliss finds himself playing a game of liars dice in the undertavern, down on his luck and on his last game. The greasy sailor across from him would give a laughing snarl as he peeked under his tankard toward his dice. Eliss, looked at his own. An average roll, nothing spectacular- though his attention is drawn behind the sailor. A hand would lay upon his shoulder- though the reeking man did not seem to notice. A well dressed man garnished in golden filigree would hold up his fingers, giving away what the sailor had. All that was left was to finish the game. As Eliss wandered home with his money re-won, a newfound power in Jax is gained.​

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Grey Lady – Tier 1

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Faith profile created November 31, 2021 [x]

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Over 2000 years of age
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. (This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.)

[ Resolution ]
"Beware the Soul Stealer, and cut down those dead that rise in his image."
For some time, an undead leviathan wreaked destruction upon passing vessels, and even repelled the All for Naught and her crew on several occasions. Although defeated, the Tideborne remained adamant; with the help of the Apostles of the Sea and some allies from other faiths, they returned to the monster and devised an unconventional yet brilliant strategy to slay it. [x]

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
[ Last Rites ]
"Exact penance upon the sinful with judgment clear and unclouded by emotion."
"Respect the dead, and those who mourn their passing."
After defeating rebel mercenaries in a skirmish near Verdant Valley, he converses with the last survivor, and ensured to learn his name and origin before delivering him of his painful death. Once an exhaustive prayer was recited, they were buried, and the following day he hauled a carved stone up the mountain to mark the grave. [x]

[ Havoc ]
"Do what must be done to assure the safety of the Realms."
In the wake of their victory at Candlewood, the occupying daemonic forces grew restless as they awaited the orders of their General. Eventually, the unruly invaders abandoned their posts and launched an assault on Storm's Landing. The Tideborne, along with some veteran boarders from the Eventide, joined the city's combined forces of milita and foreign volunteers. From the hastily-raised palisade, they resisted the hellish onslaught, but with heavy casualties.

[ Epilogue ]
"Exact penance upon the sinful with judgment clear and unclouded by emotion."
"Respect the dead, and those who mourn their passing."
The Battle for Eldpoint takes place; the siege is won. Once his part in the ordeal is complete, the Tideborne sees to the placement of the deceased in the Cerulean Shade cemetery, namely Leighton Altham and Maple of Alderwood. There, he stood guard until the war finally came to a close, praying for the safe passage of his friend's soul from the mortal realm to the afterlife. [x]
During the vigil, he heard of Amelia's presence nearby, and took it upon himself to inform her. Together, they grieved the loss.
In due course, he set out to the gather the corpses across the Eldpoint theatre, cleaning up the aftermath of the battle.

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
A sculpture was left behind in the eastern oceans during one of his recent voyages, so that the lost souls of his fallen brethren may find their way to the Afterlife.
(OOCly left in the cathedral)
Raigo feels an eerie sort of quiet fall over him next he is at sea. Whilst the waters are calm, once the sun sets a mist coats the seas and he swears upon peering over the edge he sees movement, of pale faces moving forwards ahead, serene enough they could be sleeping but he knows better. The light around his vessel shifts into a purple hue, and as he turns he sees a figure upon the deck watching him that no one else seems to see. They gaze at him as if with scrutiny, he feels himself judged and sifted through as if he were an open tome, but eventually the figure nods, and fades into wisps of light grey mist, and the seas- and sea journey- return to how they were. Raigo is now T1 of the Grey Lady.​

[X] Jacob ForTier 2 Theodra
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.May 21st, 2022 [X]
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
  • [X] Jacob joined his fellow rangers in hunting down a missing woman. During their journey they came across a secluded village that had summoned a demon and killed the village. With much assistance from his fellow rangers, him and Kharn dealt the final blow on the beast, returning the region to its natural state.
  • [X] Jacob leads a hunting party of rangers up north to assault an Ivory King cultist hideout. Their team moves quickly and efficiently up to the abandoned church, with Jacob throwing his dagger just in time to stop the cult leader from finishing his ritual and opening a rift to the nether. They save a young child and capture four cultists in the end.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
  • His Ranger pendant acts also as a representation of Theodra.
  • He also has a bear headdress made from a bear he killed with a knife. (Its a long story.)
  • Jacob, with the help of Halvar, has crafted two bracers. One is the Bracer of the Forest, while the other is the Bracer of the Hunt.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
  • Jacob sets up a small shrine to Theodra in his room at Stormhall and crafts a figurine to Theodra made of silver and emeralds.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
  • [X] Jacob spearheads an assault on the demon forces in an attempt to kill their general and close the rift before the entire army could make it through. Although they make a courageous attempt, the plan fails and the party retreats. Before they leave, Jacob vows to return and kill the demon general.
  • Jacob crafts a blooded silver ring by the name of "Balance" for Som.
  • [X] Jacob arrives late to the defense of Eisenheim and slays a cultist in the fray, before helping the defenders lick their wounds and prepare for future battles.
  • [X] Jacob helps with the defense of the adventurers guild and fights at the front to defend those behind him. When the fighting became dire, the party surrounded by flames, and even seeing one of his fellow rangers fall to the enemy, he shows the virtue of wisdom by calling for a retreat so their deaths weren't in vain.
  • [X] After the loss of Marian to the demon army, Jacob joins his fellow rangers in a hunt to mourn and recover from her death.
  • [X] At the behest of Queen Amelia, Jacob joins his fellow rangers in a search party for a missing Sooleran party. He healed his fellow rangers when they became injured, stays his blade when attacked by guardsman that mistook them for bandits, and eventually the party found the survivors of the caravan. Jacob helps to treat the survivors' wounds and together the party brings them back to safety.
  • Jacob, with the help of Halvar, crafts two bracers for him to use in combat. One is the Bracer of the Forest, while the other is the Bracer of the Hunt. They're made of refined steel and both have an emerald embedded in them, as part of a matching set.
Jacob feels himself aching, wounded from battling demons these last few days. Despite fixing up his injuries, the weariness in his body remains, the losses he had endured on his mind in moments of solitude. One early morning he finds himself restless, and either stands at the doorway or ventures into the wilderness, and in this he finds not a fierce bear, nor a great wolf, but a strong, ethereally pale stag. It regards him from afar, and he hears and feels the breeze, the rustling of the leaves of trees nearby, the sense of the flora and small creatures around him. It brings him a peace, and a clarity. A focus. His aches begin to fade, weariness eased, and as the stag departs he swears some part of it remains with him for he feels his will stronger for it. Jacob is now T2 of Theodra.​


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Grey Lady, T1Hysope Kegheart
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.✓ [Created 4/2/22]
The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.Last rankup: N/A

Traveled Northwards with a small group of other rangers, intent on combating the efforts of the cultists of the Ivory King. With this group, she took part in stopping an opening of a rift in the far North.
Later, Hysope and Laicelem worked together to assemble a pyre for the fallen cultists and victims of the cultists, as the frozen weather did not permit a burial.

Laicelem separated the fallen victims from fallen cultists, a demonstration of judgement that stuck with Hysope.
The act would be his own, rather than part of Hysope's, though the impact on her is important to note, and will likely be seen in the future.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine separate to the event(s) above. Had the Exalt of Jishrim agree to aid in the effort to tear down the Skraagite effigies across the land, by sending information of their whereabouts to the followers of the Grey Lady. (This one may be... dodgy, at the least, but I'll mention it anyway because of the importance.)

Knelt beside the corpses of three deceased fanatics of indeterminate faith in the Kraken's Den Inn, in silent prayer for their souls to pass on into the river, and for their bodies to return to the soil.

Assisted Grey after offering to help in the preparation of the body of someone who had died just a couple of hours earlier due to injuries from Vymbats, by digging a grave at an unoccupied spot in the graveyard.

In a chat with Frost, was asked something by her. Essentially, the request was that if they found themselves allies at some point, that Hysope not let her sister, Hellmann, raise her [Frost] into undeath.
She readily gave her word, agreeing.

Sought lessons from Raelur in the way of the Grey Lady, to which he agreed. (Begin 6/29)
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)A somewhat coarse, but warm woolen cloak, woven by Hysope in preparation for a trek northwards. It is stark white, like snow. While it was one of a few accessories that she wore, it was what was dragged through the harsh cold of the north on her trip to stop the Ivory Cultists. It surely must remember the chill?
Perhaps the Grey Lady could use it. After all, it is rather cold in her domain of winter.
She offered it to the shrine in the Storm's Landing Graveyard. [5118, 980]
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Legend of Altera
Retired Staff
Grey Lady Gravewalker... are you surprised?
Grey Lady - Tier ILaicelem [x]
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
[✓] Created July 5th, 2022
The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.
Laicelem became a Vyre in order to gain an edge against his enemies, such as Branko Callas, the demons, etc. (Fighting fire with fire, in a sense). He was confronted by his friends in the Rangers, and they convinced him that he would need to find a way to show them that he can be trusted. Laic sought out guidance and Valtae suggested he undergo one of the curing rituals. The process of becoming a Gravewalker had caught his attention, as he had seen Raelur work in the ways of the Grey Lady in the past, and he had encountered a ghost shortly after coming to visit the landing. After seeking Raelur out, he underwent the ritual and became a gravewalker. This process not only changed him physically, but it gave him a new perspective and goal in life. Laicelem began to demonstrate his faith that day, starting with Valtae, Raelur, and the Rangers. [✓]
Three notable acts in line with their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
Laicelem assisted Raelur in a supernatural occurrence involving a banshee. After they located the body of the spirit's former self, he aided Raelur in having her properly buried as well as the dead man from the fields. This was the second time Laicelem had encountered a spirit in the Landing, and the second time he dealt with one. He learned about it, discovering that spirits could be harmed by Blooded Silver, and about how to make them go away. Laicelem took care to discover what had caused the spirit to raise, and, with Raelur he ensured the woman's mourning would be addressed and that her remains be given a proper burial. [✓]
After participating in the northern Cultist hunt, Laicelem and Hysope gave final rites to both the dead cultist fighters and the family that was sacrificed. Burial was not an option, so they were cremated instead. The cultists and family were put into two separate groups by him, and though the crew that day was not happy to give rites to the cultists, they nevertheless did, allowing them to fall under the Grey Lady's judgment instead of their own. [✓]
As Candlewood was liberated from the forces of those who destroyed it, all scholars/townsfolk that died there were gathered up by the group and given a funeral. A memorial structure is planned, and Laicelem prayed as they were given final rites. [✓]

Laicelem Tried his first prayer [✓]
Laicelem had taken a pouch of Banishing Powder off of Athryl's corpse on his second day of being in Storm's Landing. Today he sought out Athryl and returned it to him, as Laicelem now recognizes the tenants of the Grey Lady. In return, Athryl gifted him with an object that Laic later sacrificed to the Grey Lady as a symbol of his growth in her ways. [✓]
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
With Valtae's help, Laicelem gathered several Teasel & Clematis flowers--those which fit the theme of the Grey Lady--to put in the carved flower pot he acquired from Athryl, a symbol of his progress in learning the tenants of the Grey Lady. The gift symbolizes growth because Laicelem had initially intended to sacrifice the banishing powder he took from Athryl's corpse on his second day in Storm's Landing, but after discussing this with the Ranger Marian, he decided this would be a poor offering due to its origin. Instead, he sought to make amends for what he did, as he took the banishing powder before he knew of the Grey Lady's tenants. He returned the powder to Athryl in order to find closure in the matter, and Athryl in turn provided him with an alternative offering, one that would symbolize this closure. Leaving the pot there, Laicelem also offered a prayer to finalize the action. It was left in the offering hopper in the Storm's Landing Grey Lady shrine at the ruined cathedral. [✓]

*Note: All boxed checkmarks ( [✓] ) lead to a proof link on my main divine profile post, where screenshots are offered.
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Lord of Altera
Valtae Menguar
Tier 2
Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
T2 since 6/2/2021 with continued worship in divine log
Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up
  • Saving the past - While a challenge, Valtae worked to assemble a group to enter the ruined Cathedral to salvage what they could from the Cathedral to preserve the past artifacts it held for Shallerana, While most couldn't make it Valtae and Granny came upon the animancer Mourin who was amicable to the invitation to save artifacts. A fight was the last thing on Tae and Granny's mind but looters found them and despite being outnumbered they remained non lethal. Injuries did occur but All were treated and were invited to come to the Hospital in the future if they ever suffered injury, they were also offered food to satiate their hugter and funds so they could leave town as it's something one of their number wished. Ultimately the looters refused and left with bandaged bodies and bruised pride
  • A shift at the Hospital - Answering the call to Eldpoint. Tae tends to a patient with a bad spider bite and assists Lana and Eastoft to save a woman from massive injuries after a wolf attack. She opted to stay overnight for the survivors of the wolf attack since one of the three is in serious condition and may need divine intervention if their initial treatment goes south.
  • Valtae has taken it upon herself to watch over those who have fallen in battle or who were lost and needed to find their way back to the land of the living, Friea, Leonhardt, Candice and Miya, and many others have received her attention even after succumbint to fatal wounds. She served in the way of the Sisters of Old, restoring the bodies she watched as much as possible and petitioning for the return of the soul safely.
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine. Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
While Death is something to be avoided, to postpone, to prevent, to not herald when possible, sometimes it's unavoidable. Sometimes the Faith can be challenged in something as simple as a cut of meat needed to keep the warriors and hard workers in the family healthy and able to do what must be done. In such cases, respect must be shown to the will of the creature and to the Cycle of Nature and Life. Let not the mortal flesh of the creatures go to waste as even without our intervention Predators and Prey exist in Nature and the foxes do not hunt out of hatred, but out of necessity for their kits.

Even as a Lover Vyre, Tae stayed resolute in following the faith. Refusing to feed on living people consciously and trying to stay the path of faith by subsisting on Bloodvine and Lifeblood. While some offered her their arms to slake her thirst Tae refused not wanting to see her fellows as less than people and more like food, not even when her own son had tried to tempt her once by cutting his palm open after he learned of her condition.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine.
In an effort to spread the teachings of healing and aid in the war Tae holds a public sermon or perhaps a lesson for the public on what they can do to not only help themselves, but the community at large. While it was in line with previous events to gather donations for the Grand Cathedrals rebuilding the focus was primarily on sharing knowledge and not on garnering monetary or material possessions, though donations happened all the same.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
  • Grudges - Tae found out about a Jishimite that tried to tempt a child of Linistel who had once upon a time been tormented. The Jishimite was a Vyre who tried to convince the child that their adopted parents were poison and toxic and that Jishim was the only way the child would ever find love and acceptance for who they were. The vyre was in Fronslins Grudge Book and Tae went along to ensure that the offender surrendered peacefully and submitted to the judgment in Linlea as written in the Tenets of the First Grudge.
  • Tae helped Granny make a shrine to Shallerana in her house in the way of supplying a hand made dedication to the goddess and followed this up with a lesson on general shrine upkeep and maintenance as well as encouraging Granny to customize it to fit her views on Shallerana so that the shrine is not just a place to worship, but a place for the Dwarfs worship
  • Tae found a cursed tree with Hellmann, Loriss and Fronslin/Frost during a double date that they as a group tried to cleanse. The tree unfortunately perished and Tae felt sorry for xthe poor willow corrupted by Jishim so she tried to coax life in and about it to get the natural cycle of nature going again. Vengeance and Healing, though she felt guilty that the tree couldn't survive the ordeal
  • Less than pleased with the threat the Effigy's left by Skraagites and the inherent impact that rampant unchecked Undead have on the environment, Tae works with others to locate and organize removal of the grotesque totems of woe. She personally located and dismantled two west of Mocking Bay and by the Sisterhoods Cave practically under the Archon's Tree
  • As the death toll rises in the events leading up to the Infernal War, Valtae finds herself holding vigil over the fallen warriors to pray for their safe and swift return. In all but one case she has been successful though the one exception does not surprise her much as the individual held scorn for the Divine
[To Guide Another]
Ultimately they must guide another into the rank of T1 and showcase at least ten ways they assisted doing so. This can be through lessons, discussions, or other ways you feel are significant in the journey of the student. They must reach T1 before you can apply for T3.

Aniser T1
  • A lesson was given on common Herbal remedies and how to make them (pre Alchemy)
  • An unusual approach to a lesson. Oranges were used to simulate the approximate toughness and durability of living skin to give Anisar some safe hands on practice for sutures. They were stitched back together with silk thread to show the types of sutures and injuries that work best. Oranges served as a snack afterward.
  • They went over bone structure in the races and the types of breaks one can often encounter. Cast making followed afterward along with splinting and general maintenance of a cast for patients since not everyone is can spare the time not to crack resin asunder as they pursue their hobbies
  • A lesson was held about the importance of self care and rest since healers could not tend to others if they themselves were burning a candle at both ends.
  • As faith is proven and worship pursued, Valtae spoke at length about creating a personal shrine and maintaining it, or to provide a public shrine for all to see and pay homage to.
  • On a bad day for Valtae, Anisar arranged for a picnic with her teacher to take a load off and show her understanding of Self care and caring for one's community
  • Anisar and Valtae meet after Anisar gains Shalherana’s favor to chat and discuss Alchemy potions, sharing some of the ones they’d each found in the interest of providing quality care to their respective Communities.
  • Surgery: Anatomy Studies - As she was once taught tae tasks Anisar to learn the anatomy of the dominant and uncommon races with a challenge to try and extrapolate the rare races to start building knowledge as a young surgeon
  • Surgery: Shallow surgery - Tae leads by example, helping Anisar apply her anatomy knowledge by helping her with a few surgeries that are not too deep, Adventurers and their knees sure do provide plenty of patients.
  • Surgery: Deep - Both being near active groups of fighters there comes a time when one has to get their hands very dirty (after proper cleaning) and patch people up. There is always a risk of infection so Tae can’t stress enough after care on this kind of surgery for the first few days to ensure the highest chance of success and fixing any missed issues.

If applicable, an ic rankup if it's no trouble
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Legend of Altera
Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
+The Grating End -A dangerous hunt on the sea for a long-haunting Pale Beast. The fight almost threw Cieren off the ship to the maws of the creature, but the day was won out.
+The Blooding - A hunt for boars that turned into the discovery of a two-legged foe, seemingly demented by a demonic influence. Also first use of Ready in its Artifact form.
+A Trek of Faith - A long, relatively peaceful pilgrimage semi-lead by Cieren. But mostly steered by companions trusting one another. It proved a peaceful time, with only slight finger-frosting. The shrine at Stoltfar was prayed at, and the shrine in the mountains was reached and prayed at.

The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
Cieren has pushed her body, mind, and heart into the faith of Theodra. Since her arrival, it seemed she was destined to find Theodra as a being that sang to the nature of her reckless self. Her recklessness has been honed into dauntlessness. She seeks to be worthy of her blessings, and use it for the defenseless--and against gluttons of all wants.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
From the earliest points of her life, Cieren has dared to challenge the social expectations of the world's cultures. She had the benefit of learning a Sooleran freedom,
while being hindered under the weight of an extreme Anhalder household. The mold always felt unnatural to try and fit into, and at worst, dishonest. Upon her escape to Storm's landing, and her ventures across Altera, she's come to understand that monsters take many forms. Politics, social class, groups of all beliefs, dark networks in the underbelly of society--all of it no different than what monsters one finds in the wilderness. Save one. There was no agenda in the wilds. Kill or be killed, conquer or be conquered, and yet...none of it in excess. The goal merely: survival. The wilderness elaborated these truths to Cieren, and re-contextualized what it meant to live with honor while being true to the nature of surviving an ever-turning world. Care for your body and mind, thank Her for the meal sustaining you, protect your family as the wolf does, do not fall prey to naivety, do not surrender, and bare your teeth at those who threaten your charge.

Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)
+Showed a vision of Theodra to the recovering shipwreck victim, Anya. The discussion was a teaching on a Theodran response to trauma in the cycle of life.
+Cieren and Anya crossed paths once again, and it seemed the girl had a few weapons and gear in the short time apart. To another present, she declared she sought to protect herself and hunt those that harmed her and would harm again. Cieren's previous lesson seemed to have inspired, and on the spot she gave Anya a lesson in archery that the girl eagerly took. She pledged her services to that learning.
+Sparring with Lysander, Hysope, and Sayuire.
+Crafted a holy symbol for one who has lost faith--hopefully not for very long.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
+Public Hunting Party - A mission that began in an effort to cull too-successful predators and prey ended with the discovery of undead hordes--and the wrangling of one, angry bear.
+Contributed to espionage in Queensport. This includes weeks of scoping the city's underground among the vagrant and poor--all in the name of tracking and eliminating a crime ring involving dubious vyres and murder.(There is no event page, but it is Blarg's campaign.)
+Echoes - A hopeful rescue mission for children gone missing--the discovery is a horde of undead, and a sorrowful elimination.

+Securing the Blightlands Pt.1 - A mission out to the Blightlands to determine the cause of the uncanny silence, or a way to preserve that silence. There's a run in with a vyre, and some 'hands'-y beasts from out of the ground.
+Cieren's goals and history lead to an offer by the Rangers. She wrangled her choices; Silver Conclave and Rangers. In the end, she knew her stalking grounds were closest to Storm's Landing, and her tutors in Theodra needed aid. For this exchange, she has submitted herself to a new, grueling training under Jaden Seeker. While Seeker isn't a Theodran, his skills with the blade that he could teach to Cieren further refined her dueling abilities. Like having claws and fangs.
+Under request of the Sentinel Ranger Somnastra, Cieren investigated two leads marked on a map. With Hysope, Jaden, and Ced, she explored the two points and they discovered two different rifts, with similarities and differences in the making of their altars...and portals.

They must also pick one of the following paths:
[To Guide Another]

Ultimately they must guide another into the rank of T1 and showcase at least ten ways they assisted doing so. This can be through lessons, discussions, or other ways you feel are significant in the journey of the student. They must reach T1 before you can apply for T3.

[To Great Lengths]
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
+A mission to scale a massive statue and eliminate a Skraag effigy. This was Cieren's second, but in a more precarious location. This mission was a marker of her leading, as opposed to following and obeying, to understand the full control and awareness that goes into Ranger work. As well as obeying and understanding the application of Theodran tenets in such a scenario.
+Exorcism of one Ezmith--with the aid of Somnastra, Raelur, and those witnessing the ordeal. This event followed the crowd discovering Ezmith's infernal status at the trial for Aleksei Ivanov. For Cieren, it was another testament to her training as an extension of Theodra in a fight against the gluttinous and unnatural.
+Cieren was given the task of testing a fellow, prospective Ranger (Hysope) in tracking and hunting. Although the Rangers aren't strictly Theodran, her training and skill in the woods made the cat and mouse game possible. In this way, she was also granted the chance of testing and challenging Hysope in the wild woods. With Cieren as the predator and game.
+What We Find in the Shadows - As part of the ongoing war with demons, Cieren and her fellow Rangers trekked through the Rift. The mission was to scout for intel, whatever form that took. It lead to the dread of fighting Fiends and Underlins--and a very massive, armored villain of mysterious functionality. As her knowledge has grown, this mission marked Cieren amongst the warriors in the group. Trust had been let to her abilities. The mission nearly cost her life, but she stood firm and returned with all companions.
+Trail of the Crone - A journey to the north to eradicate Cultists. What was found was a young girl under threat, rescued by the Rangers--though her family was lost. Cieren aided in clearing the way to the entrance, though was concussed by a bludgeon to the head. (Had to leave unexpectedly OOC)
+A Valiant Retreat - Cieren showed up to this with full intent to help pull Marian out--no questions were asked, only action executed. Marian is her Theodran teacher and guide, her first steer on the road to the Wolf. Unfortunately, her body could not be seen. But others she managed to rescue with Som and Quill.
+Grouse and Grievings - A hunt rounded by Cieren in a moment of mourning her lost, Theodran mentor. During this hunt, she was able to guide and encourage Sayuire--and in a spirit, revisit the things Marian had impressed upon her so long ago. Several were in attendance, grounding themselves in the 'now' when all seemed so uncertain.
+The Missing Caravan - Cieren lead a group of Rangers into a wreckage of demonic-mimics, guards, and Soolerans. After much investigation and chomping, possessed objects, they located half of the Sool they were charged to find. Along with wounded Landsguard. She acted as translation during this journey, mediating the Marjash during the event.
+Exorcism of one Bernard - in attendance of Somnastra's work on young Bernard, Cieren stood as witness and aid with the sprinkling of Holy Water. The boy was almost lost, but Somnastra's determined soul wrenched him from the clutches.
+A Waltz of Arrows - An ambush on a demon party, and the first mission following Cieren's graduation to full Rangerhood. The mission was smooth, executed crisply by the Rangers who made off without injury. She is not the best in terms of skill, but by this point her skills are the most innate they've ever been. Her bow and her blades are an extension of herself and training.
+Scour of the Silent - The Rangers apply their skills of stealth and tracking--a mission to find a point of attack on the fortress in the hellscape. In the vein of stealth, this felt like a pack moving as one. Silent interaction, understood intention, moving and breathing as an entity of teamwork and skilled pathing.

+Valorous - A mission into the sweltering, to begin breaking down the final strongholds and spires on the journey to the end of this war. Cieren was archery support--but a bolt from the other end 'grounded' Somnastra and broke Cieren's leg. Though she pushed on, she eventually had to surrender to her leg and keep near the recovered Som. (OOC had to leave.)

I would like an IC enlightenment, should she foot the bill
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Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
[ Tier 2 - Ignis Synnove ]
Yelena ]
Divine Profile ]
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
• Yes (last rankup 07/15/2022)

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
• [8/6/2022] Yelena goes to Verdant Valley with the realmsguard, saving civilian lives and slaying the forces of the advancing demon army. She personally slew troll like creatures and saved a civilian life with Mylohk, saved the life of three Eldpoint guards from a burning building with Marian. Ultimately, the group saved 9 lives.
[ -Yelena remains faithful to her pledged word with the Realmsguard - ]
[ - Yelena persecutes heretical demons in battle - ]
[ - Yelena upholds the ideals to maintain order in the world - ]

• [8/8/2022] Yelena helps defend Eldpoint, slaying the advancing demon horde against the walls, personally slaying many of them as she defended a breach. She takes many injuries, including breaking an ankle and taking a fireball to the face, to make safe the realm. She gives prayer to Ignis to maintain order admist the chaotic situation, and ultimately pushed back the advancing army with her allies.
[ -Yelena remains faithful to her pledged word with the Realmsguard ]
[ - Yelena persecutes heretical demons battle - ]
[ - Yelena upholds the ideals to maintain order in the world - ]

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
• Yelena wears a Holy Symbol of Ignis Synnove: a pendant made in the shape of a Phoenix

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
• Complete - Shrine at (X=4694, Y=75, Z=991)
• Offering - Ornate Symbol of Ignis Synnove (Made of Bronze and Citrine Gem)

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
• [7/14/2022-7/15/2022] Fights demons at the Rift at injury to herself, advancing to a portal only to find herself burned and an arrow shot in her shoulder during her retreat
• [7/20/2022] Goes to a realmsguard event in Nid Arach. She finds Shane, a merchant who was murdered. They meet a man by the street who doesnt seem eager to give out information. They visit an Ignite camp for which they learn about a group of beast-trapers by the Slayer Tower. At the end of their trek they burn the body of Shane while Yelena leads a prayer to those present.
• [7/23/2022] Goes to defend against demons at the Lodestar Ruins. She slays many demons in the fight at risk to herself, restoring order and instilling courage wherever she could in her allies. She heals some the wounds of (Erwin), whom she recognized from the fighting and carries him to the hospital with Lana and (Godmund).
• [8/1/2022] Yelena fights at the Adventurers guild to defend injuried at a hospital against a wave of demons, alongside Erwin, Matt, Laicelem, and others. She warned the injuried of their advances and made safe the fighting parties retreat.
• [8/3/2022] Enters into the ruins of Candlewood to make clear of demons. Defeats unholy creatures and demons alike. Burns the bodies of the deceased, giving a funeral prayer to those that died.
• [8/4/2022] Goes to the tavern in storms landing, meeting Godmund. Hears of Vowrawn the smith, and their efforts to prevent an undead threat that may follow the demon threat. She offers to assist his efforts. Later, she confronts the demon general that makes advances on Storms Landing along with a host of others, slaying cultists that protect her. Burns the bodies that remained.
• [8/13/2022] Yelena assaults one of the demon portals. She takes point and attacks the front gate of the demon stronghold with a group of allies, (Aleksei, Reinhard, Adda), Matt, (Edger). Breaks through the front gate but becomes unconscious during the fight.
• Several occasions of promising herself to fight for the purpose of restoring order and spreading faith in Ignis/affirming her faith [see history]

If possible, can be done in roleplay
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Grey Lady, T1Hysope Kegheart
Hysope found herself compelled to light candles for the fallen at Stormhall. It was an early morning as she found her way into the garden. She takes great care in preparing each candle and setting it alight. The movement of her hands almost seems as if it is not her own. As she began to light the last candle, she feels an uncharacteristically chilly breeze waft through the plantlife as they begin to lightly frost over. The candles slowly begin to shift in hue to that of purple flame. A sense of approval and firm feeling of power is felt as she tends to the shrine. Hysope has risen to T1.

Grey Lady - Tier ILaicelem [x]
Laicalem is sitting quietly in the forest with his bandanna set over his eyes, listening to the sounds of nature and spending his time in prayer. He spent his time identifying the typical sounds that you would expect of the area. Wind shifting through the leaves, birdsong, and the occasional critter running through the underbrush. That is, until he hears the uncharacteristic wingbeats of a flock of birds. Curious as to this strange occasion, he peeks beyond his bandanna and notes that an unnatural mist had settled around him. In the silence, Laicelem feels a swell of determination as he rises to T1.

Valtae Menguar Tier 2
Accepted for T3! Please make a divine ticket to schedule your rank up in game.

Congrats, you are accepted for T3! Please contact a divine staff or make a divine ticket for your rank up in game

[ Tier 2 - Ignis Synnove ]
Yelena ]
Divine Profile ]
Howdy! You have been accepted for T2, please contact a divine staff person or make a divine ticket for your rank up in game!
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Lord of Altera
[ Tier 3 - Sallana ]
Anwar Attia ]
Divine Profile ]

━━━━━━ ◦ ♡ ◦ ━━━━━━

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Two OOC months since 2022/02/21

Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
♡ Hosting a tea party in the Gardens of Endearment and restoring [Bountiful Harvest].
♡ Hosting a picnic to cleanse the bad reputation of Visages.
♡ Hosting a party at the Tilted Whale and Anchor Taproom to encourage self expression.

The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
Anwar believes in Sallana with his entire heart, having already given up the faith in Jax he was raised with in favour of her worship.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
Anwar views Sallana not just as a loving mother, but as a caretaker to all. He's a strong believer in charity and believes it is one's duty to help those less fortunate, and as such he frequently takes part in charity work.

Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)
♡ Gave Avalyn Tideborne music lessons for months free of charge, helping her learn to play the lute.
♡ Gave Horus several lessons on various aspects of Sallana's faith and worship, including several lessons on poetry.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
♡ Gave Eliss helpful relationship advice and helped him plan his engagement.
♡ Knitted blankets for children at the Landing Orphanage.
Donated several articles of clothing for a clothing drive.
♡ Provided free childcare for both Florence and Eliss.
♡ Constructed the Sallana shrine at the Eldpoint cathedral.

|| To Great Lengths ||
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
♡ Volunteered his medical services several times, helping to provide comfort to those injured.
+ Twice at the Eldpoint hospital (here and here)
+ Once at the Adventurer's Guild infirmary (here)
♡ Set up a kissing booth at the Blossom Festival, raising over 6k radiants for the Magnolia Charity.
♡ Ventured into the Eldpoint Crypts twice to speak with ghosts, using his divine magic to help them move on.
+ He helped two ghosts pass on by casting [Vision] on them, helping the first fulfill her dream of flying and the second fulfil his dream of having a family (here)
+ Met the ghost of Violen Altham and helped her pass on, using music and stories of familial love (here)
♡ Restored the garden at Sularia Manor, transforming it into a healthy vineyard.
♡ Came across Horus, a man down on his luck, and provided him food, water, and a change of clothes. Additionally offered him a place to stay.
♡ Led a sacrifice in honour of Sallana during the Spring Festival in Astrakhan.
♡ Officiated the wedding of King Leighton Altham and Queen Citrine Azerwind, even sewing the wedding dress for the Queen.
♡ Participated in a ritual to restore a loved one to the Azarin line of vyres, even sacrificing his own blood to do so.
♡ Led the citizens of Eldpoint in song to raise morale, filling the city with music and joy.
♡ Assisted the Realmsguard in slaying demons in Verdant Valley, make the town safe again for civilians. He helped the people settle back into their homes and hosted a celebration of song and dance, returning merriment to the Valley after the fighting was over.

━━━━━━ ◦ ♡ ◦ ━━━━━━

(If accepted, I would prefer an in-game emote for my rank up)
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Lord of Altera
Hello there! I am applying for a rank up from T0 to T1 for my man in the Grey Shades, Vowrawn.

Thank you for reading and considering this application!
[Profile Here!]

The Grey Lady: Tier 1Vowrawn
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread:Official Worship began on 24/07/2022, eligiblility on 24/8/2022
The character must be at least two months old OOC:Character Profile created on 11/6/2022, eligible on 11/8/2022
The character must be at least sixteen years of age:The Character is over sixteen years old therefore meeting requirement
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine:Vowrawn held a group mourning session in order to remember those who have entered the Lady's embrace and to honor The Grey Lady by respecting the dead and those who mourn them
[I have receipts of the event if they are required]
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above:
  1. Struck down the Ivory Kings Minions in order to maintain the safety of the Realm
  2. Tends the Storms Landing Graveyard, where he remembers and mourns the untended graves as well as refurbishes them.
  3. Participated in the interning of the Ashes of Grey Lady Blessed, Raelur Fen'shal upon divine grounds of Linlea
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.):Offered a "Crow Sword" to the Lady at the Old Storms Landing Cathedral. This was due to not being able to offering at Linlea due to not having perms there. Located at: 5051, 74, 940
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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
[ Tier 3 - Sallana ]
Anwar Attia ]
Divine Profile ]
Anwar is very close to T3, and the Divine Team is impressed with the creativity shown in some of the acts. Some aren't quite up to T3 level, and some are more appropriate as acts for other gods. We would like to see more acts in line with what you have for your 'To Great Lengths' section, and none that break Sallana's tenets. We are happy to discuss specifics if you'd like, just send Aion or myself a DM.

Hello there! I am applying for a rank up from T0 to T1 for my man in the Grey Shades, Vowrawn.

Thank you for reading and considering this application!
[Profile Here!]

The Grey Lady: Tier 1Vowrawn
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread:Official Worship began on 24/07/2022, eligiblility on 24/8/2022
The character must be at least two months old OOC:Character Profile created on 11/6/2022, eligible on 11/8/2022
The character must be at least sixteen years of age:The Character is over sixteen years old therefore meeting requirement
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine:Vowrawn held a group mourning session in order to remember those who have entered the Lady's embrace and to honor The Grey Lady by respecting the dead and those who mourn them
[I have receipts of the event if they are required]
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above:
  1. Struck down the Ivory Kings Minions in order to maintain the safety of the Realm
  2. Tends the Storms Landing Graveyard, where he remembers and mourns the untended graves as well as refurbishes them.
  3. Participated in the interning of the Ashes of Grey Lady Blessed, Raelur Fen'shal upon divine grounds of Linlea
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.):Offered a "Crow Sword" to the Lady at the Old Storms Landing Cathedral. This was due to not being able to offering at Linlea due to not having perms there. Located at: 5051, 74, 940
Vowrawn finds himself restless one night, prompted to go on a walk under a new moon. It takes him a long moment to place his mind at ease as a subtle fog rolls along the ground. A flutter of feathers catches his gaze as a crow finds itself perched upon a lantern post a good distance away. Before Vowrawn can dismiss the sighting, he notices that the avian creature holds brilliant purple eyes. Before he can truly appreciate the creature properly, it takes off into the night sky. Vowrawn holds a lingering feeling of approval as he rises to T1.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
[ Tier 2 - Ignis Synnove ]
Yelena ]
Divine Profile ]
When Yelena walks the Realmsguard encampment in Eldpoint one morning, braziers blaze to life near her just as the sun rises enough to touch the crown of her head. She is suffused with a righteous purpose, and vindication in the actions that she has taken during the war. As the sun rises higher, the flames diminish back into the coals, and Yelena finds that the divine power within her has strengthened. She achieves Tier 2.
OOC: This had already been approved, but due to a dearth of events, Chuiden requested the rank-up be swapped to a forum emote.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Aleksei’s T4 Application

Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.
Achieved T3 on [05/31/2022].

Must have a significant presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either significant personal acts or active participation in events.
I think this is fairly evident.

Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine.
Aleksei has done so, mostly reiterating the virtues he holds in high esteem and the particular philosophies rendered in his writings.

An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.
He has a gigantic tower called The White Tower, a monolithic monument to Ignis Synnove.

Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally.
While some worship Ignis Synnove simply because that is their God, right or wrong, Aleksei worships Ignis Synnove for her tenets, dictums, and orthodoxy. His particular view of things is idiosyncratic: while some Ignites wish to dial back on the particularly harsh elements of Ignis’s worldview, Aleksei believes that such things are a means to a necessary end. Order above all. Order above kindness, above mercy, above civility.

Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.

Aleksei became a demon.
With the souls of two others of dubious resolve at risk and with the prospect of imminent demonic invasion, Aleksei made a dangerous choice. He would willingly give up his godly powers and the favor of his patron in order to stay true to his beliefs. To delay the destruction of the veil as long as possible, and to preserve the souls of two others. In doing so, he also delayed the invasion of one of the demon lords, and so the armies of mankind had to fight only one foe instead of one. Perhaps he was wrong; perhaps it made the difference. He believes the latter is true.

He destroyed Scorch, and destroyed the Ivory King’s hellgate in the process.
He led the vanguard with only a handful of elite shock troops. After Scorch lay dead and the battle was won, Aleksei was able to watch as the hellgate that the demons invaded through was destroyed.

He obliterated Nightmare.
He cut his way through the last earnest defence of the Ivory King, killing a minotaur and showcasing the power of God through his magic. When they reached the last general, Aleksei aided others in slaying it.

He defeated Succubus.
The demon that stole the soul of Alekssei’s wife. He tracked down her lair, rescued a single living mortal from it, and vanquished the demon before destroying its soul cairn and freeing the souls of everyone trapped within.

He defeated the Ivory King, and the Princeling.
It was a climactic battle. A few other people were there to help, but not many people had as high of a might score as he does to destroy the king’s soul cairns.

Aleksei defeated a demonic army.
The two demonic armies sent to destroy Storm’s Landing. The first went directly for it, and Aleksei met it with his own defences just outside the city and destroyed it utterly.

He defeated the other demonic army, too.
The second demonic army, weakened from the loss of the general that Aleksei slew and drunk on razing Candlewood, was destroyed just outside of Storm’s Landing.

He finished off the remnants of the demonic army to raze Candlewood, reclaiming it.
In spite of their differences, a demonic foothold cannot be allowed to be had. Aleksei reclaimed the region with the scholars of Candlewood at his side, clearing out the cretins that tried to destroy the land and make it their own.

He abandoned demonic power when it served him no longer, to rejoin God’s graces.
He left the choir of God, for God, leaving his heavenly powers behind but not abandoning the faith. He held true for the entire time he was a demon, voluntarily, not having to. He kept his word, in spite of the temptation. He never broke a tenet of God’s while possessed. Then when the time came, he rejoined God instead of seek out further power as a demon, though he well could have.

Aleksei declared a second war on Branko.
Once, Aleksei hoped he could control Branko and Skraagites in general. He was demonstrably proven wrong. Like with losing Melarue the first time he captured her, Aleksei catalogues having ever made peace while in a position of strength against the Cult of Skraag as one of his greatest mistakes. He does not intend to repeat it.

He baptised Jaz'gil.
The youth corrupted by Melarue and Dayton, no longer a pawn of the demon Dranoden, now baptised under God.

He claimed the desert fortress of Melarue and Dayton.
Much evil was done there, behind the safety of tall walls. No more evil may be done there, with it under his control.

He captured and attempted to exorcise Melarue.
It failed. Not for fault of his own, but for the strength of the demon within her. Now with it weakened, he shall not fail a second time.

An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine.

Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.
For most of Aleksei’s life, he only had one true friend. James Harrister, Knight of the Kaiserwache. James died before Aleksei could complete his training, but after elevating Aleksei above the level of a common serf. James’s Kaiserwache armor became Aleksei’s own. Aleksei disgraced the armor doing many vile, cruel acts while protected by it, hiding the ugly scars of his face. Now he has moved on from that point in his life, and the sacrificing of the armor to God is symbolically burning that bridge, giving up the last of that dark time in his life and returning the armor to the dead.

An Oath of personal and religious significance must be sworn in the name of their God.
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Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Theodra-Tier FourAchievements
Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.Tier 3 achieved 3/5/2022
Must have a significant presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either significant personal acts or active participation in events.While others of her faith took time away from the world at large, Marian acted as a guide and symbol of her faith. When others were wholly unavailable, she made active attempts to be a presence for her goddess in the world at large and she is recognized as a major figure within the massive group of Theodrans. She continues to take on dangerous hunts that others would shy away from, as well as seeking paths forward to make the world at large and the wilds more stable that do not always require violence.
Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine.In a sermon held within the Landing's cathedral, Marian discussed her own understanding and perception of Theodra to a small crowd of faithful and others interested. [x]
An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.Within a small slice of nature Marian lays claim to, she has constructed a crescent moon pool dedicated to the Huntress (Coords 2452, whatever y, 4015)
Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally.Marian views Theodra in a similar manner to a mentor, someone to learn from, and to strive towards as an end goal. In her interactions with the Huntress, there has been an expression of the faithful often being left to make decisions of their own, do what they believe to be the best for the realm and their own lives. This reinforces Marian's ideals of her goddess, alongside tenets being lessons to learn more than strict doctrine.
Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.Cleansing the Afflicted:
Over the course of the Ivory War, and in the time since its end Marian has been involved in the cleansing of multiple possessed and contracted individuals, and has become a figure sought out for such acts.

A tear in the Veil:
While in the midst of the Ivory War, a possessed item came into the possession of the rangers. A ceremony led by animancers was completed, but it had effects that none gathered there could have expected, the beginnings of a rift forming in Blackrush. With the power of faith, Marian was able to seal the rift before the leaking demons and souls could cause lasting damage to the town and realm.

The Blooding [x]:
After the hunt of a demonically influenced beast, Marian led a divination to ask Theodra of ways to stabilize the realm after the ascension of Magic. And clarify the duties of the faithful to Theodra in the aftermath.

A notice on the Arcane [x]:
After her divination in an attempt to stabilize the realm at large, posters were put up across the realm to warn of the dangers of unnecessary and concentrated casting. This led to discussions with those who worshipped Magic, as well as mages who wanted to make the realm more stable.

Echoes [x]:
Alongside other faithful to Theodra, Marian trudged into the ruins of Sanardu's cathedral to discover the source of abducted children. After overwhelming odds and fighting, the group began to put the pieces together on what happened to the children, and the nature of the tunnels beneath.

The Blissful Abyss [x]:
Alongside others, Marian trailed into a cave of arcanely effected smoke to investigate its source, and potentially put an end to it. While they did not get to the bottom of it, more was learned about the nature of the cave, and those that had explored it previously.

Broken Monastery [x]:
Alongside a group of other explorers, a monastery lost to the northern snows was explored. This was the groups first indications of a demonic invasion on the horizon, with a ritual of blood and bodies displayed for all who entered, and imps lingering within the structure. The living denizens of the monastery were quickly dealt with by the group, and preparations begun for the storm incoming.

Strung and Strained [x]:
Fighting alongside members of the Realmsguard and Rangers, Marian aided in taking down a colossal demon that had been set loose on the northern villages of the realm.

To Gain a Foothold [x]:
The first delve of the rangers into the hellscapes, in an attempt to weaken the Ivory King's armies and gain a foothold to further attack from. While a base was not able to be set up, the rangers were able to defeat a powerful general of the King, and significantly weaken his armies in the process.

After the Gateway [x]:
With the opening of a rift in the Cerulean Expanse, Marian grouped up with other combatants to discover the influence of the Ivory King in the area, as well as dispatch those that had begun roaming to the rift already present in the area. After a bloody battle, the forces of the army were dispatched and the rift remained outside of the invading armies influence.

Trail of the Crone[x]:
With the guidance of an old crone previously possessed, Marian alongside a group of rangers trekked to the base of a group of cultists in the north. After fighting through a group of cultists, the group found a ritual in progress, an attempt to open a rift to the hellscapes. Those leading the ritual were dispatched, and a sacrifice of the ritual was rescued, alongside a group of the cultists that had surrendered themselves.

A Valiant Retreat [x]:
Alongside a group comprised from many different backgrounds, Marian helped to defend a hospital used in the conflicts with the Ivory King. The battle was brutal and long, with the hospital being lost to the encroaching forces, as well as Marian losing her own life in a successful attempt to defend one of her allies.

Evacuation of the Valley [x]:
Teaming up with members of the Realmsguard, Marian aided in the evacuation of Verdant Valley as an encroaching army of demons was on their doorstep. She directly aided in the rescue of a few still left within the small town, as well as the slaying of the forward demonic forces that had made their way there.

Carnage [x]:
The armies of the Ivory King marched on the Landing, where Marian alongside other defenders of the realm made a stand against them. Marian led a small detachment away from the main fighting to deal with a smaller front, before regrouping with the main force to put the attack to rest.

Valorous [x]:
Alongside the other rangers, Marian set into the hellscapes again, hoping to scout out a plan of attack against the Ivory Keep, as well as damaging the outer fortifications of the structure. With a defense tower felled, and a large group of the remaining forces of the King dealt with, the group made a retreat to recover, and plan anew.

In Defense of the Landing [x]:
In a last ditch effort to claim the Landing for the Ivory King, a lone general began a destructive push from the fairgrounds inwards. Alongside others, Marian fought through the invading group, and accepted a challenge set forth by the general on her own. By the end of the battle, the forces were stopped fully, and the general lay dead, keeping the Landing safe from destruction.

The Fires of Battle [x]:
In a final push against the armies roaming the realm, Marian alongside members of the Realmsguard, Rangers, and inquisition set forth to destroy the general leading their forces, and destroy the gateway created.

The Ivory King[x]:
The final culmination in the Ivory War, alongside a large group of other warriors Marian trekked into the hellscapes once again to put an end to the conflict once and for all. Through frenzied fighting, and a surprise second phase, Marian helped to finally bring the threat of the King to a halt, fully and completely.
An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine. Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.Marian’s hunting knife was given as an offering. The knife was the first weapon that she received upon leaving home, and it served her on many hunts, and saved her life in the fight that it was broken. It represents where she came from, and how far in her journey she has come.
An Oath of personal and religious significance must be sworn in the name of their God.While in the midst of the Ivory war, Marian swore an oath to see the forces of demonic corruption invading their realm destroyed, alongside any who would disrupt the balance of the wilds she called home. To act as a sentinel of her home, as well as the realm at large.

(If its approved please an in game emote kthx)​
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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Aleksei’s T4 Application
For Aleksei's unique circumstances, these acts will not be sufficient for him to achieve T4. Everything else is fine, but you will need acts that were performed /after/ September 7. Anything prior to or related to him regaining T3 will not be accepted for T4.

Theodra-Tier FourAchievements

Congratulations, you are approved for T4! Please open a divine ticket (on Discord for the love of god) to schedule your in-game rank up.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Aleksei’s T4 Application (updated per previous denial)

Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.
Achieved T3 on [05/31/2022].

Must have a significant presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either significant personal acts or active participation in events.
I think this is fairly evident.

Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine.
Aleksei has done so, mostly reiterating the virtues he holds in high esteem and the particular philosophies rendered in his writings.

An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.
He has a gigantic tower called The White Tower, a monolithic monument to Ignis Synnove.

Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally.
While some worship Ignis Synnove simply because that is their God, right or wrong, Aleksei worships Ignis Synnove for her tenets, dictums, and orthodoxy. His particular view of things is idiosyncratic: while some Ignites wish to dial back on the particularly harsh elements of Ignis’s worldview, Aleksei believes that such things are a means to a necessary end. Order above all. Order above kindness, above mercy, above civility.

Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.

1 - He led the vanguard against the final defences of the Ivory King.
The battle finally broke through the walls, with only the inner keep remaining.

2 - He killed Nightmare.
The last general of the Ivory King.
[ At event above ]

3 - Aleksei lectured his followers on ethics.
With an influx of new recruits, Aleksei educated them on the morality of what they do. The necessity of sometimes doing evil things, for the better good.

4 - He formally accepted Amicia as his apprentice in the faith.
A prospective blessed, he has accepted responsibility for her on her journey through the faith as her mentor.

5 - Aleksei eradicated an infestation of ferals around Queensport.
The first combat encounter for all his new recruits, Aleksei led them in doing so.
[No event thread made, DM'd by Elz]

6 - Aleksei participated in the first battle of The Second War of Ash and Lich.
A battle where he was betrayed by his allies, but managed to emerge unscathed from his ensuing capture. He killed a follower of Skraag.

7 - He fended off a demonic assault from The White Tower.
While he was indisposed in another battle, Aleksei's tower was attacked. He fended them off, and rewarded one of his followers for their service in defending it before his arrival.

8 - Aleksei made Astrakhan submit to him as a protectorate.
For fleeing the battlefield, Aleksei forced the leader of Astrakhan to submit to him as a protectorate and become apart of his lawful realm.

9 - Aleksei participated in another battle of The Second War of Ash and Lich.
A group of Astrakhan soldiers that fled from the first battle were trapped. Aleksei mounted a rescue, assailing them and leading the assault.
[No event thread made]

10 - Aleksei hosted the Festival of Fire.
He believes strongly that it's important for enemies of the faith to sometimes be allowed to marvel at the sheer majesty of God's works. So, he hosted a festival in God's name and allowed his enemies there to do just that.

11 - He financed the construction of another church dedicated to Ignis Synnove.
The Chapel of Saint Valerie du Everaux, The Unmoved. In dedication to his dead inquisitor.

12 - He captured and attempted to exorcise Melarue.
It failed. Not for fault of his own, but for the strength of the demon within her. Now with it weakened, he shall not fail a second time.

Updated as of 10/19/2022:

13 - He consecrated the lands of Ashstadt/The White Tower as the only current Ignis Divine Grounds (to my knowledge).

14 - He accepted another apprentice into the faith, Chime.

15 - He held a trial for the demon Reinhard. He died during an attempt to escape custody, but he shall be pursued.
(no thread)

16 - Another battle in the war against Branko. No thread however but included a variety of players - ended up as a draw.

17 - He hosted a debate on whether or not to reinstate the Mage Law, allowing any there to provide input so long as they remained orderly.

Updated as of 11/01/2022

18 - He officiated a wedding in Ignis' name. During this he raised Azuran to nobility, for the creation of House Mal'arn.

19 - He prepared his apprentice, Amicia, for an upcoming trial - pushing for her to oversee the trial themselves to grant them the experience with authority and law.
(No thread)

An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine.
View attachment 132123

Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.
For most of Aleksei’s life, he only had one true friend. James Harrister, Knight of the Kaiserwache. James died before Aleksei could complete his training, but after elevating Aleksei above the level of a common serf. James’s Kaiserwache armor became Aleksei’s own. Aleksei disgraced the armor doing many vile, cruel acts while protected by it, hiding the ugly scars of his face. Now he has moved on from that point in his life, and the sacrificing of the armor to God is symbolically burning that bridge, giving up the last of that dark time in his life and returning the armor to the dead.

An Oath of personal and religious significance must be sworn in the name of their God.
View attachment 132124
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"Something need doing?"
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+ Godswelm +
T1 Jishrim Application
Official worship started Jun 24, 2021.
Character is at least 2 months old OOC.
Character is at least 16 years old.

Notable Deeds:
With Layla and [redacted], Godswelm sets up a bonfire near the entrance of the slums- drawing attention from the attaching demons and cultists from the Ivory Host. Some of the slums are burnt down in the aftermath, and the demons entered the city. [No Event Page - 28/08/2022]

Minor Deeds:
- Participates in the maiming of Fita in the cruel game 'Pin the Dagger on the Mortal'. [Link]
- Establishes the Magebloom Charity, and begins advocating for the poor and needy. He founds this alongside 'Rogal Glade' (who in fact had no idea about this charity and had no part in this founding beyond being attributed (wrongly) to it.). [ Link ]
- Provides Drystam with Reverie, while proposing it as a way to 'soothe' his mind after a panic attack about rainbow leeches. Drystam is inflicted with happy, merry thoughts, but indeed it could have gone either way. He will continue to offer Drystam further supply in the future, in the hope to feed an addiction. [ No Event Page - 29/09/2022 ]
- Tattles on Rogal Glade (his cousin) to Broodmother about Rogal's run-in with the law. [ 12/10/2022 ]
- Helps Nilsa egg Matt's house. [10/11/2022 ]

+ Got into the habit of giving different names to everyone new he has met in the tavern or in social environments.

And deeds surrounding Iconoclasm:
+ Irrukh AbsentUser kicking the Theodra shrine in exchange for an apple. (15/10/2022)
+ Alek joshun cutting out his own eye before the Theodra shrine, in exchange for 6000 radiants and a potion of Reverie. (29/10/2022)
+ Alek joshun putting his own severed eye back in his socket before the Shalherana shrine- and then cutting it out again for radiants and a potion of Reverie. (29/10/2022)
+ Kiana Elz throws eggs at a Skraag shrine in exchange for 2000 radiants. (9/11/2022)
+ Alek joshun throws eggs at Visage shrine in exchange for 2000 radiants. Alek in his enthusiasm manages to egg the book at the centre of the shrine as well. (9/11/2022)

"Watch this." - Alek as he throws an egg backwards aiming for the book at the centre of the Visage shrine.

Provides an offering to Jishrim, a tome he had found from the library in Storm's Landing. The tome is 'Treatise Against Jishrim' by Lana Wake. [ 07/09/2022 ]

I am Wake ;)

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Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Aki's Tier 2 Application, very good.
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.

Achieved as of June
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.

Defended the Lodestar Inn from an attack from Branko's crew, she was able to protect all civilian life, even though the Lodestar itself fell.

Went to hell, beating up a demon lady and taking her head as a trophy, aswell as helping a man who was captured in the place she was located. Having a soul jar broken, allowing the release of many people's souls

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

A sword given to her by Leonhardt, her mentor, during the start of the war against demons from the nettled eyes campaign and close to the start of her serious worship. A small yet relevant mark.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
A small shrine in The White Tower (thanks Elz), offering the trophy skull of a demon lady obtained during one of her many treks into the nether.
(Coords: -4050 -10450)

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.

Fought off an ambush set up by Branko and his crew near the Lodestar inn, alongside Aleksei, which ended with the defeat of one of Branko's allies, with she leaving with minor injuries

Helped to fight some Giant Crabs in the [Trouble in Deepwater Bay] event. After one of her allies had their arm broken by a giant crab, she took in his pain with [Shared Burden]

Along with the Inquisition and other allies, attacked Branko's fort in Nid Arach, resulting a fight in which she was taken out by a crossbow attack, though not without dealing substantial damage.

Whilst escorting a caravan headed to the Lodestar Inn along with other Inquisitors, was attacked by The Reaching Hand, she fought as long as she could, being captured along with an auxilia, but allowing her superiors to escape, whilst captured she was shackled with starblood, and forcefully vyred.

In an expedition to the nether along a small group, fought off underlins that seemingly worked for a higher demon, she attempted to let one of them live so she could perhaps extract information from it, though Raelur killed it.

Foolishly challenged Leonhardt to a duel, things went sour for her and she had to yield.

Dueled Godmund, defeating him both armed and unarmed.

With the Inquisition, fought a giant minotaur in closed quarters, tanking a few glass shards from an exploding mirror to protect Guinevere

Fought Godmund, and defeated him while wounded.

Beat some demons up at one of the main rifts with a small team whilst their commander was away. Freia and Raenyr died, but she was able to save a dying Godmund by carrying him away in a hurry, leeaving the battle unscathed, except for the sad loss of her crossbow to the fire...

Stormed Melarue's mansion with the help of the Inquisition

Was part of the defence of Astrakhan's fort against the forces of the Reaching Hand, being one of the few survivors.

Fought off demons attacking The White Tower, protecting civilian life in the process

Attacked the Hand's undead army in a forest battle with the help of the Keepers of the Veil​
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